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baby is measuring small: question!

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My little angel is here <3

Member since 7/09

2851 total posts


baby is measuring small: question!

today I had my first biophysical profile: i am 33 weeks today, and will be having them weekly until I deliver because of my gestational diabetes. The Ultrasound tech said that the baby is measuring 3lbs 15oz, and then when the NP did my belly size, she said my belly is measuring 30 weeks. They are sending me for another level 2 sono on the 30th, in addition to the weekly ultrasounds and stress test done in the office. Has this happened to anyone? they said the baby's weight is small, in the 10th percentile.

They said not to worry, and that the baby is doing well otherwise, so should I be happy the baby is smaller, considering that people with GD could have large babies? I was only 6lbs when I was born, and DH too.

I would appreciate any insight, because I'm kind of scared, even though my gut is telling me it's alrightChat Icon thanks in advance

Posted 8/18/10 6:38 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 11/09

373 total posts


Re: baby is measuring small: question!

yep exact same thing happened to me....around the same time as you ( i dont remember exact weeks, but i was past 30 weeks by then)...i always measured belly with the measuring tape was always 3 weeks behind what i should have been. and the baby always measured 2-3 weeks behind what i should have been. they sent me to ultrasounds every two weeks until i gave birth, and i was always told "this is going to be a small baby"......

when i went into labor and they did a u/s to check on the baby, the nurse said "wow this baby is going to be like 5 pounds" then i was tired of hearing it so i told her yea yea yea i know i know understand why youre worried, because i had gained 40 lbs during mypregnancy so i didnt understand why i was always measuring small and why they had the baby at such a low weight.
anyhow fast forward to the day she was born..i was told through the ultrasounds she would be the most around 5lbs 11 oz if not smaller. well she came out 7lbs 4 oz 19 1/2 inchesChat Icon Chat Icon
so i have come to believe you cannot always trust u/s and what week you should be measuring because they are always inaccurate.
funny thing is, my mother had the exact same thing happen to her before i was born, and they had an incubator ready for me when she was giving birth because they told her i was going to come out small. well i came out 7lbs 8oz.
try not to worry, as long as you are gaining weight accordinly, im sure youll be fine! u/s are not always as accurate as they should be.

Posted 8/18/10 6:46 PM

My little angel is here <3

Member since 7/09

2851 total posts


Re: baby is measuring small: question!

Posted by meli722

yep exact same thing happened to me....around the same time as you ( i dont remember exact weeks, but i was past 30 weeks by then)...i always measured belly with the measuring tape was always 3 weeks behind what i should have been. and the baby always measured 2-3 weeks behind what i should have been. they sent me to ultrasounds every two weeks until i gave birth, and i was always told "this is going to be a small baby"......

when i went into labor and they did a u/s to check on the baby, the nurse said "wow this baby is going to be like 5 pounds" then i was tired of hearing it so i told her yea yea yea i know i know understand why youre worried, because i had gained 40 lbs during mypregnancy so i didnt understand why i was always measuring small and why they had the baby at such a low weight.
anyhow fast forward to the day she was born..i was told through the ultrasounds she would be the most around 5lbs 11 oz if not smaller. well she came out 7lbs 4 oz 19 1/2 inchesChat Icon Chat Icon
so i have come to believe you cannot always trust u/s and what week you should be measuring because they are always inaccurate.
funny thing is, my mother had the exact same thing happen to her before i was born, and they had an incubator ready for me when she was giving birth because they told her i was going to come out small. well i came out 7lbs 8oz.
try not to worry, as long as you are gaining weight accordinly, im sure youll be fine! u/s are not always as accurate as they should be.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon thank you!

Posted 8/18/10 6:49 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/09

373 total posts


Re: baby is measuring small: question!

i also wanted to add the percentile thing as well, she was always in a low percentile, same as you.
good luck im sure everything will work out ok!

Posted 8/18/10 6:52 PM

My little angel is here <3

Member since 7/09

2851 total posts


Re: baby is measuring small: question!

Posted by meli722

i also wanted to add the percentile thing as well, she was always in a low percentile, same as you.
good luck im sure everything will work out ok!

I am thinking she's going to be about 7 lbs, which is a relief because I don't want a HUGE baby loL!

Thanks agaiN!

Posted 8/18/10 6:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: baby is measuring small: question!

Same thing happened to my sister with her third child - she as scared out of her mind with worry and even had to be hospitalised at the end of her pregnancy as they were sure the baby was so small and therefore might not be able to survive a vaginal delivery or something so they wanted her in just in case of an emergency C/S....WELL she went into labor, delivered vaginally and her daughter was born weighing in just under 7lbs and perfectly healthy.

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Posted 8/18/10 7:14 PM

My little angel is here <3

Member since 7/09

2851 total posts


Re: baby is measuring small: question!

Posted by beachgirl

Same thing happened to my sister with her third child - she as scared out of her mind with worry and even had to be hospitalised at the end of her pregnancy as they were sure the baby was so small and therefore might not be able to survive a vaginal delivery or something so they wanted her in just in case of an emergency C/S....WELL she went into labor, delivered vaginally and her daughter was born weighing in just under 7lbs and perfectly healthy.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon thank you! they make you worry over the dumbest things!

Posted 8/18/10 7:16 PM

Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05

9923 total posts


Re: baby is measuring small: question!

I had a lot of perinatal care during my pregnancy and from the beginning, i was told I was having a small baby and that he was in the 10th percentile. My doctor assured me that they are not concerned unless he started dropping off his curve....he never did...he stayed on it and STILL is on it at 10 months. When he was born at 36 1/2 weeks he was 5lbs 7oz. Small but healthy as an ox! I see my friends lugging around their big babies and my arms are thankful for my little guy!

Posted 8/18/10 7:19 PM

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