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Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7624 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Age Gap Between Your Kids
So, DH and I are still on the fence about having a second DC. *IF* we have another one, they will be a minimum of 5 years apart. Anyone have a similar age gap?
What are the pros and cons?
The one pro is that I can think of is that DS will be very independent by then (he's already pretty independent at almost 3).
The one con is that we will be starting over with the baby stage, which I am honestly not a fan of.
Posted 3/31/17 7:45 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3034 total posts
Name: V
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
I have 3, but DS1 and DS3 are 5 years apart. I love when I'm home with just the two of them. My 5yo plays so nicely with the baby. There's no jealousy between them because my 5yo has his own things and his own life. Knowing what I know now, I would have spread mine out more! When DS2 (who is 3) is in the mix all h*** breaks loose!
Posted 3/31/17 8:05 AM |
Age Gap Between Your Kids
I have 2 boys - 4 years, 11 months apart. It's great because my older can help with the younger (they're 7.5 and 2.5 now) but they each need me for completely different things and have completely separate interests. They absolutely ADORE each other, though, so that makes it easy.
Posted 3/31/17 8:11 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07 685 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
My girls are 5 years apart (2 and 7), and for the most part they are great together. My older one is a HUGE help and even feeds the little one if it's crazy or we're in a rush, and she's very independent which is a big help in itself. The little one is a typical 2 year old and does scream and have tantrums when she doesn't get her way now and then but even though they fight (mostly over dolls and important stuff like that-LOL) they love each other so much. The older one reads to my younger one and teaches her so much, and the little one just adores her and hugs and kisses her all the time. It's the cutest and makes me so happy they have each other.
Posted 3/31/17 9:28 AM |

Member since 1/06 6887 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
My girls are 7.5 years apart. It wasn't originally planned that way. We started trying when DD1 was 2, but for me, I think God knew what he was doing having spaced them so far apart and in hindsight, I am glad that it happened this way.
Posted 3/31/17 10:39 AM |
My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10 7790 total posts
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
I have 3. The first 2 are almost 4 years apart. The second 2 are 14 months apart. It is MUCH MUCH easier to have them spread out. When DS2 was born, DS1 could dress himself, brush his teeth, put on his sneakers, etc. Far less needy which makes dealing with a baby so much easier. They play together. DS2 desperately tries to keep up with DS1. At this point, I don't really see a negative to having them that far apart.
Posted 3/31/17 10:49 AM |
Stop, Think & Breathe...

Member since 8/11 3550 total posts
Name: Cindy
Age Gap Between Your Kids
DS1 is 3 and will be 3.5 when DS2 comes. I wanted them spaced apart just for the fact of college and just wanting DS1 to be a bit more independent when I had a 2nd child.
Posted 3/31/17 11:15 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
My kids are EXACTLY 4.5 years apart, it's NOT how we planned it however, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
When my DS was born it was nice that my DD was more independent, potty trained, out of a stroller, and able to be a help with the new baby. She would hold him and play with him, give him bottles, and comfort him when he was sad. She was (and still is) AMAZING with him. Despite the 4.5 yr age gap (they are 4 and 8.5 now) they are the best of friends. They absolutely adore each other and they don't like to even be apart, it's really sweet. I didn't expect that level of closeness given the age gap and differing genders.
It was also nice for my DS, because my DD started school a few months after he was born it was almost like he was an only child all day and got just as much time, attention, and one on one as my DD did. I think that was really good for him and I'm glad I wasn't always dividing my time every second of the day.
It's also been nice as a parent to have a big gap because as my DD is getting older and more mature (so bittersweet ) I still have my little one and so many ages and stages to look forward too still. Overall, the age gap has been fine, I really haven't ever felt like it was an issue or a problem and in the end, I am glad it worked out the way it did.
ETA - Like a PP mentioned, they will also be in college one at a time...........that will make life easier financially!! lol
Message edited 3/31/2017 11:53:57 AM.
Posted 3/31/17 11:51 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/16 2921 total posts
Age Gap Between Your Kids
DD is now almost 9 months and DH and I were talking about when we would have #2. We only want 2 kids, and I want to plan it so there is a nice age gap, and DD is mostly independent. We decided we would start trying for #2 in the Spring of 2019 when DD is almost 3 years old. We figure if it takes a few months to get pregnant, DD will be 4, or almost 4, when baby #2 is born. There is a full day nursery program by us that DD will go to that year, so we would only need to worry about daycare for 1 baby. It will also be nice to have one kid in college at a time. From what I hear, this is the perfect age gap
Posted 3/31/17 12:26 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Age Gap Between Your Kids
My kids are 3 yrs apart and it's great. My brother and I are 4.5 yrs apart and as adults are best friends, were always close growing up as well.
Posted 3/31/17 1:47 PM |
Mom of 3

Member since 11/05 13118 total posts
Name: B
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
My boys are 3.5 years apart and it has worked well. DS1 was potty trained, pretty independent and didn't show any signs of jealousy. Now, they play together and entertain each other in between fighting.
I'm due with #3 in August. DS1 will be 8 and DS2 will be 5. The boys are really excited about another sibling. DS1 will probably be really helpful. DS2 loves babies, but I think it will be an adjustment for him because he's pretty attached to me. I think there are positives and negatives to any age gap.
Posted 3/31/17 2:18 PM |
Rocking the party

Member since 5/05 4937 total posts
Name: Vicki
Age Gap Between Your Kids
My kids are 5.5 years apart. Baby girl is 9 months and my son is 6.5. He adores her and she looks for him like he's a God. He loves to make her laugh and wants to hold her all the time. It's very cute.
There's 5.5 years between my sister and I, and 7.5 years between my brother and I and we're all very close.
Posted 3/31/17 4:52 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/13 1101 total posts
Age Gap Between Your Kids
I am worried about this too. My DS will be 3 in June. If I do have another they will be 4-5 years apart. Not what I thought originally, but no way could I have had another baby any earlier.
Posted 3/31/17 6:36 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/13 1101 total posts
Age Gap Between Your Kids
I am worried about this too. My DS will be 3 in June. If I do have another they will be 4-5 years apart. Not what I thought originally, but no way could I have had another baby any earlier.
Posted 3/31/17 6:37 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/10 3797 total posts
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
I always wanted two kids, two years apart. That hasn't happened for us. My DD is almost 3. Hoping we get our BFP soon. They will be at least 3.5 years apart. I never wanted that big of an age gap but I'll take what I can get at this point.
I teach Kindg and a lot of my students get a new sibling when they're in K (so 5ish years apart).
Posted 3/31/17 6:41 PM |
Brighter days ahead
Member since 4/07 7364 total posts
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
I have 7 yo DS1, 4 yo DS2 and 5 month old DD. I could not have had them much closer. Even the first two being 2 years and 10 months apart was really rough with two in diapers, both needy. I just love the larger age gap. The boys are independent, I can pretty much trust them around the baby, they are so helpful and protective over their little sister. They really understand things now. They have never been jealous or hostile towards the baby.
The only con I can think of is I just hope they are close as they get older despite the age gap.
Posted 4/1/17 11:16 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/08 2379 total posts
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
I have a large age gap between my girls (6.5 years). This was definitely not by choice, as I suffered from IF for 4 years and went down a very long road to have our second.
That being said, I love seeing them together now. I wish they were closer in age in some ways, but my older DD is so independent with many things that it's made my life easier. My sister's kids are only 3 years apart, and her older son was def more needy than my DD when our second kids were born at the same time.
Posted 4/2/17 12:04 PM |
GAW my baby boy <3

Member since 8/10 3874 total posts
Name: Pino
Age Gap Between Your Kids
DC #1 & DC#2 are 16 months apart. There have been so many times that I felt guilty, for both of them, for having them so close in age. In some ways, I think they both missed out to some degree. On the flip side, I am very excited that they will have each other. My brother is 5 yrs older than me, he passed away in '03 and I really felt cheated - not just for losing my sibling but we were finally getting to a place where we were at the same stage in life. 5 yrs was a big difference for us. That won't be the case with every set of siblings, but for us it was. I am currently trying for #3, it's been about 9 months. I wasn't ready before then and to be honest, my youngest is very attached to me. I think a baby would of been difficult for him to deal with. If I get preggo in the next few months, there will be a 4 yr difference between #2 & #3. It isn't ideal in my book , but it's out of my hands.
Forgot to add, one of the things I am looking forward to with the age gap is having alone time with #3 while #1 & #2 are in school. They never really got that and that's where my feelings of guilt stems from.
Message edited 4/2/2017 6:46:45 PM.
Posted 4/2/17 6:42 PM |

Member since 3/09 7721 total posts
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
There is exactly 5 years between my oldest and youngest. They adore each other and are closer than my middle child and youngest (3.5 years apart). The 2 that are 1.5 years apart apart are super close, but it was hard on me & I can't imagine doing it again!
Posted 4/2/17 9:45 PM |
Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
My DS is 3.5 and is a VERY good kid. Even still, I never wanted kids too close in age. I have friends who had kids closer together and see how hard some of them have it. I'm sure there are pros and cons either way, but for me, the pros of waiting for a larger gap outweighed the alternative.
I wasn't actually ready to entertain the idea of another till shortly after my DS turned 3. I happened to get pregnant right away, but sadly we lost that baby at 9 weeks. I knew this was a possibility, as my DS was severel years in the making. Ultimately, even though the road for #2 has proved to be tough once again, I'm very satisfied with our decision not to try any sooner and I wouldn't change a thing (except for the miscarriage, of course).
Posted 4/3/17 12:56 AM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22140 total posts
Age Gap Between Your Kids
4 years apart. It's a great gap but it was an adjustment for me to get back into baby stage after ds was so independent.
Posted 4/3/17 5:52 AM |
Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07 7816 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
My DS and DD are 7 years apart. It's a great age gap. We didnt plan it this way, and originally I wanted them close together, but I actually love it this way. DS is very independent and needs very little help with things, which makes it much easier when DD needs everything done for her. He's also at an age where he can help out a lot. When DD is in the backseat crying, I can hand DS a bottle or a paci and ask him to calm her down.
Posted 4/3/17 10:47 AM |
life is good
Member since 10/06 9258 total posts
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
My girls are 5 years, 4 mos apart. They are now almost 10 and 4 1/2. They fight way more than people led me to believe they would. They are adorably close, too. When my little one was born, it was definitely nice that the older one could help and was off at school most of the day.
Posted 4/3/17 9:55 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Age Gap Between Your Kids
Mine are 18 months apart. They are 9 and 10 right now and the opposite sex. I'm glad I had them close together but would love a 3rd right now. I feel like the baby and toddler years flew by in a blink. I do love now that they are very active with each other and they have a lot of the same friends and interests.
Posted 4/5/17 11:56 AM |

Member since 1/10 21015 total posts
Name: Ang
Age Gap Between Your Kids
3 years and 3 weeks between them... it was perfect for me.
Posted 4/5/17 12:59 PM |
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