I am so sorry Do you have to go for a D&C? When I had my empty sac the dr gave me pills to take at 8 weeks so that the sac would be expressed from my uterus and I wouldn't have to go through the procedure.
I went to the doctor today and we only saw a sac. According to LMP, I should be 6 weeks 1 day.
Do you think there is still hope? I don't know what to do. My doctors seem to think that its over and the pregnancy is not viable.
Update : Well I went to the doctor today and the ultrasound was still showing an empty sac. Doctor said it's an Blighted Ovum. They want to schdule a D&C. I made an appointment with another doctor for a second opinion but I have pretty much lost hope. I just can't believe this is happening to me again.
So sorry! The same thing happened to my friend at 7 wks - now she is due again in October - don't lose hope!