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I need CIO help

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05

841 total posts


I need CIO help

Hi girls turned 1 in March and for the most part are terrible sleepers. Leah is up 1 or 2 times every night. Maya can sleep all night but Leah is very loud and if we don't get In there fast enough she wakes up Maya. They both go to sleep well but wake any time between 1 and 3 am. I still feed her a bottle when she wakes up cause its the only thing that calms her down. She won't take a binky, holding her, rocking her doesn't work she just wants that bottle.

I am off next week and I think I'm going to let Leah just CIO.
Here are my questions. Do I let her CIO in her room? We have an extra room we could move her into....but I feel like putting her in a room she isn't used to could be worse. Also they have never been apart so I don't know if it will be strange for both of them. On the other hand is it fair to let Maya listen to the crying and keep getting woken up?

My 2nd question is do I let this go on for hours? We have tried in the past but give up after an hour or so and we haven't stuck to it. I know this is going to be hard but something got to give. If I don't get some sleep soon I'm going to loose my mind.

I really appreciate any tips and advice!!

Posted 4/2/12 9:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my crazy life!

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Re: I need CIO help

My twins were younger when we had to do it. My DS was waking up and as soon as he woke up I took him out of their room and put him in the pack n play in the guest room. I did it quick, no talking, no rocking and I left the room. It took 2 nights (first night 20 min next night 10) and then he stopped waking up. Like I said they were younger though maybe 5 months?) Now at 14 months they can both stir in the middle night and cry and I don't go in and they don't wake eachother up.

good luck!

Posted 4/2/12 10:38 PM

My boys turned 8

Member since 5/11

2451 total posts


Re: I need CIO help

We also did the CIO method when twins were 3 months old. My little Twin is pretty good at going to bed & LOVES his sleep.
Twin A- the big guy fights it tooth & nail & we still have to hold him. He just will not give in.
I have left him in there room for one hour & still won't go to sleep, just cries. I did pick him up after 20 min. in intervals but nothing helped.

Good Luck to you

My guys are now 5 months & he still can't get it.

Posted 4/3/12 7:49 AM

My happy babies

Member since 3/06

3428 total posts


Re: I need CIO help

i have done cry it out a few times but my boys adjusted fast.

Hunter usually wakes up easily when Gavin cries but he has learned to sleep through Gavin's cries and his morning noises

Gavin is usually the one who wakes up early or in the middle of the night

mine wake up and i give them 5 minutes before i go in but they are usually asleep by then now

another trick i heard is to give a bottle of water instead of formula

Posted 4/3/12 8:49 AM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

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Jesss, duh.

Re: I need CIO help

I did a modified CIO when the girls were about 4 months old. But by that time they were STTN just having a hard time falling asleep initially (which is when we did CIO). I've always kept them in the same room. And even now at a year old if one is crying they typically don't wake the other up.

Posted 4/7/12 11:45 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/10

342 total posts


Re: I need CIO help

The triplets have been STTN since around 4 months. But now at 9 months Lucas started waking up about 2-3 hours after he has gone to bed. He will cry until someone picks him up. For a few nights I would pick him up and rock him, but then the second i put him back in the crib he would scream again. We just started CIO 4 days ago...and so far so good. All 3 are in the same room. My DD is a really light sleeper so I actually took her out and put her in another room in the pack-n-play until we get Lucas' sleeping problem under control. My other DS does not wake up from Lucas' crying. I think its kind of like a sound machine to him. The first night Lucas cried for 1 1/2 hours. It was pure torture. I felt so bad and wanted to go in there, but stuck it out. The next night he cried for 45 mins. The 3rd night only 10 minutes!! Then the 4th night he cried for 20minutes. Definitely more manageable. Now we will see where tonight takes us. I guess my only advice is to stay strong. I hear such great success stories with it. My DH wanted to go in their room so badly, but I told him if he does, the babies are his problems for the rest of the night and I am going to bed!


Posted 4/7/12 3:37 PM

My boys turned 8

Member since 5/11

2451 total posts


Re: I need CIO help

Posted by Pleaseletthisbeit

The triplets have been STTN since around 4 months. But now at 9 months Lucas started waking up about 2-3 hours after he has gone to bed. He will cry until someone picks him up. For a few nights I would pick him up and rock him, but then the second i put him back in the crib he would scream again. We just started CIO 4 days ago...and so far so good. All 3 are in the same room. My DD is a really light sleeper so I actually took her out and put her in another room in the pack-n-play until we get Lucas' sleeping problem under control. My other DS does not wake up from Lucas' crying. I think its kind of like a sound machine to him. The first night Lucas cried for 1 1/2 hours. It was pure torture. I felt so bad and wanted to go in there, but stuck it out. The next night he cried for 45 mins. The 3rd night only 10 minutes!! Then the 4th night he cried for 20minutes. Definitely more manageable. Now we will see where tonight takes us. I guess my only advice is to stay strong. I hear such great success stories with it. My DH wanted to go in their room so badly, but I told him if he does, the babies are his problems for the rest of the night and I am going to bed!


HOw do you let them cry for so long? My Dr said no more then 20 min because it's only stressing them out & will probably make them hate the crib.

Posted 4/7/12 6:31 PM

Big Brothers to Be !

Member since 2/10

3868 total posts


Re: I need CIO help

We did modified CIO at 4 months. Same room. It took less than a week. I do watch the monitor and I know a serious cry, when I hear that I will go in, I change them (bc usually its a full diaper) rub their back and shhhh them, put mobile on and walk out.

Posted 4/7/12 9:37 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/10

342 total posts


Re: I need CIO help

Posted by PregowithTwins

Posted by Pleaseletthisbeit

The triplets have been STTN since around 4 months. But now at 9 months Lucas started waking up about 2-3 hours after he has gone to bed. He will cry until someone picks him up. For a few nights I would pick him up and rock him, but then the second i put him back in the crib he would scream again. We just started CIO 4 days ago...and so far so good. All 3 are in the same room. My DD is a really light sleeper so I actually took her out and put her in another room in the pack-n-play until we get Lucas' sleeping problem under control. My other DS does not wake up from Lucas' crying. I think its kind of like a sound machine to him. The first night Lucas cried for 1 1/2 hours. It was pure torture. I felt so bad and wanted to go in there, but stuck it out. The next night he cried for 45 mins. The 3rd night only 10 minutes!! Then the 4th night he cried for 20minutes. Definitely more manageable. Now we will see where tonight takes us. I guess my only advice is to stay strong. I hear such great success stories with it. My DH wanted to go in their room so badly, but I told him if he does, the babies are his problems for the rest of the night and I am going to bed!


HOw do you let them cry for so long? My Dr said no more then 20 min because it's only stressing them out & will probably make them hate the crib.

Well he is not crying an hour an a half straight...he cries, stops, fusses. Its a cycle. If I go in there, even every 20 just starts the cycle again. I would never have done this with him when he was younger..but he is over 9 months now, and even with that few days of crying, he loves his crib. Wakes up happy as a clam and takes naps in the crib with no issues. Now we are on Day 7. Day 4 was the last night he ever woke up. Now he will cry for about 2 minutes and right off to bed. My doctor was perfectly fine with letting him cry...he said he is old enough...and I am watching him on his monitor constantly.

Edited: The original CIO method does not have you go in the room at all. Its only the newer ferber method that says to go in ever 20 minutes. I think its a personal decision, whatever works for you. For us it was just full blown CIO. It was painful, but quick....only took 4 days and now everyone is STTN. But with both methods...neither one is recommended for babies under 5 months. I have read that their brain is still too young to learn cause and effect.

Message edited 4/9/2012 9:19:06 AM.

Posted 4/8/12 8:37 PM

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