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Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
My son had light blue eyes until about 6 mos (that at a 5 mo ped visit even the ped theought they were keepers) and little by little they changed to brown. They went greenish first, then hazel and eventually brown...I'd say between 9-12 mos they turned.
Posted 12/9/10 8:12 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy of 2!!

Member since 11/08 1742 total posts
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
DD was born with blue eyes and at 6 months she still has them. DH has bluish green, FIL blue and my dad green so hopefully she keeps the light eyes!
Posted 12/9/10 8:17 AM |
HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
with eyes as dark as hers, they will probably change.
Sean was born w/ bright light blue eyes - they stayed very intensely blue for a long time - just recently they've gotten lighter - the deep blue color is kind of fading
Posted 12/9/10 9:04 AM |
Love my Boys!

Member since 7/09 4440 total posts
Name: Randi
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
DS had blue eyes for months, the pediatrician thought they might actually stay light, but they have now turned to hazel. DH and I both have light brown eyes.
Posted 12/9/10 9:12 AM |
Family of 5!
Member since 5/05 15364 total posts
Name: <3 Mommy <3
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
Ds#1 was born with blue eyes...
At 3yrs of age they truned green.
DS#2- has crazy blue eyes; and I dont think they are changing... but we'll ssee...
Message edited 12/9/2010 9:13:26 AM.
Posted 12/9/10 9:12 AM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
My DD was born with blue eyes and at just over 2 years old she still has the same bright, blue eyes as she did when she was a baby.
Posted 12/9/10 9:13 AM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 10/10 392 total posts
Name: Bonnie
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
DD was born with grey eyes and have gotten brighter blue and shes just about 22 months so i think they will stay blue..hopefully.
Posted 12/9/10 9:13 AM |
Happy Family of 4

Member since 5/08 5654 total posts
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
DS is 13 months and they are still blue, but i think thats bc Dh and I have blue eyes.
Posted 12/9/10 9:27 AM |
i run for bacon

Member since 5/05 20584 total posts
Name: julz
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
My twins were both born with dark blue, like navy blue, eyes. Around 3months Travis's got lighter like a grayish blue. Now at 4 months there is some brown and green showing in the centers. If I had to guess his eyes will end up hazel or light brown like mine. Kylies are still a deep blue at 4 months.
Posted 12/9/10 9:30 AM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
my son was born with blue eyes. they are now blue/green/brown. not sure if they will change all the way but they are definitely not the blue they once were.
he is 13 mos.
Posted 12/9/10 9:33 AM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
They changed at 6 months to a chocolate brown color.
Both DH and myself have hazel eyes (mine are more a brown/green and his are more a blue/green/brown).
Posted 12/9/10 9:34 AM |
Two Boys for Me!!

Member since 1/07 5213 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
DS was born with grey/blue eyes. He is 10 months old and they have gotten lighter and more blue. I think they are going to stay blue. DH has green/blue eyes, both of our moms have blue eyes, and a 3 of our siblings have blue eyes so its not like the blue eyes came out of no where!
Posted 12/9/10 9:41 AM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
My oldest daughter was born with the slate-blue/gray eyes…started lightening through the years. I’d say at around age 2 her eyes changed from a blue to a green/blue (which I loooove).
My baby is 5 months old. Born with the same slate-blue eyes as her sister, but already much lighter than her sister’s were at this age….so we’ll see what they turn to. With our family genes, our kids are pretty much destined to have either blue or blue-green eyes.
Posted 12/9/10 9:41 AM |
I'm one lucky girl

Member since 11/07 3494 total posts
Name: Melanie
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
DS was born with blue eyes and at 28 months he still has them! 
Posted 12/9/10 9:51 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 4/09 3272 total posts
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
At 9 months Logan's are still blue/grey depending on what he's wearing
Posted 12/9/10 9:56 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/08 4539 total posts
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
DD1 had very dark navy/gray when she was born and they turned brown fairly quickly. by about 3 months.
DD2 was born with a brighter blue/gray, and they are still very blue at 11 mths.
Posted 12/9/10 10:00 AM |
My bunny
Member since 5/06 8777 total posts
Name: Meaghan
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
DD is 7 weeks and was born with the slate blue/grey eyes. DH has very light blue, I have slate blue eyes, so we know they will stay blue. the centers are starting to turn lighter, so not sure how light they will get!
Posted 12/9/10 10:00 AM |

Member since 5/05 7550 total posts
Name: M
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
Both my girls were born with blue eyes. At almost 3yo Kaydyn's are still blue. Ainsley's are blue as well but I think hers might change, she is 9mo.
All 3 of my sisters kids were born with blue eyes. My nieces eyes changed around 1-2yo and both my nephews still have blue eyes.
Posted 12/9/10 10:11 AM |
family is all that matters

Member since 6/06 6513 total posts
Name: browneyes
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
DS had crystal blue eyes for over 6 months. by a year they started getting much darker/greenish. now they're hazel at 2.5
Posted 12/9/10 10:27 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 11/10 176 total posts
Name: toni
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
my daughter was born with blue eyes but they were darker than yours babys eyes in that photo- they turned brown pretty quickly id say within 4 months- but hers were a darker shade of blue so maybe yours will keep them beauties! but brown is cute too (lol)
Posted 12/10/10 9:44 AM |
Skinny jeans are in my future
Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
yes my son's eyes went from sky blue to yellow green. The started to change after a year or so...
Posted 12/10/10 9:48 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/09 509 total posts
Name: Anita
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
yes, they changed!
DD had blue eyes until about 8 months....they changed after that green/hazel and then to honey color
I have brown eyes, DH has green
First pic DD at 4 months
DD Now
Message edited 12/10/2010 9:54:49 AM.
Posted 12/10/10 9:53 AM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
Both girls were born with dark blue eyes - both lightened within the 1st 6 months or less to blue with some gray.
Posted 12/10/10 9:57 AM |
Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
Yes, DS eyes were blue until about 10 months then they turned hazel like my DH.
Posted 12/10/10 10:09 AM |
Two in Blue

Member since 5/05 20223 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Babies born with blue eyes did they change?
Both of my boys eyes were blue. Now Declan's are very light like a Caribbean sea and Ronan's are dark-like almost navy blue. Ronans eyes were similar in color to your daughters eyes
Here is a pic of Declan about 2 mos old you can see his eyes are pretty dark blue
About 5 mos-much lighter
Ronan's eyes have always been this color
Message edited 12/10/2010 10:20:29 AM.
Posted 12/10/10 10:13 AM |
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