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Boy moms-Potty training

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Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Boy moms-Potty training

when did you start and when did you have success?

I got a potty for Noah but I know he is NO WHERE near ready, I dont think he even understands what pee pee is.

Just curious..

Posted 4/15/09 11:23 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05

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Re: Boy moms-Potty training

We are 3+ and have had no luck yet...several trys, but no real luck! Most kids show some interest, but not mine.

Let him sit on it, and see what he does.

Posted 4/15/09 11:34 AM

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Member since 5/05

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Re: Boy moms-Potty training

Logan started a while ago, but mostly because he saw the big kids at daycare doing it.

Pee pee peer pressure. Chat Icon

At home I started by putting him on the potty before bathtime each night.

I knew 99.9% of the time he peed when he got in the water, so I told him that was "yucky" and he needed to potty first.

He does it voluntarily now.

During the day if I see him looking "twitchy" I ask him if he has to potty and sometimes he says "yes" and goes.

Sometimes he says "no" and goes in the diaper.

Sometimes he says yes and sits on the toilet for 45 minutes playing with his penis. Chat Icon

And sometimes he does tell me if he has to go "poopy" and runs to the potty.

But overall we're super relaxed about it. I don't expect it to fully take for a while, but we definitely encourage it.

Posted 4/15/09 11:39 AM

Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07

6815 total posts


Re: Boy moms-Potty training

Thomas started using the potty at 16 months but not consistently. He understands, and "gets it", but isn't close to being fully trained.

If asked if he wanted to go, he usually says yes and goes pee pee or poopie.

He occasionally tells us if he has to go, but this is very random.

When he started in the Toddler Room at 18 months, he was going on the potty every day. Then a few months later they kind of stopped asking him if he wanted to go on the potty. Now he's regressed at day care, I feel because they stopped asking him, and I asked them to work with him more and they did, but now he says no when they ask...

Posted 4/15/09 11:58 AM

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