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LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 1674 total posts
I Miscarried
I am just heartbroken. I had a sono this morning and I knew something was wrong by the sono tech's demeanor, esp when she didn't let me hear the heartbeat. It was very fast and then she told me to wait for the NP.
I was supposed to be 9w5d but the baby was measuring two weeks behind and no heartbeat. I'm scheduled for a D&C at Good Sam tomorrow.
This baby was so wanted and already so loved. It's amazing how much more more you want something when it's taken from you suddenly with no explanation. I don't think I'm going to let DD out of my arms today.
For those of you that experienced this, how long before you started trying again? The dr said two full menstrual cycles, which seems like a long time right now but I know really isn't.
Posted 8/26/14 1:46 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent
Member since 3/14 689 total posts
Re: I Miscarried
i'm so sorry
Posted 8/26/14 1:50 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Re: I Miscarried
I'm so sorry for your loss. Hope you get back here soon.
Posted 8/26/14 1:53 PM |
Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12 4571 total posts
Name: <3
Re: I Miscarried
I am so sorry!!!!!!
Posted 8/26/14 2:13 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07 659 total posts
Name: Dena
Re: I Miscarried
so sorry I lost my second at 24 weeks and I waited 3 months which is what my doctor advised.
Posted 8/26/14 2:16 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 9/13 684 total posts
I Miscarried
So sorry for your loss. My baby stopped growing at 6w and we found out at 9w. I had a d&c after betas were going down. My doctor said it was OK to try after one cycle. The most important factor when to try again is when you are mentally ready. Sorry again.
Posted 8/26/14 2:35 PM |
It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10 21539 total posts
Name: Stacey
I Miscarried
I'm so sorry! I was told to wait 3 cycles, which went by very quickly.
Posted 8/26/14 2:36 PM |

Member since 11/05 9202 total posts
Name: Lana
Re: I Miscarried
i am sorry....this happened to me. I was about 7 is devastating and I totally understand how you feel. I had some slight, super slight spotting (not even bright red) and went in for a sono. I could also tell from the tech. I got pregnant 2 months later (after a d&c because I didn't fully miscarry on my own) with a beautiful healthy girl, and I'm pregnant again and due any moment. After my m/c, we got a puppy. I needed someone who really needed me to love them and care for them, and it filled a void. Just know as dark as you feel now, there is a lot of hope there. M/C feels like the loneliest place on earth, but it really is sadly common. I'm sorry!
Posted 8/26/14 2:46 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
I Miscarried
I'm so sorry!
Message edited 8/26/2014 3:27:49 PM.
Posted 8/26/14 2:57 PM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Re: I Miscarried
I am so sorry
Posted 8/26/14 3:27 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 2/10 423 total posts
Name: las1 from LIW
I Miscarried
I am so sorry. I miscarried at 8 weeks no heartbeat. The told me to wait two cycles. I waited longer because I had another medicinal issue that had to be taken care of.
Posted 8/26/14 3:30 PM |
Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10 10818 total posts
Name: E
Re: I Miscarried
I'm so sorry for your loss.
Posted 8/26/14 3:35 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 5/14 210 total posts
Name: Jocelyn
I Miscarried
I am so so thoughts and prayers to you and your DD
Posted 8/26/14 4:07 PM |
drama. daily.

Member since 3/11 7287 total posts
Name: Michelle
I Miscarried
I'm so sorry that this happened to you My SIL is going through the exact same thing right now, same thing- 9w too I think that your Dr gave you some positive news for the future!
Posted 8/26/14 4:18 PM |
In love with my baby girl <3
Member since 2/11 1417 total posts
Name: Booshka
I Miscarried
I am so sorry! I miscarried naturally at 8 week. My doctor told me to wait one cycle before ttc again.
Posted 8/26/14 4:28 PM |
My loves

Member since 2/11 2131 total posts
Name: A
I Miscarried
So sorry you're going through this.
Posted 8/26/14 5:15 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Re: I Miscarried
I am so sorry you experienced this. It's a hurt that no one should ever have to endure. I was in the same boat several months ago. I have a dd who will be 2 in December. I had a miscarriage in March at 7 weeks. My dr advise me wait 2 cycles before trying (to give the uterus a little time to get stronger) we started trying as soon as we were able to and I am now 12 weeks along. To be honest I think I needed the 2 months to heal emotionally. Sending you many take some time for yourself, get a massage, drink some wine, cry if you need to, and try when you are ready. Don't hesitate to send me FM if you need a shoulder to lean I
Posted 8/26/14 7:14 PM |
<3 my family

Member since 1/06 7465 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: I Miscarried
I am so sorry for your loss.
I miscarried at 7 weeks 4 days on Oct 23, 2005. I planned on waiting 1 cycle but wound up pregnant again just days later. According to my early ultrasound I was pregnant 9 days after my miscarriage.
good luck ttc when you start trying again.
Posted 8/26/14 7:39 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 1674 total posts
Re: I Miscarried
Thanks everyone for your well wishes and kind words, and to those of you that shared your experiences with me.
Today was unbelievably hard but I'm so thankful for my little girl. I am honestly scared to TTC again and will have this nagging fear that this will happen again but of course we will keep trying. If I could, I'd start tomorrow but will take some time.
I hope to join you all soon and happy and healthy 9 mos to all.
Posted 8/26/14 8:33 PM |
Fly high little one
Member since 6/10 2662 total posts
Name: nicole
I Miscarried
I am so sorry for your loss
Posted 8/26/14 8:47 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/13 1350 total posts
Re: I Miscarried
I am so sorry for your loss
Posted 8/26/14 9:13 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/10 1537 total posts
I Miscarried
Im so sorry
Posted 8/26/14 10:38 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/14 555 total posts
Name: Mom
Re: I Miscarried
So sorry. Prayers for you and your family.
Posted 8/26/14 11:02 PM |
Lil Prince is here

Member since 8/11 6338 total posts
Name: Theresa
I Miscarried
Sorry for your loss!As a nurse in the OB/gyn field it's best to wait at least 2 menstrual cycles;especially if you are having a d&c. Nothing inside the vagina you are at risk of infection for the first 6 weeks after the d&c. You also want your uterus to heal and be clear of old blood before trying again.
Posted 8/27/14 4:36 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
I Miscarried
So very sorry :(
Posted 8/27/14 4:19 PM |
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