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bras and pumping

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Love my little girls <3

Member since 8/10

1418 total posts


bras and pumping

I am exclusively pumping my newborn right now. I have heard that I should avoid wearing bra=as with an underwire b/c they can cause clogs etc. Is this true? Does anyone wear underwire bras while nursing/pumping?

I am large chested and so uncomfortable in non-underwire!

Posted 4/22/11 2:00 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

My little lamb

Member since 8/05

12633 total posts

aka momma2b

Re: bras and pumping

that's what all the books say about underwire bras.
i'm large chested too and i got sports bras from motherhood maternity.
they are comfy and while not the most supportive, i tried on worse! lol

Posted 4/22/11 8:12 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

567 total posts


Re: bras and pumping

I'm large breasted. I'm on my third child. i've always worn underwire during the day and haven't had any problems. I think it is important to have good supporting bras while nursing/pumping.

Posted 4/22/11 8:24 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: bras and pumping

I'm EBF and pumping and wear an underwire? I've never heard of it being a problem? Chat Icon

ETA: This is my 3rd child.

Message edited 4/22/2011 8:31:30 AM.

Posted 4/22/11 8:31 AM

My 3 little loves <3<3<3

Member since 1/09

7395 total posts


Re: bras and pumping

I have always heard that about underwires too. But I am large chested as well and had the same issue with getting a supportive bra. So I wore underwire for months and never had a problem. However, I then discovered Bravado nursing bras and fell in love! No underwire, unbelievably comfortable, and incredibly supportive. They are a little pricey, but worth every penny IMO!

Posted 4/22/11 8:35 AM

Love my little girls <3

Member since 8/10

1418 total posts


Re: bras and pumping

thanks ladies!

I'm feeling risky today so I put on an underwire bra.....let's see what happens. I just feel so much more comfortable and my clothes fit better.

I'll let you know how it goes!

Posted 4/22/11 12:38 PM

Love my little man!

Member since 9/10

1394 total posts


Re: bras and pumping

i've been exclusively pumping for almost 8 weeks now and i never heard about the no underwire rule...i only wear bras with underwire and have had no problems thus far

Posted 4/22/11 1:32 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: bras and pumping

I wore an underwire ONCE and got my only clogged duct! So, I bought some supportive NON underwire bras - I am only a B/C though.

Posted 4/22/11 1:37 PM

Baby's First Christmas

Member since 7/09

3541 total posts


Re: bras and pumping

I had read about not using underwire bras as well. I bought some non-underwire bras and I only use them for a few hours at a time...more than that and they hurt me. The side supports that they use in place of underwire dig into me...I've tried non-underwire bras in the past and I haven't been able to wear them in YEARS. I waited for my supply to come in before switching back to an underwire bra, and now I wear that when I can't switch out of my bra during the day. When hanging around the house I wear a nighttime nursing bra and then when people are coming over or I need to run out to a store, I switch into the non-underwire bra.

Posted 4/22/11 4:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

1165 total posts


Re: bras and pumping

I am large chested....normally a 36D and am now closer to a DD or E

I am EBF and bought a nursing bra without underwire that is amazing....So easy to use, supportive and comfortable.

It's by Melinda G

Posted 4/22/11 4:51 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: bras and pumping

When I was nursing my twins I wore underwire bras and got clogged ducts a lot. Now I only wear the nursing tanks, and I got mastitis last week, so who knows.

Posted 4/22/11 5:09 PM

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