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buying gifts for kids

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Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


buying gifts for kids

Do you like buying gifts for kids?

I am really not into this year. I know, that sounds awful & I am not a kid hater.

We don't have nieces or nephews, but we buy gifts for our cousins's kids (5 of them, 2 months- 4 years) and my Godson. All of these kids expect one live out of state, and we never see the one in NY.

I just feel like since I hardly know these kids, I don't know what to get them, and I will only see two of them on Christmas anyway. They don't really know who I am.

My Godson is the only one that I don't mind buying for b/c his mom makes an effort, but he is too little to really know who I am.

I don't really want to ask what to get them, because then I fell like I will end up on a hunt for something really specific and drive myself crazy.

I may go with my mom's suggestion and get a book for each and maybe an outfit for the baby.

I feel like I am two holidays away from being the crazy old lady who sends $5 in a envelope. . .Chat Icon

Posted 12/2/13 1:05 PM

. . . . .

Member since 3/09

8268 total posts


Re: buying gifts for kids

I buy for my 12 year old niece and 15 year old nephew.
My sister lets me know what I should get them (she knows I spend a lot on "my kids").
Those are the only children in my family that I buy for.

I do also participate in Meaghan's list on the FHF board.

Posted 12/4/13 10:24 AM

Too blessed to be stressed

Member since 4/09

6691 total posts


Re: buying gifts for kids

I'm the crazy 38 year old who puts $20 in the envelope Chat Icon

my friend has 2 little kids. that's all i send gifts to.

Posted 12/5/13 9:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


buying gifts for kids

I actually love finding just the right gift for my nephews and cousin's kids (but I'm that way pretty much anytime I need to buy a gift). I do love seeing the smiles on their faces when they open a gift that they really like

Posted 12/6/13 4:00 PM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: buying gifts for kids

Posted by chilltocam

I actually love finding just the right gift for my nephews and cousin's kids (but I'm that way pretty much anytime I need to buy a gift). I do love seeing the smiles on their faces when they open a gift that they really like

I think it's the fact that I won't see most of them that makes it hard to get into it.

Of the two I will see, one is a baby, so she won't know/care, but I like buying baby clothes. She is their 1st girl, so they could probably use some things.

Posted 12/6/13 5:15 PM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: buying gifts for kids

Posted by Mushesgirl

I'm the crazy 38 year old who puts $20 in the envelope Chat Icon

my friend has 2 little kids. that's all i send gifts to.

Same. I used to go crazy but gave up since I saw how the kids really don't care or notice and just look for the next gift. I get a giftcard for a toystore, since once I gave cash and then heard a parent say "oh good, give that to me, we need to buy you school supplies." At least with a toystore giftcard I know the gift is going towards a toy and not notebooks.

Posted 12/6/13 9:21 PM

Too blessed to be stressed

Member since 4/09

6691 total posts


Re: buying gifts for kids

Posted by Blazesyth

Posted by Mushesgirl

I'm the crazy 38 year old who puts $20 in the envelope Chat Icon

my friend has 2 little kids. that's all i send gifts to.

Same. I used to go crazy but gave up since I saw how the kids really don't care or notice and just look for the next gift. I get a giftcard for a toystore, since once I gave cash and then heard a parent say "oh good, give that to me, we need to buy you school supplies." At least with a toystore giftcard I know the gift is going towards a toy and not notebooks.

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Posted 12/7/13 3:05 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 9/12

22 total posts


Re: buying gifts for kids

Depending on your gifting budget, a gift bundle of $25 US Savings Bond, a $10 Toys 'R Us gift card, and a stuffed toy covers all the gifting considerations for each child:

- savings bond cashed in when child is older and can understand/appreciate from whom it came

- gift card ensures they get what they chose to have

- stuffed toy...immediate gratification

Posted 12/8/13 2:38 PM

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