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Identical twins - 12 weeks - not measuring identical

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Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Identical twins - 12 weeks - not measuring identical

This is a semi vent as well as a request for your BTDT stories.

Went for my Level I last Tuesday. Twin A and B both look healthy. No signs of Downs, just waiting for blood work results.

According to the OB at the perinatologist office, twin b is measuring a few millimeters smaller than twin a. She said it is cause for concern because there is only 1 placenta and the size difference may imply the placenta is not feeding/oxygenating/blood supply to twin b as well as it is to twin a. She is making me go back November 3rd (I will be almost 15ish weeks) for a measurement check.

She also said there is a slight chance there is just a measurement error and the twins are both fine.

My vent is: I am so sick of hearing how I am a high risk pregnancy by this perinatologist. They are not my primary OB and I feel like they are constantly FINDING reasons for concern. I am just so tired of it. First I am told I am having a non viable pregnancy. I go in for a D&C for crying out loud and not only do they find 1 healthy, strong heartbeat, but 2 strong healthy heartbeats. Can someone just cut me some freaking slack already?!?!?!

My question is - anyone have experience? She said if they are still measuring differently there is a chance I may need to go to Philadelphia for a laser procedure to correct the umbilical cord! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 10/17/2010 9:11:01 PM.

Posted 10/17/10 9:08 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/06

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Re: Identical twins - 12 weeks - not measuring identical

I know that constantly going to the doctor is exhausting but YOU NEED TO GO.

I too had mono-di twins (one placenta) and went for a sono EVERY WEEK to take measurements. God forbid you have Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS), the doctors need to correct it via the procedure you mentioned for the health and safety of the babies. Thank goodness they are pro-active.

I know it stinks and is exhausting (Liek you I had a little one at home while being pregnant with twins). Please feel free to vent or FM me ANYTIME.

You will get through this

Posted 10/18/10 9:12 AM

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