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9 months and eats NO table foods

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/06

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9 months and eats NO table foods

I was just wondering if my DD is the only 9 month old baby that dosn't eat any table foods yet?? She will only eat stage 2 baby foods, baby rice/oatmeal cereal and yobaby yogurt. She gags on anything else solid that she would have to mash alittle! even the gerber puffs she gags and chokes and her face turns red and scares the cr@p out of me!!
Is she suppose to be able to chew things now... or is this normal for her to still gag? She has 4 teeth too btw.

Posted 4/14/08 6:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my two kiddos :)

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Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

my DS is 9 1/2 months and eats some table foods. I am also nervous with table food. plus my doctor is sort of conservative and said take it slow with table foods until hes 12 month. with that being said, i still want him to get used to chewing and textures so he has stage 3 dinners, eats cheerios, yogurt, puffs, cut up soft fruit that is easy to chew/gum (i.e. bananas and peaches), bread, and we gave him French toast for the 1st time this weekend. i just give him pieces that i think he can handle, he prob can have it bigger then i do it, but i worry he'll choke. also i have a couple friends who DC also are 10 and 11 months and not eating table foods b/c they dont like the taste, texture, or are just not big eatersChat Icon i hope that helps...your not alone

Posted 4/14/08 6:39 PM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

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Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

DD is NOT a big eater at all she will be 10 months on the 20th and really only eats pureed foods - basically stage 2 - she does eat stage 3 earths best fruits though (not the cereal or the others). I have given her puffs and cheerios - she picks them up with no problem but the baby who puts everything in her mouth - never seems to want to put these in. I have given her a taste of the puffs but she just doesn't like them. She loves yogurt though - but again she isn't a big eater in general and only eats very small portions when she does eat.

My ped is very conservative and doesn't see any real rush it - I look at it as she has the next 80-90 years hopefully to eat all those other foods - so where is the rush.

Etd to add - DD is only getting in her first two teeth.

Message edited 4/17/2008 6:46:52 PM.

Posted 4/14/08 6:58 PM

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Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

DS is almost 10 months and does not eat any table food at all. It's all stage 2 and same consistency for what I cook.

Only recently did he start not gagging on thicker oatmeal.

Posted 4/14/08 7:05 PM


Member since 12/06

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Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

DD just started eating table foods recently and she's a year old. I don't really see the need to rush. If your DC only wants baby food, there's nothing wrong with that at this point.

Posted 4/14/08 7:32 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

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Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

ds is almost 10 months and still gags on thicker/chunkier foods... he just stopped gagging on puffs... I am slowly introducing stage 3 but he hates them because they are thicker so I have to put a bit of water in them... he is 22 lbs so I dont think he is starving lol

Posted 4/14/08 7:37 PM

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Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

Lily is about 1- 1/2 months and is eating Stage 2 food still. I tried Stage 3, but she gagged through and refused to eat it. She will eat Puffs and Cheerios and those types of things though.
I'm not going to rush her into chunkier stuff though...

Posted 4/14/08 8:54 PM

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Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

Posted by Summerrluvv

DD just started eating table foods recently and she's a year old. I don't really see the need to rush. If your DC only wants baby food, there's nothing wrong with that at this point.

I agree. My DD will be one next week and only eats Stage 2 foods. She will eat puffs/cheerios, but only when I feed them to her.

Posted 4/14/08 9:34 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

My son is 8.5 months and I haven't even thought about giving table foods outside cheerios or puffs yet. My first son didn't start eating table food until almost a year and my ped always pushed holding off on table foods telling me no reason before a year and it was just a choking risk. He had minimal stuff like cheerios, teething biscuits, cheese, mac and cheese around 10 mos but not much more. Before then he had no interest in table food really and gagged on any thick food. Ate cereal and stage 2 foods. One day he wanted table food and there was no turning back. He was and still is at 3, a wonderful eater. I wouldn't be concerned yet!

Posted 4/14/08 10:07 PM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

I am so glad to see this thread. My son is only 7 months old but so far I can tell he will hate anything chunky. (I have tried a few things)

Posted 4/14/08 10:32 PM

Love my Boys!

Member since 12/05

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Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

my ds is 11 months and although he did eat bits of soft veggies at one point he refuses and real food now and eats stage 2 and yobaby only. he'll have puffs, cheerios, baby cheese doodles, and maybe soft cheese once in a while.

Posted 4/14/08 10:41 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/06

891 total posts


Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

Thanks for all your replys. I see now that I'm not alone! lol
It's not that she dosn't want to try table foods though... she will open her mouth wide for cherios or puffs and other things... She just dosn't know how to mash with her gums and chokes and gags and scares me to death! So then I hesitate to try again.. even with the puffs that are supose to dissolve! I see other babies her age eating everything and I just got a little concerned that she's not up to that yet but should be.
Thank you all again. Chat Icon

Posted 4/15/08 11:51 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

Posted by Summerrluvv

DD just started eating table foods recently and she's a year old. I don't really see the need to rush. If your DC only wants baby food, there's nothing wrong with that at this point.

I agree totally. My oldest DD didn't eat much table food until she was 1 and my 9.5 month old only eats puffs right now-she has a sensitive gag reflux.
No rush, they have their whole lives to eat Chat Icon

Posted 4/15/08 11:53 AM

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Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

Posted by MrsK

Thanks for all your replys. I see now that I'm not alone! lol
It's not that she dosn't want to try table foods though... she will open her mouth wide for cherios or puffs and other things... She just dosn't know how to mash with her gums and chokes and gags and scares me to death! So then I hesitate to try again.. even with the puffs that are supose to dissolve! I see other babies her age eating everything and I just got a little concerned that she's not up to that yet but should be.
Thank you all again. Chat Icon

Jack would do this when he was around 7 months - it scared the heck out of me and I had a CPR class at my house. Now, he is a master at chewing. He will choke now and then - but for the most part chews everything.

I am trying to get him to eat everything. My ped said he can eat it all now so I try. He will only have a few bites of some things - and then I will just give him babyfood. I am not really strict about him eating real food - but I do try it for every single meal.

Posted 4/15/08 11:56 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/07

98 total posts


Re: 9 months and eats NO table foods

Well Danny just turned 1 yesterday and the only real food he eats is cheerios, puffs, and other baby cracker thingees. We tried to give him some of the vanilla ice-cream from his b-day cake & he hated it!!! We tried 2 or 3 times & he just made a crazy face & was crying if you tried to put the spoon near his face!!

Posted 4/17/08 6:32 PM

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