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How many have kids going into K?

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Can't plan life...

Member since 8/08

2860 total posts


How many have kids going into K?

I am so worried for my daughter.. I know she will do great but such a different feeling sending my special needs kid to K than my older daughter! How are all the other mommies holding up?

Posted 8/30/17 3:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: How many have kids going into K?

My son is going into K, however he will be continuing in the private school he is in vs. our district, so it makes me feel a little bit better.

Posted 8/31/17 1:40 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 6/17

450 total posts


Re: How many have kids going into K?

My lil guy started Monday. He has speech issues. So far he seems to like it. Ive been nervous kids wont understand him and he wont make friends. I understand your nervesChat Icon

Posted 8/31/17 2:16 PM


Member since 9/06

4161 total posts


How many have kids going into K?

My son started today he was fine and went right in. However once I left him I was a mess!!!

Posted 9/5/17 12:58 PM

Me and my love

Member since 3/13

1301 total posts


How many have kids going into K?

Mine started last week. Same issues as the last two years (frustration/transition/quick to cry) but his teachers seem to like him in spite of all that. He loves going to school. Looking to get a para for a little bit in hopes to help ease him into the changes.

Posted 9/11/17 2:13 PM

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