My DH has crazy hours so it's mostly me. On my early mornings i get up at 6:15 AM, take a shower and get ready for work and the babysitter comes at 7. Sometimes they are up, sometimes they aren't. After i get ready I clean up the house a bit.

On my later days I get up same time and get ready. Then wake the boys, feed them, change them and watch the wiggles. I am out of the house at 8AM.

I come home between 5-6. Usually I will feed them, bathe them, put them in pjs, give them a bottle, play and then to bed at 7 for them. Then i do laundry, cook dinner, clean the house, etc. Depends. Usually we are in bed around 10. DH helps me when he gets home with them.

I also make an effort to spend an hour or two a night on something I want to a movie, go for a run, read a book, hang with DH, crafts. Keeps me sane.

We have no set jobs though. We just help each other out.