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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
For moms who delivered late
How many days past your due date did you have your DC?
Did they come on their own or were you induced?
If you were induced, how many hours were you in labor and did you end up with a c section?
ETA: One more question - for those whose DC came on their own - did you give up on the fact of them coming on their own bc I truly feel that the only way I will see this baby is induction. I wonder if everyone felt that way though.
Message edited 6/21/2007 4:43:01 PM.
Posted 6/21/07 4:38 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 5/05 6530 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: For moms who delivered late
10 days late (though I went into labor 8 days late)
I was not induced, I went into labor naturally.
eta: I was in labor for 45 hours, they broke my water and started pitocin when I wasn't progressing enough. I did not have a c-section.
to answer your new question, I did not want to be induced so as much as it felt like forever, I wanted to wait if possible. (my midwife probably would have pushed to induce at my next appt)
Message edited 6/21/2007 5:00:35 PM.
Posted 6/21/07 4:40 PM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: For moms who delivered late
DD arrived on her own 8 days later
Posted 6/21/07 4:40 PM |
Complete Happiness :)
Member since 5/05 27789 total posts
Name: LOVE being a Mommy!
Re: For moms who delivered late
I think you know my story already.
13 days late
I had to be induced. They started the induction at 6:30pm, had emergency c-section at 10:00 am the next morning. She was born 10:19
Posted 6/21/07 4:47 PM |
party of five

Member since 9/06 11343 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: For moms who delivered late
i was 9 days late...was not induced....went into labor naturally, but they gave me pitocin when i wasnt dilating after 12 hrs
total labor was about 19 hrs vaginal delivery
i was very againt induction (my dr wanted to do it so much earlier). i was actually scheduled to be induced the day AFTER i went into it naturally
Message edited 6/21/2007 4:51:17 PM.
Posted 6/21/07 4:47 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: For moms who delivered late
Posted by -Lisa-
10 days late
I was not induced, I went into labor naturally.
eta: I was in labor for 45 hours, they broke my water and started pitocin when I wasn't progressing enough. I did not have a c-section.
Posted 6/21/07 4:49 PM |
Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05 3932 total posts
Re: For moms who delivered late
5 days late. No induction, no pitocin. He was just ready at that time
I was in pain and from about 9pm. I went to the hospital at 8am and had him at 1:25pm. I only pushed for 3 sets of contractions
Message edited 6/21/2007 4:55:17 PM.
Posted 6/21/07 4:50 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: For moms who delivered late
Keep the stories coming. I like knowing what everyone else's experiences were like. It looks like once they are late they are very stubborn and take a LONG time to come out. I need to be prepared!
Posted 6/21/07 4:51 PM |
Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05 8088 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: For moms who delivered late
10 days past my due date. Acutally at 10:30pm on the 9th day my water broke and she came naturally. I had her on the 10th day. My labor was pretty average I think. I wouldn't say short but I wouldn't say long either. I had her at 9:13 the following morning so less than 12 hours from start to finish. And yes by then I had given up on the idea that she was coming out on her own. I was scheduled to go in to talk induction the following day but luckily my water broke the night before that
Posted 6/21/07 4:55 PM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: For moms who delivered late
This is great for me to read now too. Thanks!!!
Posted 6/21/07 4:56 PM |
Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
Re: For moms who delivered late
Posted by nbc188
This is great for me to read now too. Thanks!!!
Posted 6/21/07 5:00 PM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: For moms who delivered late
DS was 8 days late, but only one day afer the original due date (doc changed it 1/2 way through the pregnancy).
I was in "mild labor" I guess you can call it for a few days, then on day 8 I went into active labor. I ended up with a c/s.
Posted 6/21/07 5:11 PM |
Member since 5/05 6530 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: For moms who delivered late
my SIL had her FIFTH child yesterday, and she was LATE!
Only 2 days late, but you would think by 5, they're falling out.
Posted 6/21/07 5:22 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: For moms who delivered late
Posted by -Lisa-
my SIL had her FIFTH child yesterday, and she was LATE!
Only 2 days late, but you would think by 5, they're falling out.
Yeah! Was it a boy or girl? I know Adriann had a boy feeling...
Posted 6/21/07 5:23 PM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: For moms who delivered late
Posted by Diana1215
How many days past your due date did you have your DC?
Did they come on their own or were you induced?
If you were induced, how many hours were you in labor and did you end up with a c section?
ETA: One more question - for those whose DC came on their own - did you give up on the fact of them coming on their own bc I truly feel that the only way I will see this baby is induction. I wonder if everyone felt that way though.
I was 11 days late, I was induced. I was in labor for 3 days, I had a vag delivery. Next baby is going to fall out before I have another induction!!!
Posted 6/21/07 5:23 PM |
Member since 5/05 6530 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: For moms who delivered late
Posted by chmlengr
Yeah! Was it a boy or girl? I know Adriann had a boy feeling...
Annika (I had a girl feeling )
Posted 6/21/07 5:28 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: For moms who delivered late
Beautiful name! Congrats to them!
Posted 6/21/07 5:31 PM |
Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05 4114 total posts
Re: For moms who delivered late
I went into labor when I was 7 days late, he was born 8 days late. I was not induced. I ended up with a csection, but he was 9 7 and sunny side up, they didn't know what was going on, but I was not progressing at all for hours once I hit 8 cm, so ended up with a section.
Posted 6/21/07 5:46 PM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: For moms who delivered late
How many days past your due date did you have your DC? DS#1 - 7 days past dd DS#2 - 3 days past dd
Did they come on their own or were you induced? DS#1 - I went into labor the day before I was supposed to be induced. I was in labor for 21 hours. DS#2 - I was induced
If you were induced, how many hours were you in labor and did you end up with a c section? DS#2 - I got the pitocin at 11:30am and he was born at 5:21pm. I got an epi when they broke my water and only pushed for 15 min. So my labor was less than 6 hours.
ETA: One more question - for those whose DC came on their own - did you give up on the fact of them coming on their own bc I truly feel that the only way I will see this baby is induction. I wonder if everyone felt that way though.
Yes I gave up bc I scheduled the induction. I actually woke up the day before in labor. The night before I went into labor, I was planning on canceling the induction bc I started to loose my plug and was having irregular contractions. I was scared of induction at the time. But I did have a great induction with my second son.
Message edited 6/21/2007 7:04:53 PM.
Posted 6/21/07 7:02 PM |

Member since 5/05 6856 total posts
Re: For moms who delivered late
9 days late!
They wanted to induce me, I didn't allow it, wanted this baby to come out when she was ready... 41 hours of labor later (not all of those hours were horrific labor-LOL!)..I wound up with a C-Section.
Posted 6/21/07 8:04 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: For moms who delivered late
Posted by AndreaLMT
9 days late!
They wanted to induce me, I didn't allow it, wanted this baby to come out when she was ready... 41 hours of labor later (not all of those hours were horrific labor-LOL!)..I wound up with a C-Section.
Thank you all - this is giving me hope that this baby can still show up on his own!!!!
Posted 6/21/07 8:05 PM |
Re: For moms who delivered late
I was induced after 6 days. Labor was 6 hours for vd.
Posted 6/21/07 8:13 PM |
too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: For moms who delivered late
I was induced after being 6 days late. I was having small contractions when I went in for the induction so I needed very little pitocin, but I needed a ballon catheter to help me dilate. I went in on a Wednesday night and stayed over. I don't consider myself in labor until 8am when I was 4cm and the Dr. broke my water. Then the contractions started getting uncomfortable. I had an epidural at 5cm 11am. I was fully dilated and ready to push by 2:30pm. My son was bron vaginally a little after 4pm.
Posted 6/21/07 8:22 PM |
Member since 5/05 4729 total posts
Name: Shari
Re: For moms who delivered late
11 days late with Sammy Even after Cervidal and Piticon nothing happend although my water did break just contractions Ended up with a C/S next day
Sara - Scheduled C -section but I think she woud have come on her own - oh well
Posted 6/21/07 9:33 PM |
Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05 26170 total posts
Name: MrsERod™®
Re: For moms who delivered late
Posted by Diana1215
How many days past your due date did you have your DC?
8 days
Posted by Diana1215
Did they come on their own or were you induced?
induced (dr. broke my water)
Posted by Diana1215
If you were induced, how many hours were you in labor and did you end up with a c section?
1 hour, 47 minutes later, and I delievered naturally (NO drugs whatsoever)
Posted 6/21/07 9:37 PM |
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