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cool rider

Forum Opinion Poll
always wait for the elevator 14 13.59%
will take stairs if elevator is not available 18 17.48%
always take the stairs 59 57.28%
other 12 11.65%

Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

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she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

if you are able bodied, not carrying a heavy load, and going to the second floor of a building that has both an elevator and a perfectly usable and accessible staircase,

do you wait for the elevator to go up on floor or

do you take the stairs?

Posted 6/16/09 3:05 PM


Member since 7/06

9149 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

Stairs, and I work on the 4th floor.

Posted 6/16/09 3:08 PM

Square head cutie pants

Member since 3/06

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Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?


Posted 6/16/09 3:09 PM


Member since 4/07

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Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?


Posted 6/16/09 3:09 PM

Waiting patiently for baby sis

Member since 8/06

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L-Diddy EDD 11/11/11 :)

Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

Pre-pregnancy - stairs
pregnancy - elevator Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/09 3:11 PM

Sooo Excited

Member since 6/06

2252 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

I always take the stairs, unless of course I forget my pass which you need to get onto the second floor via the stairs Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/09 3:12 PM


Member since 9/06

11483 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

I'm on the third floor and take the stairs.

Posted 6/16/09 3:15 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

Posted by LaurenExp

Pre-pregnancy - stairs
pregnancy - elevator Chat Icon

what she said!
although the dizziness i get from the elevator almost makes it not worth it!

Posted 6/16/09 3:15 PM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

Stairs! I get all annoyed when the stairs aren't accesible from the lobby.

I used to walk up to my 5th floor apartment most of the time.

Posted 6/16/09 3:26 PM


Member since 1/08

12702 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

Since I am pregnant and my legs always hurt- usually the elevator.

Before pregnancy I was a smoker, so I took the stairs alot (I'm talking up 6 flights for school) but I would have to stop at the top to catch my breath and would curse myself for taking the stairsChat Icon

Posted 6/16/09 3:39 PM

Baby come on out!

Member since 11/08

1934 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

Posted by LaurenExp

Pre-pregnancy - stairs
pregnancy - elevator Chat Icon


Posted 6/16/09 3:40 PM

Baby #2 is here!

Member since 8/07

8806 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

I take the stairs.

The building I work in has way too many people but not enough elevators so I'm used to it. I work on the 7th floor and often take the stairs if I don't feel like waiting for an elevator.

Posted 6/16/09 3:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

I used to work in an overcrowded NYC HS and I would take the elevator one floor b/c the stairs were too packed with students to get through.

Posted 6/16/09 3:46 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

depends on the elevator. at work, we have new elevators that take literally 5secs to arrive.... meanwhile, the stairs are far from the lobby... so elevator.

at home, I used to always take the elevator (which is technically 1 flight, but really closer to 3 normal 'flights of stairs)... but it's out of order more often than it's in order Chat Icon So I have to schlep my lazy toosh, along with my lunch bag, laptop, and roughly 22 lb baby up the stairs Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/09 3:48 PM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

It depends. At work I often have to carry a heavy bag from floor to floor so then I use the elevator... if I'm not carrying anything heavy, I use the stairs.

Posted 6/16/09 3:52 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?


Posted 6/16/09 3:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/06

1985 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

at work I take the elevator and I get so many dirty looks but before you think I am downright lazy I work near a studio so they closed the stairs for security reasons. I would def take the stairs if i could!

Posted 6/16/09 3:58 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

26792 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

We have an elevator in our building. I only take it if I have a cart with me. I actually scold coworkers who take the elevator up... Chat Icon The funny thing is, I usually wind up beating them up the two flights of stairs...

The only time I take the elevator is if it's more than two flights, or if I'm not familiar with the building. Hotels are designed for you to take the elevator primarily. The stairs are often tucked away somewhere, so it takes a little while to find them from the lobby. Hospitals, too.

Posted 6/16/09 3:59 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

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Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

Depends on the shoes.

Posted 6/16/09 4:01 PM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

15697 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

I live on the 'first' floor but it is actually the second floor... it takes longer to wait for the elevator than to take the stairs!

Posted 6/16/09 4:06 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

I take the stairs all the time..unless it's to like the 30th floor! Chat Icon '

I am extremely claustrophobic and cannot handle being in elevators anymore.

Posted 6/16/09 4:13 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

since I am pregnant, I don't do stairs

when I am not pregnant, oh yeah, I don't do stairs then either Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/09 4:13 PM

Stalkers, get a life.

Member since 11/07

12820 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

I live on the "2nd" floor (it's actually the third; lobby, 1st floor, 2nd floor). I always take the elevator.

We have two staircases but they are completely enclosed and even though I feel super safe in my part-time doorman building, I don't like those staircases and their enclosed area. I will take them if the elevator is taking forever, but I don't like it.

I've always worked 20th floor or above, so elevator at work.

Posted 6/16/09 4:19 PM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

Posted by ilt1221

at work I take the elevator and I get so many dirty looks but before you think I am downright lazy I work near a studio so they closed the stairs for security reasons. I would def take the stairs if i could!

I used to have to take the elevator from 18 to 19 to use the bathroom when ours was being renovated & I felt so lazy, but the stairs are for emergencies only.

Posted 6/16/09 4:19 PM

BOOOO for fall!

Member since 7/06

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Meaning a NON ttcer!

Re: Do you ride the elevator to the second floor?

#1- because I'm the epitome of laziness
#2- becausestairways are shady and scary IMO

Posted 6/16/09 4:30 PM
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