DS is no longer in a crib (it was recalled...so no choice!!).

At first he would only get up when he did not want to nap. So it was a "game". out of the bed, I would put him back in bed. Back and forth. Sometimes up to 10 times. He would either go out of the bedroom or sit behind his bedroom door. Finally I gave up. No naps!

For the past weeks, he know does it go to bed at night. It's horrible!

So last night, was no exception. Finally I heard silence and "thought" he had gone to bed. Stupid me... I never checked on him. Go upstairs on computer for about 1 hour and go downstairs. Go check on him. Open door and find him sleeping on the floor behind his door on his blanket.Chat Icon

Mommy... Strike 1

Fast forward to 4am. I heard a loud bang. I thought he might have fallen out of bed (even with the bed rail!). But I heard no voice. Rush to bedroom. He is not there. Turn on all light and ran to go to the stairs. DS loves going upstairs. My heart stopped thinking he went upstairs in the dark and fell. I find one of his toys at the bottom of the stairs (he likes to push it over his mailbox toy to fall and pick it up again! Chat Icon ). He dumped it from the top of the stairs all the way down. I got so upset. We usually close the door to go upstairs but with the weather the door got sticky and DH did not close it last night. I held him so tight. I was so scared what could have happen. Finally after the kid is done being tightly held by his mother. We went back to bed. I had to stay with him in his bedroom until he fell asleep.

Mommy... strike 2.

Daddy..... well, I had to tell him this morning what had happened. He slept through the whole thing.

We had an old gate but we lost some of the pieces to pressure mount it.

So back to store I go today.