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My Loves <3

Member since 7/07 10079 total posts
Name: D
anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
LO #2 will be here right after Joey turns 2. DH & I were thinking of making the switch about 2-3 months prior to his 2nd birthday? Is that to early, should I do it only a month before?
Posted 5/18/11 2:09 PM |
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Member since 1/09 6017 total posts
Name: Taryn
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
Lauren is 21 months and we are doing it next week, im so nervous. Im proofing her room this week but im nervous now that she won't be penned in her crib when she wakes, she will have free roam of her room.
Posted 5/18/11 2:12 PM |
My Loves <3

Member since 7/07 10079 total posts
Name: D
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
Posted by MrsBurtch525
Lauren is 21 months and we are doing it next week, im so nervous. Im proofing her room this week but im nervous now that she won't be penned in her crib when she wakes, she will have free roam of her room.
he's so comfy in his crib, that I'm just nervous he'll hate being in a big bed.
Posted 5/18/11 2:13 PM |
life is a carousel

Member since 7/07 14956 total posts
Name: M
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
That's fine.. My first 2 kiddies are 22 months apart and I made the switch at 18 so that DC#1 wouldn't feel like I was throwing them out of the crib (and room in my case) and we made a big deal about his big boy room..
I did the same when #3 came
Posted 5/18/11 2:15 PM |
Baby girls & beagles rock!

Member since 8/06 10356 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
I was so freaked about this. My 2 are 27 months apart. I switched her right after she turned 2 and she had no issues at all with the transition.
She did start giving us trouble a few weeks before dd2 arrived...think she sensed it.... so i would def give him a few months to adjust first in case.
Posted 5/18/11 2:19 PM |
Partners in crime

Member since 10/05 14656 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
I tried it and it didn't work. I tried it again when DS was 27 months and it worked for about a month. Needless to say, he is going to be 3 in October and back in the crib. We did it because I was pregnant with #2 and wanted the baby to sleep in the crib. The baby is 10 months and still in the pack and play in our room.
Posted 5/18/11 2:20 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/08 4539 total posts
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
switched dd1 around 19 or 20 mths. will be switching dd2 around the same--we are moving when she will be about 19 mths, and she and dd1 will be sharing a room. not taking the crib for the move and want to make all the changes at once, instead of having the change of the move, and just when she is used to that, another change.
Posted 5/18/11 2:22 PM |
Member since 5/05 6530 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
mine are 23 months apart, and we moved Ella into her new room a few weeks before Erik was born. I wanted to do it a little further in advance but the room wasn't ready. In the end it worked out great.
The baby didn't sleep in the nursery for a few more months so she was calling it "his" room before he even moved in.
Posted 5/18/11 2:24 PM |
Love these munchkins

Member since 10/09 6295 total posts
Name: Bethany
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
Thinking we will be switching DD before 2..
Posted 5/18/11 2:24 PM |

Member since 5/05 13736 total posts
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
A toddler bed or a twin/full?
Ann moved into a toddler bed in March ... or April? So at 19-20 months and she is fine. And she loved the crib.
Posted 5/18/11 2:24 PM |
My Loves <3

Member since 7/07 10079 total posts
Name: D
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
Posted by Jen2999
I was so freaked about this. My 2 are 27 months apart. I switched her right after she turned 2 and she had no issues at all with the transition.
She did start giving us trouble a few weeks before dd2 arrived...think she sensed it.... so i would def give him a few months to adjust first in case.
that's why we were thinking about doing it a few months earlier. I wanted him to get use to his new room before him being shocked about not being the baby of the house anymore and regressing. I couldn't deal with a newborn waking plus my 2 year old at the same time. (although I have to prepare myself in case it does)
Posted 5/18/11 2:25 PM |
My Loves <3

Member since 7/07 10079 total posts
Name: D
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
Posted by Wendy
A toddler bed or a twin/full?
Ann moved into a toddler bed in March ... or April? So at 19-20 months and she is fine. And she loved the crib.
Twin. no toddler bed.
Posted 5/18/11 2:26 PM |
Brotherly love

Member since 12/07 1816 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
Two months before DS was 2, we put a toddler bed in DS's room. He still slept in the crib, but we said it was there when he wanted it. We put an Elmo sheet set on it.
One night he said he wanted to sleep in the bed, and he did. So he was in there right before he turned 2, and never wanted the crib again. We did child--proof the room since he was out of the crib.
Posted 5/18/11 2:32 PM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
I'm so sad to even think about putting Colin in a bed. I've heard of people doing it successfully though so give it a whirl!
I'm debating if I should try this soon - in a few months. Right now, I just don't see it happening.
Colin & baby will be just under 2 yrs apart.
Posted 5/18/11 2:44 PM |
Mom of 3 - YIKES! =)

Member since 10/09 6758 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
We did a toddler bed at 23 months for my DD..I felt like she was still too little for a twin bed...she did great slept through the night from night 1!!!!! (we just switched her 2 weeks ago to a twin at 3.5 yrs old)
but then there is my 28 month old DS that I feel is no where near ready for a toddler bed..
So I guess it depends on the person
Posted 5/18/11 2:48 PM |
Avatar Title
Member since 9/08 3762 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
my DS was in a twin at 13 months and my DD was in a twin at 8 months.
they both started out with just a mattress on the floor.
Posted 5/18/11 2:49 PM |
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
Yup we transitioned Teddy at 21 months and he loved it. I wanted him to have some time in it before baby #2 came so he didn't feel like we stole his crib for the new baby. By the time Andrew came almost a year later Teddy couldn't remember even having a crib.
Posted 5/18/11 3:15 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/08 3860 total posts
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
I think we wil be switching him soon. He is 17 months now, and baby is due September, making them 21 months apart.
I don't think DS is that attached to his crib, but I guess we shall see!
Posted 5/18/11 3:16 PM |
My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
With #1 he was in a twin race car bed at 20 months old and #2 was in the same bed at 18 months old. No problems!
ETA: I wanted to add that the beds I had, had higher sides so I NEVER had to worry about them falling out!
Message edited 5/18/2011 3:24:39 PM.
Posted 5/18/11 3:24 PM |
My Loves <3

Member since 7/07 10079 total posts
Name: D
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
Thanks Ladies! I will cry the day I have to put him to bed in there To big, to fast.
Posted 5/18/11 3:38 PM |
My loves <3

Member since 8/09 3294 total posts
Name: V
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
We converted DS crib into a toddler bed at 13 months. He did great! but he was ready and he hated his crib.
Posted 5/18/11 3:41 PM |
My little loves!
Member since 1/06 8093 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
DD was around 2 yo when we put her into a full size. She was fine. We hyped it up and she bought right into it.
Posted 5/18/11 3:47 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
OMG - I can't even think of our babies being in beds yet. Where is the time going?
Posted 5/18/11 3:47 PM |
So Dam* Lucky

Member since 10/08 6368 total posts
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
I switched DD at around 19 months and she had no problem whatsoever transitioning.
Posted 5/18/11 4:12 PM |
When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: anyone transfer to big boy (or girl) bed BEFORE 2?
DD#1 started napping on cots at daycare at 18 months so we switched her to her daybed around the 20 month mark - 2 months before DD#2 was due. Once DD#2 came, it was hard to keep her in the bed. I used to have to sit on her floor until she fell asleep. I would sit there feeding the baby while sitting on the floor waiting for her to fall asleep. Once she was asleep she was fine, it was just torture getting her to sleep.
Posted 5/18/11 4:34 PM |
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