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My three little miracles

Member since 4/06 2628 total posts
Name: Alison
Re: Holiday Traditions
Posted by rojerono
Christmas is a huge deal for us.
We decorate our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. And we talk about all of the ornaments - a good many of them are handmade by Robbie and Noah so they like to try to remember when they made them, etc.
We also have the 'annual' Christmas ornament - I but them each one ornament a year that kind of reflects what they are into currently. They LOVE unpacking and talking about those. When they leave our house, I will pack up all of their own ornaments so they have something to put on their own tree if they want.
We make paper snowflakes to hang from the ceiling around the house.
We set up the nativity on December 1st.
On Christmas Eve one child gets to put Jesus in the manger in the nativity.
We keep and Advent calendar - but in addition to a small gift for them, each day contains a 'gift for Jesus' - in the form of a 'good deed' that they must do that day for a 'neighbor' or family member. Little stuff like "give a compliment to someone you don't usually talk to or someone you are angry with" - or - "offer to share something you really love with someone else"..
We go Christmas shopping for food and other items for a needy family together.
Each night we read different variations of the Christmas story - ending with the Gospel According to St. Luke on Christmas Eve Morning. We also read a little story about holiday traditions for other cultures - one per night.
My sister has a Christmas Eve party that includes all of our extended family (really lifelong friends more than actual relatives). We drink and make merry and exchange gifts with my family and friends.
We give them their new Christmas PJ's at my sister's party.
We spread reindeer food on the lawn and leave one healthy snack and one bad snack for Santa. Plus cocoa.
"Santa" leaves a letter for them on Christmas morning - praising their good behavior and letting them know that he has seen some of their less than stellar moments and how he would appreciate if they worked on those things.
Each child picks one of their Santa toys as a gift from Jesus to give to a child in need.
Each child picks one of their new toys and lets his brother play with it first.
We halt all toy playing to clean up all wrappings, ribbons and bows - and have a breakfast as a family.
THEN we go to Grandmas house for an early dinner/lunch and to exchange gifts.
Then we are off to my sister's house for a quick visit.
Awesome traditions. I can't wait to start our family's traditions!
As a child, I always got my first gift on Christmas Eve... pjs. We also always got a dated ornament each year... that makes decorating the tree a lot of fun for me (I've inherited all those ornaments). Candlelight service on Christmas Eve was always magical. As a child, I always had an apple, orange, candy and nuts in my stocking (and some little gifts).
BTW... it's great thinking back to all those Christmases and remembering happy times!
Great thread!
Posted 10/17/08 10:09 AM |
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Member since 10/06 14432 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Holiday Traditions
here are some of mine: --christmas parade in town --cutting down treet here in NC at an actual tree farm --trimming tree --making cookies (for neighbors too) --cookies for santa, carrots for rheindeer --letter for santa --watching christmas shows/cartoons --family picture in pjs --reading twas the night before christmas --watching souind of music on christmas day --music playing all day --special christas breakfast after presents --going to mass special ornament that represents the year --opening stocking in morning 1st --when DC gets older going to Polar Express
Message edited 10/17/2008 10:38:02 AM.
Posted 10/17/08 10:16 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Holiday Traditions
in my family growing up, we would
- go to midnight mass - after mass, we would open ONE gift, since it was christmas day - we would then go to sleep. When we woke up, we would wake my parents, open gifts and have breakfast. Since we usually woke up at like 5am, we would go back to bed for a bit after that
Posted 10/17/08 10:17 AM |
wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07 16106 total posts
Name: Tina
Re: Holiday Traditions
Growing up dhs and my family didnt have any.. so when we got married we decided we wanted to start some with our kids.
So far we have planned:
1- The elf on the shelf 2- Luckie Gerkin ( pickle that goes on a tree and the child who finds the morning of christmas gets something extra special) 3- Reading the night before christmas book on christmas eve. 4- watch the christmas cartoons.. the old time ones.. got on dvd. 5- we buy a special family ornament, plus get dd a special ornament of her own. 6- started a chritmas village the year we got married so we have a church representing that year, last year had dd so we bought a baby store, this year i just picked up a rubber duckie store = dd loves rubber duckies this representing her birthday.. infancy to toddler hood.
Im trying to think of other more meaningful things we can do as a family .. since you made this thread im going to read over what others do and see what great ideas they have.
Message edited 10/17/2008 10:33:09 AM.
Posted 10/17/08 10:28 AM |
I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: Holiday Traditions
Posted by CrankyPants
We do the new PJs for Christmas, but we do it for the whole family (so, DH, me and DD this year) and they coordinate.
Big dinner and then midnight mass on Christmas eve
Reading the night before Christmas on Christmas Eve
Reading the Christmas Story on Christmas Night
We used to visit Rockefeller Center during the season, however since we moved out of state, that will be harder. We may go over Thanksgiving when we are visiting, but I don't think it will be decked out then.
Forgot a few:
New family ornament each year.
New ornament for DD each year (she will get her "collection" when she has her own home and Christmas tree).
We are going to start baking for the neighbors this year. We never did this up north, but down here it seems to be the thing to do, so why not.
Posted 10/17/08 10:31 AM |
My loves!!
Member since 1/06 9203 total posts
Re: Holiday Traditions
We always put out tree up the day after Thanksgiving
We were allowed to open our stocking in the morning before my parents got up. We were not allowed to touch the presents mom had to take a picture of us in front of them first.
The kids always opened 1 present at a time...we each took turns. I hated this growing up but actually might do this if Rylan ever has siblings.
Advent calander
We always put cookies and milk out for Santa.
My Nana always had stocking for us too. Every year we had Pez in there. When my Nana passed my aunt took over and yes at we still get them and we're all between 35 and
Message edited 10/17/2008 10:35:33 AM.
Posted 10/17/08 10:33 AM |
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