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I Miscarried

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Member since 5/05

1728 total posts


I Miscarried

So very sorry, I miscarried at 10.5 weeks and the baby stopped growing around 8 weeks. I had a d&c and I got my period about 5 weeks after. It's such a horrible feeling and I am so sorry you have to experience this.

Posted 8/27/14 6:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: I Miscarried

Chat Icon It really is awful and I'm sorry you're going through this. Sadly, you are not alone. Losses are just way too common. For losses beyond a chemical, I was always told to wait two cycles. I think it's good advice to follow because even though there will be people who got pregnant sooner and everything was fine, they give you this advice to follow based on stats and what they've seen of other women with similar experiences. You want the best possible chance to have a healthy environment for your next little one.

Posted 8/27/14 8:24 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/14

638 total posts


Re: I Miscarried

I'm so sorry for your loss. I mc'd in May and I was told to wait 1 cycle. My RE was willing to start treatments again this past cycle but I ended up getting pregnant again on my own. I'm very early so I honestly have no idea if it effected anything but so far so good. Its a terrible experience and I hope that whenever you're ready again, you'll be back. Good luck and God bless. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/28/14 2:05 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/10

135 total posts


I Miscarried

Im sorry for your loss. I had two miscarriages in a row, after waiting one cycle in between. I insisted on getting tested and they sent me to a RE whom detected low progesterone and MTHFR. I was able to get pregnant and now im almost 40 weeks ( this weekend).

Posted 8/28/14 4:40 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 3/14

37 total posts


Re: I Miscarried

I'm so sorry this happened. This happened to me too for the first pregnancy I was also 9 weeks. The grieving gets better with time. The way the doctor explained it to me was somewhat helpful. He said when the cells are dividing even the bad ones divide and multiply and usually in these cases there is some type of abnormality... It could be chromosomal but something isn't right. The body knows and terminates it. I was still devastated because like you said you fall in love instantly. Every day I read my apps to see the progress and this was a huge loss for my husband and I. On a positive note we got pregnant again after I waited one cycle. Definitely listen to your doctors recommendations though. I did not need a D&C and I don't know if that means wait a little longer. You definitely want your body to heal bc the most difficult thing would be for this to happen again. Stay positive and know that this little angel will come back to you as a healthier baby the next time. I hope you are ok. :)

Posted 8/29/14 1:58 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/11

547 total posts


Re: I Miscarried

I am so sorry for your loss. I had a loss at around 6 weeks in March and had a DNC in the beginning of April. I got my period three weeks later and then again three weeks after that. We tried that cycle and I am now 15 weeks pregnant. So far, thank God everything is going well. I was very sad and upset too but it really was just bad luck. I still feel a little sad thinking what could have been but happy that I now have a healthy pregnancy. You will get through this and two cycles really does go fast. I used an ovulation kit just to make sure I had my date right. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.

Posted 8/29/14 10:27 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/13

42 total posts


I Miscarried

So sorry for your loss Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/14 8:32 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/09

554 total posts


Re: I Miscarried

Crashing.. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I had a miscarriage this summer, I miscarried naturally and it was devastating. I also have a DD who's almost 2, and I said to the doctor, I feel bad because I'm so lucky to have one child already, it must be so much worse when it's your first... She said, it can be just as bad the second time because now you know what it is you lost. I felt like that was so true. Spending some quality time with my daughter really helped me get through it though.
Anyway they also told me to wait 2 cycles, and I realized after the 1st that I wasn't really ready emotionally so now we are trying again and I feel more ready now after having a couple of months to grieve. (Also TMI my cycles have been weird since so maybe it's good to give the body a chance to get back to normal). Not gonna lie though, seeing friends' pregnancy announcements on Facebook and seeing due dates around the same time as I was due kinda kills me inside. I'm so happy for them but still sad for myself and my little family.
ETA: I agree with a previous poster that it does go fast. And I look forward to when we're all back on this board with happy news again.

Message edited 9/1/2014 12:25:14 AM.

Posted 9/1/14 12:24 AM

Welcome to the world Chase

Member since 9/08

6162 total posts


Re: I Miscarried

I'm so sorry. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/1/14 7:08 PM
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