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I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

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Loves being Joey & Vinny's mom

Member since 1/09

3771 total posts


I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

but i hate being pregnant. I am the definition of a Type A personality. I'm organized, disciplined, and thrive on order. This pregnancy is anything but that!

I'm nauseous, then I'm not, then I am again. I'm dizzy and lightheaded. I can't think straight and concentrating is a thing of the past. I'm so tired that I'm sleeping any chance I get. I'm a bundle of hormones and cry on a dime.

I was told 10 years ago that my endo was so bad I'd likely never get pregnant. Telling me I can't do something makes me want it that much more. I've spent thousands of dollars, saw numerous doctors and 3 surgerie later here I am.

I have everything I wanted: great DH, baby on the way and I'm miserable. I am Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon over this child but cant help but wish that not EVERYTHING I want has to be so difficult achieving.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

sorry for venting

Posted 6/16/09 8:11 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

It is OK! I hate being pregnant too, My body just doesnt like it and I dont have easy Pregnancies. Its OK to hate being pregnant....its the baby at the end that matters Chat Icon You dont have to be grateful to be Pregnant, grateful you will get a baby at the end is more like it. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/09 8:13 PM

My Loves <3

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Don't feel guilty saying it....while I enjoy being pregnant now..I DID NOT during the first trimester, there were days when I thought "why did I want this so bad" .....not that I didn't want to have a child but I would cry over not getting pregnant each month it didn't happen and then there I was everyday during the 1st tri., praying to the porclean's not fun.

Not everyone enjoys being pregnant..everyone enjoys the outcome of being pregnant but 9 months is a long time to have your body completely out of whack.

Hang in there Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/09 8:21 PM

Please St. Therese....

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

I HATE being preg so much!!

I feel so distorted. I miss wearing regular clothes. The baby is crushing my stomach so I have virtually no appetite. I'm just uncomfortable.

This whole preg has been one thing after another. It's like I haven't felt good in 8 months. I am so happy to be blessed with a baby, but will be glad when this stage is over!

Posted 6/16/09 8:24 PM

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

Awwww, don't worry I felt the same way up until 16 or 17 weeks. Until then, I was nauseous, tired and bloated. I did NOT enjoy pregnancy. And then it all went away! The second trimester was a breath of fresh air- more energy, I actually looked pregnant and the nausea was gone. Once he started kicking, I was hooked! Chat Icon Now that I only have 3 weeks left, I'm sorta done with pregnancy again! I just want him to get here already!
I think a lot of girls go through these emotions during pregnancy. Totally normal!

Posted 6/16/09 8:25 PM

Yummy yummy cookie...

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

Definitely do not feel guilty. I am in that ... I can't be pregnant phase anymore .. myself. I feel like I am as big as a whale, I am soooooo uncomfortable and I just want this baby out! I know he has to stay in a few more weeks, and I want him to.. I want him healthy... but I also want to start feeling like ME again.

Posted 6/16/09 8:39 PM

So in love with this kid!

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

How many weeks are you? I found the first tri to be SO hard. I feel so much more myself now (im 18wks)

Posted 6/16/09 8:40 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

I wouldn't feel guilty saying it. I think it's hard when you envision a pregnancy one way & your body betrays you by not cooperating with the script.

Other than the Chat Icon, there wasn't much I really liked - and I had ridiculously easy pregnancies. It doesn't mena you're a bad parent or have anything to do with how much you will love being a parent.

Posted 6/16/09 8:41 PM

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

pregnancy isn't for everyone. that doesnt mean you wont love your baby and be a great mom. at first i was miserable too and didnt think it would ever agree with me b/c i was sick, tired, couldnt eat, etc.

here I am at 21 weeks and the past few weeks have been better and im in a better mental state. the first few months were rough.

I felt bad for thinking "oh god..maybe im not ready" or "maybe i wasn't meant for this'

but in the end you'll have that baby you worked so hard to get!

Posted 6/16/09 8:41 PM


Member since 10/06

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

i am type A too and can relate. i hate being pregnant. just b/c you hate being PG doesn't mean you don't feel grateful to be having a baby! it is not comfortable for everyone. i hate feeling huge, i hate maternity clothes, not sleeping on my belly etc! it's a good thing it's a temporary state or else forget it!

Posted 6/16/09 8:42 PM

Baby come on out!

Member since 11/08

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

i think being pregnan sucks! As grateful as i am i hate it too.

Posted 6/16/09 9:16 PM


Member since 12/05

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

I had a dream pregnancy with my DD. Not a day of nausea. I was barely tired and I felt amazing. I never understood how women could say that they hated being pregnant, I thought it was the best thing ever.

Fast forward to this pregnancy, Im only 7.5 weeks in and I totally understand now why women hate being pregnant. I am sick all day long. I throw up some days off and on, the other days Im just gagging throughout the day. Im so beyond exhausted its starting to upset me. I feel like a wreck already. I am so sorry I ever judged anyone for saying that they hated being pregnant because I think Im seriously being taught a lesson!

Posted 6/16/09 9:43 PM

My princess <3

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

aww its ok. I hated it in the beginning too with the same symptoms you have...nauseous, coming home from work and sleeping for 4-5 hours, then still sleeping through the night. It's frustrating, especially when it's out of your control!!! I would cry and wonder how do people say this is a beautiful thing? As more time goes by the symptoms are starting to fade away. How far along are you?

Message edited 6/16/2009 9:46:28 PM.

Posted 6/16/09 9:44 PM

big brother <3

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

i hate being PG. first and third trimesters are AWFUL, and i didn't have bad m/s either. it's like a little parasite is living in me stealing my energy and food.

that said, Chat Icon is worth it! but he better be cute!

Posted 6/16/09 9:46 PM

Baby come on out!

Member since 11/08

1934 total posts


Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

Posted by nov04libride

i hate being PG. first and third trimesters are AWFUL, and i didn't have bad m/s either. it's like a little parasite is living in me stealing my energy and food.

that said, Chat Icon is worth it! but he better be cute!

Chat Icon I describe it very similar, I call it an alien sucking my life force out . And the first and the third tri are the worst.

Posted 6/16/09 9:48 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

I had a pretty easy pregnancy. Some MS in the first trimester but other than that nothing to report, pretty text book. But I hated it!

I thought I would love but I didnt!
I didn't like the feeling that my body wasnt my own, or not feeling like I was in control etc.

Pregnancy is a hard time both physically and emotionally so dont be down on yourself!
I didnt like pregnancy, yet I consider myself a good mom with a happy healthy little boy and I will consider being pregnant again...someday!Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/09 9:51 PM

Loves being Joey & Vinny's mom

Member since 1/09

3771 total posts


Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

Posted by JennB

aww its ok. I hated it in the beginning too with the same symptoms you have...nauseous, coming home from work and sleeping for 4-5 hours, then still sleeping through the night. It's frustrating, especially when it's out of your control!!! I would cry and wonder how do people say this is a beautiful thing? As more time goes by the symptoms are starting to fade away. How far along are you?

I'm 11wks3ds. My symptoms got better for about a week and BAM they returned in full gear! I'm crying non-stop but I'm starving but every time I eat I Chat Icon DH has no clue what to do for me.

Im just so miserable that I feel I should be enjoying something and I'm not.

Posted 6/17/09 1:09 PM

im a big girl!

Member since 2/07

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Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

Athina let me first start out by giving you tons of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

your not alone!!! i felt the same exact way you did in the begining and well.. im not 34.5 weeks and i still feel the same way. i was sworn to up and down things would get better and i would start enjoying it.. and well i didnt... its totally natural for some people to just not enjoy pregnancy! theres nothing wrong with you and your not a bad mom. its taken me a long time to come to terms with hating prengnacy and not hating myself for the way i feel. i do feel very guilty at times but.. i dont feel that way about my CHILD i just feel that way about this state im in! once my little one gets here i know i will say it was all worth it!Chat Icon if you ever need to talk or vent im always around to listen i totaly understand! Chat Icon

Posted 6/17/09 1:16 PM

Im a big boy now

Member since 5/08

2527 total posts


Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

Posted by nov04libride

i hate being PG. first and third trimesters are AWFUL, and i didn't have bad m/s either. it's like a little parasite is living in me stealing my energy and food.

I say the same thing to DH. It is like having a parasite inside you sucking your energy away. I dont hate being pregnant but so far I definitely dont love it. B/w the nausea, acne, fatigue, weight gain and the list goes one, its not fun. I definitely didn't think it would be this tough. But everyone keeps telling me it will get better. The end result is going to be totally worth it. But I wouldnt feel guilty or bad for not loving being pregnant. I feel like once I start to feel the moving inside of me I will change my tune.

Posted 6/17/09 1:34 PM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

don't feel guilty. you have every right to feel the way you do. Chat Icon believe me, I know!!

Posted 6/17/09 1:47 PM

My two boys!

Member since 5/05

7279 total posts


Re: I feel so guilty saying this... (vent)

Posted by Fasc0730

Posted by JennB

aww its ok. I hated it in the beginning too with the same symptoms you have...nauseous, coming home from work and sleeping for 4-5 hours, then still sleeping through the night. It's frustrating, especially when it's out of your control!!! I would cry and wonder how do people say this is a beautiful thing? As more time goes by the symptoms are starting to fade away. How far along are you?

I'm 11wks3ds. My symptoms got better for about a week and BAM they returned in full gear! I'm crying non-stop but I'm starving but every time I eat I Chat Icon DH has no clue what to do for me.

Im just so miserable that I feel I should be enjoying something and I'm not.

At 11 weeks I was totally miserable. I was sick most of the first trimester with the worst being weeks 9-13. I was sick every morning and every evening. I would cry to DH that I hated everything about pregnancy.

13 weeks hit and I immediately felt better. Now at 19 weeks (almost), I don't LOVE pregnancy, but I don't mind it. I really am having a textbook pregnancy (knock on wood), no problems, and I feel good other than the large belly that is popping out.

Hang in there, it will get better. And I hear the reward at the end is worth it!

Posted 6/17/09 2:02 PM

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