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Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
At what age...
...would you let your child watch Game of Thrones? It is all the rage at DS's school but I don't think any of them are really old enough to watch it. What are your thoughts?
Posted 3/18/18 4:41 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/07 1424 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: At what age...
21? Lol
Posted 3/18/18 5:41 PM |

Member since 5/05 3116 total posts
Name: A
Re: At what age...
When in doubt, I always look in common sense media to see what they suggest (for Game of Thrones they suggest 18+). I'm amazed at what some parents let their kids watch. Last year when DS was in 6th grade, some girls were watching "13 reasons why". I was pretty shocked, and I feel I'm kind of open minded.
Posted 3/18/18 5:56 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
At what age...
I think 16+
Posted 3/18/18 6:52 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
At what age...
I definitely think not before 16. I would love to say later but by then it's probably hard to monitor what they watch anyway, especially when they're not at home. Uggh, I don't want my kids to grow up. At all.
Posted 3/18/18 7:15 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: At what age...
I am over 40 and I can't follow it... I can't imagine kids following the storyline...
Posted 3/18/18 7:47 PM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22140 total posts
At what age...
I remember in episode 1 or 2, a pretty vivid sex scene, so NOT elementary age, that's for sure!
Posted 3/19/18 5:48 AM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: At what age...
Thank you for the responses. I've never watched the show but that's what I thought. DH sees nothing wrong with my 12 yr old soon to be 13 year old DS watching it. Has been a major discussion at our house lately.
Posted 3/19/18 8:57 AM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: At what age...
16+.. there is a lot of nudity.
Posted 3/19/18 10:01 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Re: At what age...
Posted by MommaG
Thank you for the responses. I've never watched the show but that's what I thought. DH sees nothing wrong with my 12 yr old soon to be 13 year old DS watching it. Has been a major discussion at our house lately.
It goes beyond nudity. There are lots of very graphic sex scenes as well as pretty graphic violence.
Posted 3/19/18 10:50 AM |
Brighter days ahead
Member since 4/07 7364 total posts
Re: At what age...
My DH watches it and from what I've seen, I seriously would not let my kids watch this until they are in college! It is incredibly graphic and has heavy sexual, violent images/themes.
My DS would watch that at 12 over my dead body.
Posted 3/19/18 10:01 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: At what age...
I can't imagine letting a 12 year old watch that! How uncomfortable would it be with the graphic sex scenes sitting their with your 12 year old???
Ummm no way!
Posted 3/19/18 10:37 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
At what age...
Update - I have convinced DH that it is not appropriate for DS to watch. Of course, DS is not happy since he says his friends are watching it but he will have to get over it. Thanks for all the input.
Posted 3/20/18 6:59 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
At what age...
This reminds me of when i was in JHS and only some of the girls were allowed to watch Beverly Hills 90210. Oh have times changed LOL
Posted 3/20/18 9:29 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: At what age...
Posted by b2b777
This reminds me of when i was in JHS and only some of the girls were allowed to watch Beverly Hills 90210. Oh have times changed LOL
LOL Exactly. At least there was no nudity , graphic sex and bloody death scenes in 90210!
I remember my mom used to watch Dallas and Dynasty and I always wanted to watch it with her- at the time, THAT was considered risque!
Posted 3/20/18 10:15 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 4474 total posts
Re: At what age...
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by b2b777
This reminds me of when i was in JHS and only some of the girls were allowed to watch Beverly Hills 90210. Oh have times changed LOL
LOL Exactly. At least there was no nudity , graphic sex and bloody death scenes in 90210!
I remember my mom used to watch Dallas and Dynasty and I always wanted to watch it with her- at the time, THAT was considered risque!
Yup -- those were the days!!!!
Posted 3/20/18 12:09 PM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: At what age...
Posted by kgs11
21? Lol
hahaha...yeah! I agree.
Posted 3/21/18 1:49 PM |

Member since 6/08 10312 total posts
Name: fka LIW Smara
Re: At what age...
Posted by NervousNell
I can't imagine letting a 12 year old watch that! How uncomfortable would it be with the graphic sex scenes sitting their with your 12 year old???
Ummm no way!
Exactly, I say 16 but like watching it on their own with out me,
Posted 3/21/18 1:54 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/14 7274 total posts
At what age...
I'm 33 and find it repulsive. So, never?
Posted 3/21/18 2:33 PM |

Member since 5/05 5754 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: At what age...
Posted by LuckyStar
I'm 33 and find it repulsive. So, never?
At least 18.
Posted 3/28/18 10:55 AM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: At what age...
Posted 3/28/18 11:53 AM |
Re: At what age...
Never. lol
Posted 3/28/18 12:06 PM |
Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
At what age...
Honestly the last season had nearly NO sex in it at all. Like once I think.
We censor a lot and she'd never seen the prior seasons. She caught the tail end of one of the episodes and LOVED it. So I'd pre-watch all and judge. Found the last season wasn't bad. So she watched 'most' of it. I censored out one part (can't recall what now).
I thought I'd never let her watch it ever. She's 9
But then realized, it had some tough love and real morals to share. Better than video games or other BS and like I said, I censored it first. I judged it based on her ability to handle it and what was in it. She would ask when I'd forward through things "Was that just inappropriate for me" and yes it was.
She's also seen Deadpool and loves it but it's also been censored to cut out what we refer to ask the holiday scenes. hahaha
I guess let every parent choose. I will *NOT* however let her watch the first 2 seasons. read the book.
ETA: you have to understand how much we love Dragons in my house!
Message edited 5/10/2018 9:10:07 AM.
Posted 5/10/18 9:09 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 8/15 619 total posts
Re: At what age...
Posted by Adri
When in doubt, I always look in common sense media to see what they suggest (for Game of Thrones they suggest 18+). I'm amazed at what some parents let their kids watch. Last year when DS was in 6th grade, some girls were watching "13 reasons why". I was pretty shocked, and I feel I'm kind of open minded.
I made my middle schooler watch this. We watched it together after a suicide happened locally. It was very powerful. I have no regrets.
Posted 5/10/18 11:05 AM |
Square head cutie pants

Member since 3/06 6899 total posts
Re: At what age...
If you have no problem with your child watching graphic nudity and sex scenes (some with same sex couples), orgies, extreme violence (not abstract like in a superhero movie, but vivid personal violence), rape scenes, extreme examples of human cruelty to each other and animals, etc etc.. then sure!
I can't even fathom letting a 12 year old watch that show, let alone a 12 year old even being able to grasp the extremely complicated story line and follow who all the characters are.
This would be one where i'd put my foot down. nope.
oh, but there's Dragons. Ok, cool, let them watch a dragon scene from the last season, but no need to see the entire series.
eta: and its one of my favorite shows!!
Message edited 5/10/2018 2:18:55 PM.
Posted 5/10/18 2:18 PM |
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