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Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07 7254 total posts
Are they worth if? Or is it a waste of $? I had hoped to take our kids out to a wildlife preserve a few time this summer and next summer since my brothers kids LOVE to go and it's something that I always take them to. That being said- if you think they're worth it do you have 2 single carriers or 1 twin one? And what brand do you recommend TIA!
Posted 4/12/13 10:21 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: Carriers?
What do you mean, like the slings or harnesses that you strap on? I just bought a is highly rated but I know the Ergo is very popular too. Supposedly the older ones like the Baby Bjorn don't support the baby's hips enough so the newer ones are better. I only bought one (it was pricey!) but then again are you having a shower, you can register for 2. I figure I will use it around the house because God knows I will need my hands to be free And if we go out my DH can handle one of them and I will strap the other one to me...I have seen twin carriers but seems like a lot to carry around!!
Posted 4/12/13 11:28 AM |
Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07 7254 total posts
Re: Carriers?
Posted by CaseyGirl
What do you mean, like the slings or harnesses that you strap on? I just bought a is highly rated but I know the Ergo is very popular too. Supposedly the older ones like the Baby Bjorn don't support the baby's hips enough so the newer ones are better. I only bought one (it was pricey!) but then again are you having a shower, you can register for 2. I figure I will use it around the house because God knows I will need my hands to be free And if we go out my DH can handle one of them and I will strap the other one to me...I have seen twin carriers but seems like a lot to carry around!!
Harnesses. I have a moby wrap if I want to attempt it but the ones that can go over your shoulders and the can either be in front of you or behind you. They have one where there's one on your left and the other on your right but that just looks really front heavy lol- and I wonder how long you can comfortable use it. I like the ones that are front and back but they may just be 2 separate ones you wear at the same time... How did you pick which one to buy? I see ergo, baby bjorn, Etc... But hadn't heard of the one you mentioned. Thanks!
Posted 4/12/13 4:12 PM |
3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08 8178 total posts
Name: Momma
Re: Carriers?
We never used them for the twins. When they were newborns, we just used the double snap and go stroller or carried them. It was soooo much easier.
With my singleton, I used a Bjorn pretty much everyday and loved it!
Posted 4/12/13 5:57 PM |
Thankful for our miracles!

Member since 2/07 7254 total posts
Re: Carriers?
Posted by skinny
We never used them for the twins. When they were newborns, we just used the double snap and go stroller or carried them. It was soooo much easier.
With my singleton, I used a Bjorn pretty much everyday and loved it!
Yeah, that's what I figured we would do too but I was more thinking for the wildlife refuge which has trails that might be hard to bring a stroller thru... Thought it couldn't hurt to keep them on hand in the car or diaper bag
Posted 4/12/13 6:55 PM |
Twins times TWO!

Member since 1/11 1197 total posts
Re: Carriers?
We have two. For a short period they were most comfy in there so there were times my husband and I were both wearing one but this was short lived. I'd say we got the most use out of them during a two week vacation at a beach house. We used them to travel from the house to the beach every day. Looking back, I probably would have gone with a cheaper version (we got two baby bjorns) since we didn't use them both THAT much.
Also, they were about 7 months when we wore them to the beach and wow that was a workout!! I also recall being kicked pretty hard too. lol
Posted 4/12/13 7:21 PM |
2 little ladies

Member since 1/11 2918 total posts
Name: Rose
Re: Carriers?
I have 2 bejorns (got them both on craigs list for a few dollars) and I bought an ergo later on. (it is far superior) We used the bejorns all the time when they were little. They both had colic and reflux and screamed all the time. Once that passed we used them both so we could get stuff done outside. The babies loved it and we felt productive. Sometimes I use the bejorn and the ergo together and carry them both. bejorn in the front and ergo in the back. I also still at 19m keep a bejorn in the car. They both fit in the top of a shopping cart, but I can not strap them both in, for it is only designed for 1 baby. If/when my rambunctious one gets crazy I put her in the carrier and keep the other in the cart.
When they were tiny, I wrapped them both in a moby.
Message edited 4/13/2013 9:03:09 PM.
Posted 4/13/13 9:02 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 4/13 349 total posts
Ergo, Beco, and Boba are fabulous brands. You can tandem wear one in front and one in back. I have no experience with this, but plan on it come the winter when #2 is due. Bjorns are not recommended for several reasons, I wouldn't waste my money. Bad for baby's hips and tend to hurt the wearers back quite early on.
Posted 4/20/13 11:53 AM |
Yes it is! Going as planned:)
Member since 6/07 5339 total posts
Re: Carriers?
I used an infantino carrier and another brand, I forgot tr name, with my twins. I never carried them both at the same time and my back was always killing me with these carriers. I recently purchased a boba (at the recommendation of an LIFer) and I LOVE IT! I was going to get the ergo, but someone here recommended the boba and the reviews all said the boba was the same thing as the ergo with just a higher back for the baby. I bought this for DC 3 and use it all the time. My twins are two now and I've even use it with my daughter because she would not let me put her down. My back doesn't hurt at all when I use this. Highly recommend the boba. Unfortunately you have to buy it online, but its well worth it, IMO! When we go out, I push the twins in their stroller and wear the baby. I absolutely love it! I also borrowed a friends Ergo for the day to test it out before I got the boba, and I loved that one as well. The back on the Boba is just a little higher but the Ergo is a great choice as well.
Posted 4/22/13 9:24 PM |