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Cat Anxiety Meds

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/16

2921 total posts


Cat Anxiety Meds

Brought my kitty to the vet today for a regular visit, and brought up that she's been very aggressive towards other people since she was spayed. After checking her out (which took FOREVER because she kept hissing and clawing at the vet Chat Icon ) and asking a few questions, the vet things she is a very timid cat and is afraid of strangers. She thinks my cat has fear aggression.

Anyway, she recommended Fluoxetine (prozac). Has anyone used this before with their pet?

Posted 5/15/16 4:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 1/14

7997 total posts


Cat Anxiety Meds

no experience but its not uncommon to treat cats or dogs with meds.

GL, sounds like you need the cat man from the animal channel

Posted 5/16/16 9:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/16

2921 total posts


Re: Cat Anxiety Meds

Posted by hmm

no experience but its not uncommon to treat cats or dogs with meds.

GL, sounds like you need the cat man from the animal channel

Yeah I said that to my DH! Lol.. She's is the sweetest cat when it's just us or my parents, who come by often. I feel like she was handled poorly at the spay clinic when she was a kitten and has totally changed towards "strangers" since then.

My vet also recommended pheromones- it's a plug in that sends a scent out to cats that is calming and makes them feel more comfortable. I may look into getting that as well. Sounds like a glade plug in or something like that!!

Posted 5/17/16 6:55 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/14

1986 total posts


Cat Anxiety Meds

I don't have a cat but a dog that had severe separation anxiety and also has anxiety when things are not in their place, new people come over, or she hears a noise. She was a puppy mill rescue and is an adult so her life was just fear all the time. We use lavender spray on her and use the plug ins for her and it helps somewhat! Her separation anxiety is completely gone so I didn't go the medication route, however, if it continued I would have totally gone with Prozac for her. It's about quality of life and risk benefits. If she can live a better happier quality of life, then why not try the medication. You also have a baby coming and you don't know what her response will be. I would definitely try it. Prozac has minimal side effects and most do not have side effects. You can always reevaluate in the future to decrease the medication if she's doing well

Posted 5/17/16 9:17 AM

Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05

9923 total posts


Re: Cat Anxiety Meds

My cat Sushi has been on prozac before. It is now a family joke. She has anxiety and cannot get along with our other cat. The vet explained to me that just like people, animals can have neurological problems. It helped her and now she is not on it (although she is still "off" personality wise) Chat Icon

Posted 5/26/16 9:39 AM

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