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Loves being Joey & Vinny's mom

Member since 1/09 3771 total posts
Name: Athina
I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
but i hate being pregnant. I am the definition of a Type A personality. I'm organized, disciplined, and thrive on order. This pregnancy is anything but that!
I'm nauseous, then I'm not, then I am again. I'm dizzy and lightheaded. I can't think straight and concentrating is a thing of the past. I'm so tired that I'm sleeping any chance I get. I'm a bundle of hormones and cry on a dime.
I was told 10 years ago that my endo was so bad I'd likely never get pregnant. Telling me I can't do something makes me want it that much more. I've spent thousands of dollars, saw numerous doctors and 3 surgerie later here I am.
I have everything I wanted: great DH, baby on the way and I'm miserable. I am over this child but cant help but wish that not EVERYTHING I want has to be so difficult achieving.
sorry for venting
Posted 6/16/09 8:11 PM |
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Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
It is OK! I hate being pregnant too, My body just doesnt like it and I dont have easy Pregnancies. Its OK to hate being pregnant....its the baby at the end that matters You dont have to be grateful to be Pregnant, grateful you will get a baby at the end is more like it.
Posted 6/16/09 8:13 PM |
My Loves <3

Member since 7/07 10079 total posts
Name: D
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
Don't feel guilty saying it....while I enjoy being pregnant now..I DID NOT during the first trimester, there were days when I thought "why did I want this so bad" .....not that I didn't want to have a child but I would cry over not getting pregnant each month it didn't happen and then there I was everyday during the 1st tri., praying to the porclean's not fun.
Not everyone enjoys being pregnant..everyone enjoys the outcome of being pregnant but 9 months is a long time to have your body completely out of whack.
Hang in there
Posted 6/16/09 8:21 PM |
Please St. Therese....

Member since 10/07 8494 total posts
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
I HATE being preg so much!!
I feel so distorted. I miss wearing regular clothes. The baby is crushing my stomach so I have virtually no appetite. I'm just uncomfortable.
This whole preg has been one thing after another. It's like I haven't felt good in 8 months. I am so happy to be blessed with a baby, but will be glad when this stage is over!
Posted 6/16/09 8:24 PM |
We made a snowman!

Member since 1/08 3239 total posts
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
Awwww, don't worry I felt the same way up until 16 or 17 weeks. Until then, I was nauseous, tired and bloated. I did NOT enjoy pregnancy. And then it all went away! The second trimester was a breath of fresh air- more energy, I actually looked pregnant and the nausea was gone. Once he started kicking, I was hooked! Now that I only have 3 weeks left, I'm sorta done with pregnancy again! I just want him to get here already! I think a lot of girls go through these emotions during pregnancy. Totally normal!
Posted 6/16/09 8:25 PM |
Yummy yummy cookie...

Member since 10/08 2005 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
Definitely do not feel guilty. I am in that ... I can't be pregnant phase anymore .. myself. I feel like I am as big as a whale, I am soooooo uncomfortable and I just want this baby out! I know he has to stay in a few more weeks, and I want him to.. I want him healthy... but I also want to start feeling like ME again.
Posted 6/16/09 8:39 PM |
So in love with this kid!

Member since 5/06 11197 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
How many weeks are you? I found the first tri to be SO hard. I feel so much more myself now (im 18wks)
Posted 6/16/09 8:40 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
I wouldn't feel guilty saying it. I think it's hard when you envision a pregnancy one way & your body betrays you by not cooperating with the script.
Other than the , there wasn't much I really liked - and I had ridiculously easy pregnancies. It doesn't mena you're a bad parent or have anything to do with how much you will love being a parent.
Posted 6/16/09 8:41 PM |
Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09 13591 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
pregnancy isn't for everyone. that doesnt mean you wont love your baby and be a great mom. at first i was miserable too and didnt think it would ever agree with me b/c i was sick, tired, couldnt eat, etc.
here I am at 21 weeks and the past few weeks have been better and im in a better mental state. the first few months were rough.
I felt bad for thinking "oh god..maybe im not ready" or "maybe i wasn't meant for this'
but in the end you'll have that baby you worked so hard to get!
Posted 6/16/09 8:41 PM |
Member since 10/06 4563 total posts
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
i am type A too and can relate. i hate being pregnant. just b/c you hate being PG doesn't mean you don't feel grateful to be having a baby! it is not comfortable for everyone. i hate feeling huge, i hate maternity clothes, not sleeping on my belly etc! it's a good thing it's a temporary state or else forget it!
Posted 6/16/09 8:42 PM |
Baby come on out!

Member since 11/08 1934 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
i think being pregnan sucks! As grateful as i am i hate it too.
Posted 6/16/09 9:16 PM |

Member since 12/05 10281 total posts
Name: Kiki
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
I had a dream pregnancy with my DD. Not a day of nausea. I was barely tired and I felt amazing. I never understood how women could say that they hated being pregnant, I thought it was the best thing ever.
Fast forward to this pregnancy, Im only 7.5 weeks in and I totally understand now why women hate being pregnant. I am sick all day long. I throw up some days off and on, the other days Im just gagging throughout the day. Im so beyond exhausted its starting to upset me. I feel like a wreck already. I am so sorry I ever judged anyone for saying that they hated being pregnant because I think Im seriously being taught a lesson!
Posted 6/16/09 9:43 PM |
My princess <3

Member since 5/09 2473 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
aww its ok. I hated it in the beginning too with the same symptoms you have...nauseous, coming home from work and sleeping for 4-5 hours, then still sleeping through the night. It's frustrating, especially when it's out of your control!!! I would cry and wonder how do people say this is a beautiful thing? As more time goes by the symptoms are starting to fade away. How far along are you?
Message edited 6/16/2009 9:46:28 PM.
Posted 6/16/09 9:44 PM |
big brother <3

Member since 5/05 14672 total posts
Name: Me
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
i hate being PG. first and third trimesters are AWFUL, and i didn't have bad m/s either. it's like a little parasite is living in me stealing my energy and food.
that said, is worth it! but he better be cute!
Posted 6/16/09 9:46 PM |
Baby come on out!

Member since 11/08 1934 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
Posted by nov04libride
i hate being PG. first and third trimesters are AWFUL, and i didn't have bad m/s either. it's like a little parasite is living in me stealing my energy and food.
that said, is worth it! but he better be cute!
I describe it very similar, I call it an alien sucking my life force out . And the first and the third tri are the worst.
Posted 6/16/09 9:48 PM |
Mommy to 2 amazing little boys
Member since 5/05 9306 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
I had a pretty easy pregnancy. Some MS in the first trimester but other than that nothing to report, pretty text book. But I hated it!
I thought I would love but I didnt! I didn't like the feeling that my body wasnt my own, or not feeling like I was in control etc.
Pregnancy is a hard time both physically and emotionally so dont be down on yourself! I didnt like pregnancy, yet I consider myself a good mom with a happy healthy little boy and I will consider being pregnant again...someday!
Posted 6/16/09 9:51 PM |
Loves being Joey & Vinny's mom

Member since 1/09 3771 total posts
Name: Athina
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
Posted by JennB
aww its ok. I hated it in the beginning too with the same symptoms you have...nauseous, coming home from work and sleeping for 4-5 hours, then still sleeping through the night. It's frustrating, especially when it's out of your control!!! I would cry and wonder how do people say this is a beautiful thing? As more time goes by the symptoms are starting to fade away. How far along are you?
I'm 11wks3ds. My symptoms got better for about a week and BAM they returned in full gear! I'm crying non-stop but I'm starving but every time I eat I DH has no clue what to do for me.
Im just so miserable that I feel I should be enjoying something and I'm not.
Posted 6/17/09 1:09 PM |
im a big girl!

Member since 2/07 4536 total posts
Name: Megan
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
Athina let me first start out by giving you tons of
your not alone!!! i felt the same exact way you did in the begining and well.. im not 34.5 weeks and i still feel the same way. i was sworn to up and down things would get better and i would start enjoying it.. and well i didnt... its totally natural for some people to just not enjoy pregnancy! theres nothing wrong with you and your not a bad mom. its taken me a long time to come to terms with hating prengnacy and not hating myself for the way i feel. i do feel very guilty at times but.. i dont feel that way about my CHILD i just feel that way about this state im in! once my little one gets here i know i will say it was all worth it! if you ever need to talk or vent im always around to listen i totaly understand!
Posted 6/17/09 1:16 PM |
Im a big boy now

Member since 5/08 2527 total posts
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
Posted by nov04libride
i hate being PG. first and third trimesters are AWFUL, and i didn't have bad m/s either. it's like a little parasite is living in me stealing my energy and food.
I say the same thing to DH. It is like having a parasite inside you sucking your energy away. I dont hate being pregnant but so far I definitely dont love it. B/w the nausea, acne, fatigue, weight gain and the list goes one, its not fun. I definitely didn't think it would be this tough. But everyone keeps telling me it will get better. The end result is going to be totally worth it. But I wouldnt feel guilty or bad for not loving being pregnant. I feel like once I start to feel the moving inside of me I will change my tune.
Posted 6/17/09 1:34 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
don't feel guilty. you have every right to feel the way you do. believe me, I know!!
Posted 6/17/09 1:47 PM |
My two boys!

Member since 5/05 7279 total posts
Name: Rebecca
Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)
Posted by Fasc0730
Posted by JennB
aww its ok. I hated it in the beginning too with the same symptoms you have...nauseous, coming home from work and sleeping for 4-5 hours, then still sleeping through the night. It's frustrating, especially when it's out of your control!!! I would cry and wonder how do people say this is a beautiful thing? As more time goes by the symptoms are starting to fade away. How far along are you?
I'm 11wks3ds. My symptoms got better for about a week and BAM they returned in full gear! I'm crying non-stop but I'm starving but every time I eat I DH has no clue what to do for me.
Im just so miserable that I feel I should be enjoying something and I'm not.
At 11 weeks I was totally miserable. I was sick most of the first trimester with the worst being weeks 9-13. I was sick every morning and every evening. I would cry to DH that I hated everything about pregnancy.
13 weeks hit and I immediately felt better. Now at 19 weeks (almost), I don't LOVE pregnancy, but I don't mind it. I really am having a textbook pregnancy (knock on wood), no problems, and I feel good other than the large belly that is popping out.
Hang in there, it will get better. And I hear the reward at the end is worth it!
Posted 6/17/09 2:02 PM |