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Am I being unreasonable?

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LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

4474 total posts


Am I being unreasonable?

My son was displaying some symptoms of ADHD last year. I had him evaluated by a doctor (not the school) and was told he was "at risk" but they wouldnt make a diagnosis.
School was very stressful for everyone, and we just did our best to stay on top of the work and the behavior. The teacher instituted a behavior plan that I didnt think was great, but she insisted helped.
During this time the teacher began to keep a log of the issues she was having and told me we would eventually have a sit down with a school counselor and the principal. Two months later school shut down for virtual learning.
I reached back out to the school in May to let them know I was concerned about the beginning of the next school year, and I would like my son placed in an ICT environment if one existed.
2 emails to the principal and heard nothing back.
Last month the superintendent had meetings regarding COVID and i reached out to him with a few question, and brought ICT up.
He directed my question back to the principal who finally called me. He said he tried to fight for an ICT room in his grade but was rejected due to COVID. He promised me my child would get the best placement and he knew who he would put him with.
Yesterday i received his placement and came to find out it is a brand new teacher who was just hired by the school. She has never taught before.
My gut reaction was not good -- and i want to call the principal again to make sure he remembered to put thought into his placement. Does this seem OD or am I justified in calling him AGAIN?
What else can I do? I just know this year will be a S Hit Show no matter what i do!

Posted 9/3/20 4:21 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Am I being unreasonable?

You are justified in calling again. Does he have an IEP? If not I would request a meeting with the district committee for special education to have him evaluated and see if he qualified for services

Posted 9/3/20 4:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

4474 total posts


Re: Am I being unreasonable?

Posted by Mrs213

You are justified in calling again. Does he have an IEP? If not I would request a meeting with the district committee for special education to have him evaluated and see if he qualified for services

No IEP. The teacher was beginning to track his behavior last year but it was all halted due to COVID and i never got my in person meeting to ask questions.

How do I go about this -- through the teacher, the principal or the special ed office? Do they need to document him first or can they do the full eval without that?

Posted 9/3/20 4:56 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Am I being unreasonable?

You should send a written letter to your district director of special services. Request in writing and evaluation. They will legally have to provide one. This is really, your only recourse. I know it stinks, but since they are not working with you, you need to work the system for you.

Posted 9/3/20 5:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/15

3992 total posts


Am I being unreasonable?

You are justified in your reaction. I would follow up

Posted 9/3/20 6:28 PM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

7790 total posts


Re: Am I being unreasonable?

100% justified. I would definitely follow up.

Posted 9/3/20 8:43 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Am I being unreasonable?

You need to send a letter in to the director of special education services and ask for an evaluation. The notes from the teacher last year can be used as part of the evaluation. They can not just put your child in a placement without having a CSE meeting to see if he qualifies for the services. Regarding the teacher, to be perfectly honest, sometimes newer teachers are better. They think more outside the box and they come up with solutions that teachers who are more set in their ways are not open to do. I have always had much better success on the special education front with younger teachers than those who have been at the school for a length of time.

Posted 9/3/20 9:31 PM


Member since 10/08

4952 total posts


Am I being unreasonable?

I would put the request to have him evaluated in person. I think you would be justified to call the principal to follow up- I completely understand your concern, but the administration is dealing with so much now, this may have slipped through (not that its okay for that to happen, but it may have).
I agree the new teachers can be a good thing- they have new ideas, they aren't jaded, they want to help. I asked for 2 years if the school thought I should have my daughter evaluated and although her teachers were nice, they kept saying she would grow out of 2nd grade, a newer teacher (2nd year teaching) actually approached me about it and we got it done.

Posted 9/4/20 8:42 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


Am I being unreasonable?

Definitely justified in calling again and following up in any way you need to to get what is best for your son.

Posted 9/4/20 12:07 PM

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