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Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
BTDT: Did walking help labor?? UPDATE...contractions coming and going?
Update: last night at midnight I was getting what I thought were real contractions...felt like menstral cramps (not super painful but I figured they would intensify), moved up to my belly after about 40 min of this I showered to see if that made them subside--and it did they went away!!!!!!
4am I felt them again but VERY lightly. Again they went away
Went for a walk this morning for @ an hour again.
Have gone to the bathroom 3x's (sorry tmi lol) which is very unusual for me.
I feel "off" some pain in my back but nothing REAL PAINFUL so I guess this is all fake labor..or pre labor. I have no clue but I am going nuts over here!
Did this happen to anyone else or am I the only freak to have this happen!!
So I thought I had my bloody show thurs, but maybe it was mucus plug....(Also I am 80% effaced and 1.5 dilated as of thurs)
Have had contractions on and off since never got regular or painful.
Just went for an hour walk to shake things up.
Did walking help anyone else??
Message edited 9/25/2011 12:34:55 PM.
Posted 9/24/11 10:57 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Keep It Positive

Member since 4/09 6262 total posts
Name: Alexandra (ali)
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor??
I have no answers from personal experience but I wanted to wish you good luck and that I hope you have your little baby fast and easy! If it means anything, all the million books I have read say that walking does help and my good friend walked a lot during labor two weeks ago and she went FAST!!
Posted 9/24/11 11:16 AM |
expecting boy # 3

Member since 9/09 2522 total posts
Name: Chris
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor??
When I had DS yes it did, very much so. I only walked a few blocks and with in 2 days he was here
Posted 9/24/11 11:31 AM |
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor??
Not for me. I was still at the gym until the week I was due. I did everything from elliptical to walking. Nothing helped. I tried every single old wives tale to induce labor. None of it worked. Unfortunately this is just one of those things that happens when the baby is ready.
Good luck!!!!
Message edited 9/24/2011 12:05:11 PM.
Posted 9/24/11 11:55 AM |
my little love

Member since 12/09 5054 total posts
Name: Me
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor??
YES!!! I was a week late. I took my dog for a really long walk around 4pm on Thurs. My water broke at 5:30 am on Friday. walk, walk walk!!!!!
Posted 9/24/11 11:57 AM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor??
When I lost my mucous plug my water broke about 5 hrs later. I bet your baby will be here before Tuesday.
Posted 9/24/11 6:25 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor??
Posted by PrincessP
When I lost my mucous plug my water broke about 5 hrs later. I bet your baby will be here before Tuesday.
I hope...I am overanalyzing everything lol Just going to walk every morning until he comes, it's all I can do! lol
Posted 9/24/11 6:36 PM |
I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05 15652 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor??
I never went into labor, had a c-section because she was measuring over 10lbs, but I know so many people swear by walking!
My sister swears by vacuuming! She was 2 weeks late and went on a cleaning frenzy and vacuumed the entire house and low and behold, that night she went into labor!
Posted 9/24/11 6:54 PM |
Mommy of an angel

Member since 10/09 5911 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor??
Absolutely. With DS, I walked about a mile Friday afternoon and 3am Saturday morning my water broke.
Posted 9/24/11 8:48 PM |
I am a mom :-)
Member since 6/06 3433 total posts
Name: Heidi
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor??
walking helped me a lot and it helped the most when I actually started to go into labor, it made it go from "this isnt so bad" to "we NEED to go to the hospital"
Posted 9/24/11 11:04 PM |
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor??
You never know! I did walk a ton and continued to go to gym and had DD 4 days early. But, I have a friend who lived in San Francisco and walked daily up and down the crazy hills for at least an hour and was still two weeks late.
Posted 9/24/11 11:07 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor?? UPDATE...contractions coming and going?
BUMP for update..thank you for your help
Posted 9/25/11 12:29 PM |
Bring on the glitter and bows!

Member since 6/08 15158 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor?? UPDATE...contractions coming and going?
Wahoo! Try some spicy food too! LOL
Posted 9/25/11 3:37 PM |
Jovani Edward is HERE!!!

Member since 10/10 2500 total posts
Name: Jenna
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor?? UPDATE...contractions coming and going?
just wanted to say good luckkkkk!!!!
Posted 9/25/11 3:47 PM |
2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08 7878 total posts
Name: Mama mama mama....
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor?? UPDATE...contractions coming and going?
While in labor, moving around was a huge help... but I don't think any one specific thing brought labor on.
Good luck!
Hey, Diamond Baby: Eviction notice has been rendered!
Posted 9/25/11 4:09 PM |
Keep It Positive

Member since 4/09 6262 total posts
Name: Alexandra (ali)
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor?? UPDATE...contractions coming and going?
I have a feeling sooner than later Diamond Baby is going to be here!!!
Posted 9/25/11 6:28 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor?? UPDATE...contractions coming and going?
Thanks girls I hope so. It is just so annoying to keep feeling like it is happening and then have it stop if nothing was happening that would be fine...but the on and off contractions are making me nuts!
Posted 9/25/11 6:31 PM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: BTDT: Did walking help labor?? UPDATE...contractions coming and going?
Sounds like you're in early labor and baby is coming sooooonnn!! Good luck!
Posted 9/26/11 12:37 PM |