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Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

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Member since 8/06

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Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

I came out of work today and there was a note on my car:

"You hit my car today. I'll contact you tomorrow."

I don't remember hitting ANYTHING. I will admit that I am a little discombobulated the last few days. Outside myself and out of sorts... but I can't imagine that I hit a car and didn't realize it? I didn't move my car from it's spot all day from it's spot.

I checked my car for damage - rear and front - and the only thing that is off is that my license plate is a bit bent in from hitting high curbs too often. But I did have some white paint on my headlight. But that could have been from the post that I grazed at the gas station this morning.

The note was signed with a first name. The name it was signed with happens to be the name of my next door neighbor that Rob fought with yesterday. But they don't have a white car and they always park their cars in the driveway and I park in my driveway. Unless I drove sideways across the lawns.. it couldn't have been her.

Anyway.. what should I do? How can I get in touch with this person? i don't even know who it is???

UPDATE - We called the police and an officer came and took a report. He said it looks like a 'scraped' something - but he doesn't see any signs of impact. I asked him what I scraped and he looked at me like I had 8 heads - could have been a car or a pole or a boat..

Anyway - it bothers me. Because if I did damage someone's car and I don't know it - that's really bad and very worrisome. And I'd want to pay for it. But if I DIDN'T damage someone's car - they picked the right sucker. My state of mind has been so all over the place that I am doubting myself.

Message edited 9/11/2008 8:11:12 AM.

Posted 9/10/08 6:58 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

That's really strange...I think regardless of how out of it you were you would remember something like that. Did you tap a bumper pulling out of a spot?Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/08 7:02 PM

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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

sounds suspicious.

if you don't remember hitting a car, then you likely didn't!

if you think it's your neighbor, how could you hit his car if it's parked on the driveway? Alternatively, could it at all be possible it was someone parked on the street and you backed out of your driveway?

I suspect it's not real. Ask for proof that it was indeed you.... if there's no evidence on your car, I'd video your entire car tonight as evidence that there's no proof........

Posted 9/10/08 7:03 PM

I'll be there soon!

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

Honestly, there is nothing you can do until/if you are contacted. Do the neighbors know where you work?

I know it's irritating, I'd be nuts. Try not to stress about it unless something happens. I'm sure you would know if you hit someone.

Posted 9/10/08 7:03 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

I don't know about anyone else, but this stinks of insurance fraud to me. Take pictures of your car in case something comes up later about this. Its also possible that maybe they came out with a dent and thought it was your car?

Posted 9/10/08 7:04 PM

Baby #2 on the way!

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

Unless you were drunk or on drugs, you'd remember hitting someone or something. This sounds like someone's trying to scam you or get back at you for something.Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/08 7:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

My sister works for an insurance company. I am going to ask her if she knows of any scams going on that sound like this. She didn't answer her phone, but if she calls back I will ask her. Does anyone here work for an insurance company who can maybe answer faster?

Posted 9/10/08 7:09 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

Posted by imagin916

I don't know about anyone else, but this stinks of insurance fraud to me. Take pictures of your car in case something comes up later about this. Its also possible that maybe they came out with a dent and thought it was your car?

I am afraid of that too.

I mean - if they left me a note they are indicating that they have some fairly serious damage. In order for me to do any real damage.. wouldn't I have some damage myself?

Posted 9/10/08 7:10 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

Posted by HomeIsWithU

Unless you were drunk or on drugs, you'd remember hitting someone or something. This sounds like someone's trying to scam you or get back at you for something.Chat Icon

Well I know I wasn't drunk OR on drugs! I have been a little 'out of it'... but I don't think I am out of it enough to hit a car and not know it.

Posted 9/10/08 7:12 PM

Blessed beyond belief

Member since 10/07

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

Sounds like some sort of scam!

How could they know it was you? It could have been the person who was parked in your spot BEFORE you. Or someone else entirely!

Weird! Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/08 7:15 PM

Baby #2 on the way!

Member since 9/07

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

Posted by rojerono

Posted by HomeIsWithU

Unless you were drunk or on drugs, you'd remember hitting someone or something. This sounds like someone's trying to scam you or get back at you for something.Chat Icon

Well I know I wasn't drunk OR on drugs! I have been a little 'out of it'... but I don't think I am out of it enough to hit a car and not know it.

Chat Icon
You would pretty much have had to black out for a while to not remember it!

It really sounds sketchy to me. I agree with PP take some pictures of your car right away. Hopefully nothing comes of it. I'm also not even quite sure how they would get your phone number in order to contact you Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/08 7:16 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

Chat Icon I agree with the others - sounds fishy to me.

def take pics of your car

Posted 9/10/08 7:20 PM


Member since 7/07

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

Message edited 11/21/2011 7:52:59 PM.

Posted 9/10/08 7:20 PM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

If there was damage, wouldn't the person that got hit call the cops right away and report it as a hit and run (since you obviously didn't stop, if they had to put a note on your car) Chat Icon

Someone hit my car once and ran - I took down their license plate, didn't move and called the cops right away. I didn't follow that person someplace else, wait for them to leave their car, then put a note on it.

Really fishy...

Posted 9/10/08 7:28 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

I REALLY don't want to think the worst of people. I am trying to think if there is ANY possible way I could have hit someone... and where! I figure it had to be ON my way to work or AT work. On my way to work I know I got stuck behind every slow moving vehicle in the world. If I had rear-ended someone - wouldn't they have tried to flag me down right away? Wouldn't they stop?

The other option is that I dinged someone's car getting out of my car.. you know - like maybe my door hit hers? But I can't imagine that would be something you write a note about - from what I recall I wasn't parked next to any Ferrari's!Chat Icon And that isn't really 'hitting' a car, is it?

I feel badly - I really am a total wreck lately. Not at all myself. I wonder if it is remotely possible that I clocked someone and didn't realize it. I did run over a curb yesterday and didn't even know it. My husband was like "YOU JUST JUMPED A FRIGGIN' CURB AND YOU DIDN'T FEEL IT!"

But the curb didn't suffer and damage and neither did my car. If I hit someone hard enough to cause damage I think that I would notice that - or have some damage myself!

Posted 9/10/08 7:32 PM

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Member since 4/07

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

Suspicious!! I would *try* not to worry. Though easier said than done. It sounds like a scam. If I got hit by someone I would call the cops!

Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/08 7:33 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

Posted by Blazesyth

If there was damage, wouldn't the person that got hit call the cops right away and report it as a hit and run (since you obviously didn't stop, if they had to put a note on your car) Chat Icon

Someone hit my car once and ran - I took down their license plate, didn't move and called the cops right away. I didn't follow that person someplace else, wait for them to leave their car, then put a note on it.

Really fishy...

I didn't even THINK of that! If someone hit my car and I thought I knew who it was I would be on the phone with the police and asking them to write out a report. Maybe they did? But wouldn't the police have contacted me?

Posted 9/10/08 7:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

I truly believe that this is some sort of scam. The stories I hear from my sister and her coworkers would amaze you about the scams that people make up. I bet that they prey on people like you who arent really sure and then they get them that way. You would know if you hit another car, the driver would have confronted you and the cops would have been there. Your insurance company would have called you and said that someone made a claim against you. Don't get yourself upset over this Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/08 7:35 PM

Life is about choices.

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

if someone saw you hit their car they would have caught up with you in person and not have left you a note.

def take pics and keep an eye on your car!

Posted 9/10/08 7:42 PM

One day at a time

Member since 11/07

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

If it's not a scam, it's someone playing a very mean joke on you. I don't think you have anything to worry about.Chat Icon

Posted 9/10/08 8:03 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

I smell a scam. I would definitely take pictures or even video of your car tonight. I hope it all works out!

Posted 9/10/08 8:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/07

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

This really sounds like a scam. As a PP recommended take pictures of your car to prove that you do not have any damage. GLChat Icon

Posted 9/10/08 8:14 PM

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Rena Marie

Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

I think it is a scam or maybe they mistaken you for someone else. I think you would have felt or known you hit someone. I would not worry about it. If you don't feel comfortable with it I would call the police precinct and ask what you should do this way you don't get in trouble if they people are nuts and say you left the scene.

Posted 9/10/08 10:47 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

Strange..... I wouldn't do anything, I would just wait and see if this person contacts you.

Posted 9/10/08 10:58 PM

My Loves!

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Re: Can You Hit A Car and Not Know It?

First thought that came to mind was "Scam". Very strange.

Posted 9/11/08 9:04 AM
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