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Changing diet for picky eater?

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Changing diet for picky eater?

My son is 5 and diagnosed with level 3 (most severe) ASD. I started my son on a probiotic that another ASD mom recommended to me. Within a week of giving it to him I saw very positive changes- He was no longer fighting me to go to the bathroom, he was more attentive during his therapy sessions (in fact his therapists asked if he was on meds), and he was attempting more words/sounds. It was short lived, because a few weeks later he reverted back to his old ways/behaviors. I've heard people talk about a gut/brain connection and changing diet is helpful (especially eliminating gluten & dairy) but my son is very picky on what he eats. He is currently GF because of suspected celiac (blood test showed high intolerance) but it would be very hard to eliminate dairy because one of the few foods he will eat is kefir (yogurt smoothie) and GF pizza.

Anyone else have experiences trying to change diet with a picky eater? What did you find helped?

Posted 1/11/18 10:21 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts


Changing diet for picky eater?

Are you look to change his diet because of his stomach upset or his behavior? There is absolutely no evidence that diets such as dairy free, casin free gluten free etc impact autism. HOWEVER, often times can be directly related to an underlying medical issue such as celiac disease and the behavior is a function of pain. If his stomach is better and he is not fight you to use the bathroom/ having signs he may have a stomach ache, I would leave the diet alone because eating will be more of a struggle when it is not necessary. If he is having trouble, try reinforcing the eating with a preferred activity following to increase the chance he will eat.
Try one of these trays:
Fred DINNER WINNER Kids' Dinner Tray

It may increase the likely effort to eat the food to get the dessert, I would use it early on then fade out

Message edited 1/11/2018 11:09:36 AM.

Posted 1/11/18 11:07 AM

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