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Cooking for 2

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3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08

8178 total posts


Cooking for 2

Do u prepare smaller meals or just eat leftovers the next day?

DH has the habit of making meals for like 10 people----all of the leftover pile up and, more often than not, we forget about them and wind up throwing them out.

Message edited 3/10/2009 2:36:23 PM.

Posted 3/10/09 2:34 PM

Happily Ever After

Member since 9/08

2534 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

I finally got the right portion size when I cook. I prepare enough for a meal and a half. (DH brings lunch to work).
I still end up throwing things out but it is no where near as bad as when we first moved in together.

Posted 3/10/09 2:35 PM


Member since 5/05

4002 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

I usually make enough so that one of us can bring leftovers for lunch the next day (usually me).

Posted 3/10/09 2:37 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/08

110 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

We make enough for just us but thats only because we live in an apt in my parents house and we take their dinner for our lunch the next day. But if it weren't for that, we'd make enough for dinner and lunch.

Posted 3/10/09 2:39 PM


Member since 11/07

7344 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

i cook for one or like ten.

i have no conception of portions!

Posted 3/10/09 2:40 PM

I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05

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Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: Cooking for 2

when we first got married, I used to cook huge pots of foods (thats the way my mom cooked! Chat Icon ) and we too had so many leftovers, they would go bad before we could eat them.
Now, when I buy meat, I seperate it as soon as i get home and freeze it in smaller portions.

It works out great, I can take out a portion for us or if I am having more people over I just take out more.

We also have left over night once or twice a week. We eat what ever is in the refrigerator. Sometimes there are just one portion left so he will eat one thing and I will eat the other.

Food is too expensive to throw away all the time. Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 2:40 PM

this is bliss.......

Member since 10/08

1234 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

I usually cook for 4- dh always eats 2 helpings of whatever I make (and doesnt gain weight Chat Icon ) and then takes the leftovers for lunch

Posted 3/10/09 2:40 PM


Member since 1/09

5476 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

I usually make for two days (dinner - lunch) or if its a dinner then dinner the next day so you get to eat something diff. for lunch. I try to also prep food differently to mix it up (ex. chicken cutlets baked with bread crumbs, chicken rolled with veggies nad cheese, chicken just grilled all at once)

Posted 3/10/09 2:46 PM


Member since 8/08

6657 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

I try to cook so we have enough for one meal of leftovers...but DH has no concept of portion control and always manages to eat at least half of what I think will be left overs! Chat Icon
So what's left usually gets thrown out in a few days cause it's not enough for a meal and DH can't heat things up at work. And I don't eat lunch.....

Posted 3/10/09 2:48 PM

live laugh love

Member since 8/06

5082 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

I try to cook small amounts, and usually end up with enough for at least 1 meal leftover, so those wind up being lunch the next day.

Posted 3/10/09 3:00 PM

Totally in love

Member since 8/06

12785 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

Sometimes I know that we will be busy the next day, so leftovers are perfect.

Sometimes the dish I make is just good for one night.

A lot of the times, the dish is good for 3 people, so DH will take the leftovers to work for lunch the next day.

Posted 3/10/09 3:02 PM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

I usually make extra so there will be leftovers for the next day.

Posted 3/10/09 3:02 PM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

8589 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

I cook to make leftovers most of the time. I like leftovers for lunch. Two nights a week I have class til late and DH doesn't cook so he eats the leftovers.

Posted 3/10/09 4:25 PM


Member since 9/06

11483 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

DH cooks and we always have a little extra, for one extra meal. I'm actually sad when we don't. The one thing he always goes WAY overboard with is mashed potatoes.

Posted 3/10/09 4:27 PM

<3 I <3 my DD <3

Member since 8/08

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Happiest Mommy <3

Re: Cooking for 2

I make enough for us and extra if the package has more than one meal's worth. For example, if I buy a thing of pork chops with five in it and we eat two each, we'll save some of the sides and put that with the one extra pork chop so DH could bring it the next day.

He always has Sunday's pasta for lunch on Monday too. Unfortunately, I don't have enough for me too lol.

Posted 3/10/09 4:32 PM

Back home!

Member since 5/08

1858 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

It depends on the meal. For example, when I make steak, I buy one for each of us and only make enough sides for that meal. Other meals we'll have left overs and I will bring them for lunch. But like someone else said, sometime things get forgotten in the fridge only to be thrown out.

Posted 3/10/09 4:37 PM


Member since 7/07

1712 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

We almost always have leftovers for dinner the next night. Sometimes after cooking a meal I'll put the leftovers in the fridge right away so we aren't tempted to have a second helping.

I love that I don't have to create a brand new meal every night!

Posted 3/10/09 5:00 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/09

272 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

I finally mastered how to cook for 2 and now since DH works nights it is easier to cook for 4 and have left overs 2 nights later.

Posted 3/10/09 5:19 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

858 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

Cook?Chat Icon

Typically, I'll make something that will last at least two night. I have this great crock pot cookbook that gives a recipe for a second meal out of leftovers from the first.

Posted 3/10/09 8:53 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

80 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

Posted by DirtyBlonde

i cook for one or like ten.

i have no conception of portions!

LOL, same here!

Posted 3/10/09 10:39 PM

Welcome to the world Chase

Member since 9/08

6162 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

It really depends..sometimes we have leftovers (which is great and really saves money) sometimes we don't

Posted 3/10/09 10:47 PM

I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08

6549 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

Press-N-Seal has become my friend. I highly recommend it. I portion out meat and freeze (ie - 2 chicken cutlets together). I will make 4 portions sometimes, but so we have leftovers for lunch or for dinner the next night.

Also, I bought the Forman grill - the one with the removable plates that is easy to wash and this makes cooking for 2 soooo much easier.

Posted 3/11/09 9:01 AM

Love being a mom!

Member since 5/08

2776 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

It varies and depends on the recipe. Usually recipes are for 4 and we save leftovers. Otherwise we are just tossing some ingredients together and then it's just for us.

Posted 3/11/09 9:09 AM

Back to school is here

Member since 12/07

1052 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

Posted by MrsFab

I usually cook for 4- dh always eats 2 helpings of whatever I make (and doesnt gain weight Chat Icon ) and then takes the leftovers for lunch

That sounds like my DH except I'm the one who takes the leftovers for lunch.

Posted 3/12/09 10:04 AM

last month on leave!

Member since 6/08

4551 total posts


Re: Cooking for 2

Posted by DonnaJoe708

I usually make enough so that one of us can bring leftovers for lunch the next day (usually me).

same here!!

i'm trying to learn new things to cook!

Posted 3/12/09 10:12 AM
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