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LIF Adult
Member since 8/12 6791 total posts
Re: Do kids learn script / cursive?
My son only did script in 3rd and he can absolutely read words written in cursive in 5th now.
Posted 4/2/18 2:19 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Do kids learn script / cursive?
My kids have not. I wish they did!
Message edited 4/6/2018 3:50:24 PM.
Posted 4/6/18 3:50 PM |
Re: Do kids learn script / cursive?
My DS learned it in 3rd grade, and his teacher did an entire block of it. I think it depends on the teacher though because I've learned in our district it isn't mandatory so I was surprised it was so huge in my DS's class.
Posted 4/6/18 11:16 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05 718 total posts
Do kids learn script / cursive?
It is not taught anymore in my district (East Islip) and I think it is horrible. My daughter who is in high school doesn't know how to sign her name in script - how will anyone know how to write out a check or sign a document - block letters? ?
Posted 5/7/18 9:56 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Do kids learn script / cursive?
Posted by Kathy
It is not taught anymore in my district (East Islip) and I think it is horrible. My daughter who is in high school doesn't know how to sign her name in script - how will anyone know how to write out a check or sign a document - block letters? ?
While I don't believe cursive is needed at all anymore, I do believe they should just teach you how to sign your name. Because to be honest that's about all I use it for.
Though I also think check writing will be going away in the next 20 years or so. Paying bills will be done online, everything will be debit and credit cards and even gifting or tipping will be done via apps I think. It's already starting to go that way. I rarely write a check anymore except if we are going to a wedding or a party where we are gifting money.
But yes, signatures are important for legal documents, etc.
Message edited 5/7/2018 10:01:13 AM.
Posted 5/7/18 10:00 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 2/17 572 total posts
Name: Stacey
Do kids learn script / cursive?
Allthough my DDs school district does teach cursive in elementary school, I am sorry that other districts do not. If our school district didn't, I would teach her myself, because it helps develop fine motor skills.
Posted 5/7/18 10:30 AM |
Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Do kids learn script / cursive?
(Texas) my specific district does not 'teach' it but introduces it. It comes up every year in the parent orientation. As if it should be taught and how DARE they not teach our precious children cursive! Do you KNOW how much we pay in taxes for this school!?!? Yeah, I know I live in a good district with the Jones but damn they get on my nerves.
I got fed up once and answered "Do *YOU* write in cursive?" and of course they said they do. So I asked do you REALLY truly write in proper cursive. How are those Bs and Vs and your capital Qs? If you want your child to learn it, do it. I personally write crappy cursive but I do it all the time. I also took the habit of writing in cursive to annoy her and guess what, she learned to read it. Then it became her 'secret code' so she began to ask me how to write it. And instead of oh, I don't know a video game for hours, let them watch cursive handwriting videos instead?
I was not elected as class parent rep. LOL
My daughter reads and writes in cursive. Ugly cursive but hey I don't write pretty unless I slow down and try either. But we work on it. Ironically they have calligraphy in their art class. HAHAHA
Posted 5/10/18 9:01 AM |
loving life

Member since 1/07 5413 total posts
Name: D
Re: Do kids learn script / cursive?
my daughters are learning it in 2nd grade in a catholic school in queens, people should absolutely know how to sign their name, and as someone else mentioned old letters and documents written in script, other than when i am at work ( a pull out teacher k-3 they don;t know script) , i only write in script i find it faster and easier and i have pretty neat script
Posted 5/10/18 5:19 PM |

Member since 6/07 8274 total posts
Name: me
Re: Do kids learn script / cursive?
A lot of schools don't seem to be teaching it at all anymore. I'm not sure if my kids' school will teach it, but I'll definitely be working on it with them myself when they're in 2nd grade. I think it's important to know how to write & read in script.
Posted 5/12/18 12:11 AM |
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