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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 7967 total posts
Name: sara
Which Vaccine did you get?
So I know "any" vaccine is the recommended vaccine to get but I am curious as to whether any one vaccine has prompted more side effects than the other. And yes I know any side effects are better than getting Covid so this is just curiosity on my part.
If you have received the Covid vaccine already then can you share which one you got and any side effects you experience and if that was after the first or second shot or both?
Thank you
Posted 4/6/21 3:44 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Which Vaccine did you get?
I got the first Moderna shot, DW got the first Pfizer shot, and my mom got the J&J shot. So far, absolutely no side effects for any of us other than a slight tenderness at the injection site.
Posted 4/6/21 3:56 PM |

Member since 5/05 3116 total posts
Name: A
Re: Which Vaccine did you get?
I got one shot of Moderna, only sore arm. I know 5 people that have gotten both doses of Moderna and the sides effects have been different. DH got sore arm a little weakness on his legs. My sister felt more pain in arm and legs, and felt weak. A friend felt tired and achy and another felt horrible, flu like symptoms.
Posted 4/6/21 4:00 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Which Vaccine did you get?
I got Pfizer. First shot I just got a really sore arm. Second dose, later on that night my legs got really achy(as if I ran a marathon), and the next day I got a really bad headache (like a hangover).
Posted 4/6/21 4:09 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 4/14 15 total posts
Which Vaccine did you get?
I received the Moderna shot 1 month ago. I had a serious side effect. Within 48 hrs of receiving shot I had Bell's Palsy set in on the same side I received shot. It has taken 1 month to get over it with meds and acupuncture which worked the best.
Posted 4/6/21 4:25 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 7/07 463 total posts
Re: Which Vaccine did you get?
I have received both of my Pfizer shots after the first shot I just had sore arm (I normally get that with flu shot as well). After the second shot that night I got a headache that lasted from Saturday night to Monday afternoon. I was exhausted on Sunday and had achy legs.
My husband, mother, father, MIL and FIL all had their two doses of Pfizer and all only had a sore arm after both shots.
My brother and sister in law had both of their Moderna shots and after first shot just sore arm after second there were very tired and my brother had a headache.
Sister had first shot of Pfizer and only had sore arm.
Posted 4/6/21 4:25 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/15 793 total posts
Which Vaccine did you get?
I got the first shot of Pfizer. I had a sore arm for two days and a dull headache.(went away with Tylenol) I go for the second shot in two weeks
Posted 4/6/21 4:45 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Which Vaccine did you get?
Pfizer. No reaction to the first shot beside a little bit of an achy arm. Second shot massive headache, dry mouth, and dizzy for a day. Then went away. Then the next night for about two hours the same back of head headache. A week later pink spot near lymph nodes. Went away after a few hours. Was told that was a good sign because it meant my T cells were activated.
Posted 4/6/21 4:50 PM |
Re: Which Vaccine did you get?
Posted by Belleying
I received the Moderna shot 1 month ago. I had a serious side effect. Within 48 hrs of receiving shot I had Bell's Palsy set in on the same side I received shot. It has taken 1 month to get over it with meds and acupuncture which worked the best.
How horrible. This is not the first time I have heard about that. Hope you feel better.
Posted 4/6/21 5:12 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/11 9141 total posts
Which Vaccine did you get?
I had my first does of Pfizer 3 weeks ago - only side effect was a sore arm for about 2 days (nothing significant at all) and a very slight headache.
I go for my second dose today. I will update over the next couple of days about any side effects
Posted 4/6/21 5:42 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/09 3672 total posts
Which Vaccine did you get?
I had both Moderna vaccines. First shot was fine, no side effects other than a minimally shore arm. 2nd shot I had flu like symptoms the day after - nausea, fever, chills, aches, headache. Was gone by that evening though.
Posted 4/6/21 5:44 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/15 731 total posts
Which Vaccine did you get?
Moderna 1st dose - sore arm and fatigue the next day 2nd dose - sore arm, fatigue and very achy legs the next day
DH had Moderna as well and had absolutely no side effects with either dose, except sore arm.
Posted 4/6/21 5:53 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
Which Vaccine did you get?
I've had both doses of Pfizer - I just had sore arm and fatigue.
DH had both doses of Moderna - after the first one he was in bed for a few days with fever, chills, etc. For the second one he was just tired. We suspect he had covid at some point now.
Posted 4/6/21 5:56 PM |
Re: Which Vaccine did you get?
I had both doses of Pzifer. I had a sore arm both times, but I think worse the first time because I didn't expect it, if it makes sense.
Other than that, easy peasy
Posted 4/6/21 6:18 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Which Vaccine did you get?
I got the Pfizer shot last week. Dose one - sore arm the next day but only if you touched it so not a constant ache. DH got his Shot at the same time. He had a sore are right away and for a few days.
Posted 4/6/21 6:19 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/09 943 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Which Vaccine did you get?
I got Pfizer. First shot, sore arm. Second shot, bad headache on and off for the next day and a half, and chills. DH also got Pfizer, sore arm both time, and restless night sleep after the second. He felt pretty good.
Posted 4/6/21 6:28 PM |
Re: Which Vaccine did you get?
I've had both doses of Moderna. After both doses, my arm was sore, but I feel like that side effect is a given. The soreness was mild, not wild--went away in a day both times.
My stomach hurt a little the day after the first dose, and I was a little tired. Were I not thinking about side effects, I don't even know if I would have noticed.
I was quite tired the day after the second dose. I didn't have any other side effects.
Message edited 4/6/2021 7:02:53 PM.
Posted 4/6/21 7:02 PM |
Member since 10/08 4952 total posts
Name: Whatever
Which Vaccine did you get?
I've had both doses of moderna. First shot- a sore arm- like someone punched me really hard and it was painful to do things, like wash my hair. Second dose- I got at 2PM, by 9PM, I started to feel tired and achy. woke up in middle of the night shivering from chills, but was too weak/achy to get an extra blanket. Couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. That whole next day, I was achy, chills/sweating, temp about 100, bad headache- felt like I had the flu. By the next day, I was about 80% better, still weak/tired. Woke up the next day completely fine.
Posted 4/6/21 7:20 PM |

Member since 5/05 4230 total posts
Name: .
Re: Which Vaccine did you get?
Husband got moderna and first shot was a very sore arm. The second shot, he just felt very tired.
I just got pfizer on Saturday and my arm hurt a little the next day. It felt like my bone hurt and it would come and go.
I had a friend who got it and she said she couldn't even lift her arm. Mine was not as bad.
My sister in law's second shot with pfizer all her lymph nodes were very swollen the next day but after that she felt fine.
Posted 4/6/21 7:54 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/12 1789 total posts
Re: Which Vaccine did you get?
Pfizer- 1st dose, very sore arm that began pretty soon after the shot and got progressively worse through the day/night, then was gone the next day.
2nd dose- arm was less sore, less quickly. During the night (12 hours later) I developed a bad headache, body aches, chills and 101 fever, symptoms lessened throughout the next day- kinda felt like a really really bad hangover.
Posted 4/6/21 9:16 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 4/12 1461 total posts
Which Vaccine did you get?
I have not gotten it yet and am waiting it out for as long as i can.
Husband got Pfizer- 1st shot sore arm and tired, 2nd shot really sore arm and tired.
My mom got Moderna recently- 1st shot sore arm, tired, stomach ache and diarrhea. She is not looking forward to 2nd shot.
Posted 4/6/21 9:48 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 11/18 463 total posts
Which Vaccine did you get?
Moderna 1st: Arm got a huge hard painful welt on it, went away after a week 2nd; Couldn't stay awake, for 3 days i was beyond exhausted. Headache that lasted a week.
Posted 4/6/21 10:26 PM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: Which Vaccine did you get?
I had J&J. Immediately after the shot my face was flushed red, arm hurt and was very thirsty. Then 12 hours after chills, fever, body aches. That lasted 24 hours. Then I had the poops and just like that, I was fine.
I had Covid and had my shot just shy of 90days from positive test.
ETa: dH had similar symptoms as me w/J&J but with added migraine. My FIL had sore arm, a little tired night of shit and that was it. My MIL had a headache for a couple days
We all had Covid at the same time (fil a little later than the rest of is)
Message edited 4/7/2021 12:36:16 PM.
Posted 4/7/21 12:34 PM |
Love my boys!!
Member since 1/12 3548 total posts
Name: Christine
Which Vaccine did you get?
I had Moderna. First dose was a very painful sore arm but it only lasted 12 hours. Second dose sore arm but not as bad. That was it.
Posted 4/7/21 2:20 AM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7624 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Which Vaccine did you get?
Pretty much everyone I know got Pfizer and had similar side effects (myself and DH included).
Dose 1: sore arm Dose 2: headache/lightheaded - like either a hangover or the beginning of a migraine, tired
My 20 something year old sister had no side effects. My 60 something year old parents had no side effects but I’m pretty sure they normally feel tired LOL. My MIL had chills and a fever but she gets that response to the flu vaccine too.
Posted 4/7/21 2:37 AM |
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