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Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07 8274 total posts
Name: BunnyWife
Re: If Palin were running for president
Posted by MrsFlatbread
Never...she is the devil
Maybe not the devil but definitely a minion
Posted 9/12/08 1:13 PM |
Round 2!!
Member since 1/07 1202 total posts
Name: Samantha
Re: If Palin were running for president
Absolutely not!!
Posted 9/12/08 1:16 PM |
Skinny jeans are in my future
Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Re: If Palin were running for president
Posted by BunnyWife
Posted by MrsFlatbread
Never...she is the devil
Maybe not the devil but definitely a minion
or perhaps a Hellion
Posted 9/12/08 1:33 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 4/07 151 total posts
Name: Jamie
Re: If Palin were running for president
Posted by LiveAgain
I like the fact that I still have a choice when it comes to my body.
Wow. You have your choice when you lie down with a person or choose what method of protection to use. I believe the "choice" you're actually referring to is you having the power decide whether another human being should live or die.
Posted 9/12/08 1:34 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: If Palin were running for president
Posted by ThreeSkis
Posted by LiveAgain
I like the fact that I still have a choice when it comes to my body.
Wow. You have your choice when you lie down with a person or choose what method of protection to use. I believe the "choice" you're actually referring to is you having the power decide whether another human being should live or die.
dear lord in heaven
Posted 9/12/08 1:36 PM |
Re: If Palin were running for president
I am not voting for McCain partly because of her. Her views are way too out there for me, and there is a good chance that she COULD be president, given McCain's health history and age.
Her being president frightens the be-jesus out of me!
Posted 9/12/08 1:36 PM |
look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07 7364 total posts
Name: aka marriedinportjeff
Re: If Palin were running for president
Posted by Michi
Only if Hitler was running against her..
and then I would become an ex-pat before she took office.....
canada looks good..... maybe someplace in europe
Posted 9/12/08 1:37 PM |
Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07 8274 total posts
Name: BunnyWife
Re: If Palin were running for president
Uh Oh..
Posted 9/12/08 1:38 PM |
Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07 8274 total posts
Name: BunnyWife
Re: If Palin were running for president
Posted by MrsFlatbread
Posted by BunnyWife
Posted by MrsFlatbread
Never...she is the devil
Maybe not the devil but definitely a minion
or perhaps a Hellion
That works for me
Posted 9/12/08 1:39 PM |
The cutest!

Member since 1/07 2495 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: If Palin were running for president
As with everything...depends on who she is running against.
Posted 9/12/08 1:40 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 4/07 151 total posts
Name: Jamie
Re: If Palin were running for president
Posted by GoldenRod
Posted by ThreeSkis
Posted by usuk2004
Posted by ThreeSkis
Before I can answer, that would depend on who else is running.
I purposely didn't go there because I want to see what people think of her as a potential president in her own right. So would you vote for her based on her policies and stance on the issues that are important to you.
A vote, by definition, is a formal expression of preference. How can I have a preference if I don't know the other choice?
Not necessarily. Many people vote AGAINST a candidate. I didn't vote FOR Kerry, I voted AGAINST Bush.
When asked 4 years ago, I admitted that I wouldn't vote FOR Kerry. In the context of this thread, there is no need for an opponent. By stating that it depends on who they were running against, it leans towards you not voting FOR Palin.
I feel there are more qualified people to elect as the President of the United States, but if those people are not an option, then yes I would vote for Palin. I definitely do not have any reason to vote AGAINST her.
Posted 9/12/08 1:40 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 4/07 151 total posts
Name: Jamie
Re: If Palin were running for president
Hey, I didn't start it! lol
Message edited 9/12/2008 1:41:53 PM.
Posted 9/12/08 1:41 PM |
Listen close....

Member since 8/07 3545 total posts
Re: If Palin were running for president
Posted by ThreeSkis
Posted by LiveAgain
I like the fact that I still have a choice when it comes to my body.
Wow. You have your choice when you lie down with a person or choose what method of protection to use. I believe the "choice" you're actually referring to is you having the power decide whether another human being should live or die.
If that's how you want to think of it. I like the fact that I am in control of my own body-not the government. Especially on things that could change my life.
Posted 9/12/08 1:43 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 4/07 151 total posts
Name: Jamie
Re: If Palin were running for president
Posted by LiveAgain
Posted by ThreeSkis
Posted by LiveAgain
I like the fact that I still have a choice when it comes to my body.
Wow. You have your choice when you lie down with a person or choose what method of protection to use. I believe the "choice" you're actually referring to is you having the power decide whether another human being should live or die.
If that's how you want to think of it. I like the fact that I am in control of my own body-not the government. Especially on things that could change my life.
But, the government doesn't control who you sleep with or what birth control you use.
Message edited 9/12/2008 1:51:26 PM.
Posted 9/12/08 1:50 PM |
Listen close....

Member since 8/07 3545 total posts
Re: If Palin were running for president
But, the government doesn't control who you sleep with or what birth control you use.
What about rape victims, condoms breaking, Birth Control isn't 100% so those people shouldnt have a choice?
Posted 9/12/08 1:56 PM |
I'm ONE!

Member since 5/05 5150 total posts
Name: Farah
Re: If Palin were running for president
Posted by ThreeSkis
Posted by LiveAgain
Posted by ThreeSkis
Posted by LiveAgain
I like the fact that I still have a choice when it comes to my body.
Wow. You have your choice when you lie down with a person or choose what method of protection to use. I believe the "choice" you're actually referring to is you having the power decide whether another human being should live or die.
If that's how you want to think of it. I like the fact that I am in control of my own body-not the government. Especially on things that could change my life.
But, the government doesn't control who you sleep with or what birth control you use.
Yes, and the government doesn't control rape or instances of danger to the mother or the baby should a pregnancy continue either.
Posted 9/12/08 1:58 PM |
look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07 7364 total posts
Name: aka marriedinportjeff
Re: If Palin were running for president
what's up with this prepetual abortion debate?
Frankly, while I am rather opinionated on choice vs right to life, I also realize that allowing the political parties to manipulate a wedge issue to gain votes when our country is in such a DIRE situation with the economy, debt, the war, foreign policy, homeland security, and rebuilding New Orleans (remember THAT!), is basically like allowing myself (a voter) to receive a frontal lobotomy.... That issue is soooo low on the totum pole.
Our country is struggling to tred water and not drown right now!
As for Palin.... I doubt many people were suprised by her less than stellar performance... becuase we all KNEW she had no foreign policy experience, and she DOES seem to depend upon soccer mom / home town charm to divert attention from her lack of substance.
as a professional woman who fought to work in a male dominated field, I'm prepetually offended by the GOP ticket's and pundits' defense of Palin. 'Everyone is picking on her', as if she's some defenseless child in a school yard. "He was hard on her during that interview'. STOP IT! She is running to become the potential leader of the free world. Not being sexist does not mean favoritism. It means you treat her exactly as you treat McCain, Obama, and Biden. that's IT.
Reporters are SUPPOSED to be hard on candidates. Everyone is SUPPOSED to examine their policy knowledge in depth and see how educated they are. All possible skeletons SHOULD be excavated from closets and examined carefully to determine the character of the individual.
If you can't stand the hot water, get out of the pot. Stop throwing around false accusations of sexist comments or behaviors. It brings down the rest of us women.....
vent over
Message edited 9/12/2008 3:15:35 PM.
Posted 9/12/08 2:08 PM |
I'm ONE!

Member since 5/05 5150 total posts
Name: Farah
Re: If Palin were running for president
Posted by wannabemom
what's up with this prepetual abortion debate?
Frankly, while I am rather opinionated on choice vs right to life, I also realize that allowing the political parties to manipulate a wedge issue to gain votes when our country is in such a DIRE situation with the economy, debt, the war, foreign policy, homeland security, and rebuilding New Orleans (remember THAT!), is basically like giving myself a frontal lobotomy.... That is soooo low on the totum pole.
Our country is right now struggling to tred water and not drown right now!
As for Palin.... I doubt many people were suprised by her less than stellar performance... becuase we all KNEW she had no foreign policy experience, and she DOES seem to depend upon soccer mom / home town charm to divert attention from her lack of substance.
as a professional woman who fought to work in a male dominated field, I'm prepetually offended by the GOP ticket's and pundits' defense of Palin. 'Everyone is picking on her', as if she's some defenseless child in a school yard. "He was hard on her during that interview'. STOP IT! She is running to become the potential leader of the free world. Sexism does not mean favoritism. It means you treat her exactly as you treat McCain, Obama, and Biden. that's IT.
Reporters are SUPPOSED to be hard on candidates. Everyone is SUPPOSED to examine their policy knowledge in depth and see how educated they are. All possible skeletons SHOULD be excavated from closets and examined carefully to determine the character of the individual.
If you can't stand the hot water, get out of the pot. Stop throwing around false accusations of sexist comments or behaviors. It brings down the rest of us women.....
vent over
I absolutely agree with you on both points!
I do wonder what people consider the most important issues in the race. I know everyone's different, but it would make an interesting poll.
Posted 9/12/08 2:10 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: If Palin were running for president
Posted by LiveAgain
But, the government doesn't control who you sleep with or what birth control you use.
What about rape victims, condoms breaking, Birth Control isn't 100% so those people shouldnt have a choice?
exactly, not everything is black and white...bottom line, the government needs to keep it's hands OFF my body.
Posted 9/12/08 3:04 PM |
I'm all grown up now

Member since 11/05 1108 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: If Palin were running for president
Great question! I definitely would not. McCain supporters should really think about this one.
Posted 9/12/08 3:07 PM |
But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05 15379 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: If Palin were running for president
Posted by ThreeSkis
Posted by LiveAgain
I like the fact that I still have a choice when it comes to my body.
Wow. You have your choice when you lie down with a person or choose what method of protection to use. I believe the "choice" you're actually referring to is you having the power decide whether another human being should live or die.
Hey guess what Condoms Break, Birth contol doesn't always work. I know several people some on here LIF who got pregnant on Birth Control I can't stand when people say "use protection" THEY PROBABLY DID!
If you don't like it don't do it but don't tell me what I SHOULD DO!
Posted 9/12/08 3:18 PM |
family is all that matters

Member since 6/06 6513 total posts
Name: browneyes
Re: If Palin were running for president
absolutely not! not a chance in hell...she's evil in my eyes
Posted 9/12/08 7:01 PM |
Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05 24460 total posts
Name: Tania
Re: If Palin were running for president
Hell to the no!!
Posted 9/12/08 7:11 PM |
Re: If Palin were running for president
As an English teacher and avid reader, I would NEVER vote for anyone who banned books, even though I know there are bigger issues.
Posted 9/12/08 7:13 PM |
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