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Feeling out of/shortness of breath due to sitting position?

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my little girl

Member since 1/11

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my whole world

Feeling out of/shortness of breath due to sitting position?

Is this normal?

Lately when I'm sitting down I feel shortness of breath or out of breath and I'm almost panting. I feel like there's just extra weight and maybe it's pressing on my lungs?Chat Icon

I'm sitting at work right now. Just typing and feeling completely out of breath!

Anyone else have this?

Message edited 1/23/2012 10:40:25 AM.

Posted 1/23/12 10:39 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Feeling out of/shortness of breath due to sitting position?

Between the position of the baby and the movement of your internal organs to fit your expanding uterus and baby it is likely that you just don't have the space right now. Chat Icon Try getting up and moving around. I would stand put my hands all the way up and take a couple deep breaths.

Posted 1/23/12 12:04 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

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Re: Feeling out of/shortness of breath due to sitting position?

Unfortunately - this is normal Chat Icon I've had shortness of breath since the first trimester and have been told by my OB and a pulmonologist that it is normal during pregnancy. There is weight on you diaphram now that wasn't there before, which causes it. HOWEVER if you are ever wheezing, or having trouble getting air in - this is different. That can be pregnancy induced asthma which unfortunately I have a minor form of - but it is treatable if you do have that!

Posted 1/23/12 12:45 PM

Stalkers, get a life.

Member since 11/07

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Re: Feeling out of/shortness of breath due to sitting position?

With my DS I had shortness of breath the entire pregnancy! Some weeks it was much worse than others.

Try sitting with the best posture possible to elongate your torso and give yourself the most room to breathe since baby shifts everything on the inside and makes it harder!

Posted 1/23/12 12:47 PM

Hidey Ho!

Member since 2/10

1669 total posts


Re: Feeling out of/shortness of breath due to sitting position?

i have this- i hate it!! i am constantly trying to take a deep breath and it just never fully happens.... Chat Icon

Posted 1/23/12 12:52 PM

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