This is our first month TTC We've done a lot of Chat Icon Much more than usual. Today I'm 7dpo and a few days ago I was feeling a lot of pressure down there. More along the lines of having to pee, going to the bathroom and not really feeling satisfied that I went. No pain when urinating at all. Tried to call my OBGYN all day today to get an appt for tonight and for whatever reason they're closed all day. So I stopped at CVS on my way home and bought the strips. I tested and they were negative for the nitrites but the leukocytes looked like there was a trace to a faint positive after the two minutes. Hard to tell. Now it's completely purple but it says you can't read it after 3 minutes so I guess that doesn't count.
Obviously I'm going to call and hopefully get to the Dr. tomorrow night to see what's up. My temp right now is 99.3, but no chills.
I was reading though that leukocytes are white blood cells. When you're PG doesn't your body increase in white blood cells to attack what it thinks is foreign to your body?
I know I'm reaching here, but has anyone experienced or gone through this before during the time of the 2ww that I'm in???? Any input is appreciated!Chat Icon