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Sarah Palin's Interview

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Sarah Palin's Interview

I missed it. Was she really as confused as they made her sound on morning TV? The one clip I saw didn't bode well re: the Bush Doctrine. Granted, I doubt most Americans could explain what that is, but she is on a whole other level now.

Sorry if I offend any fans of hers, but the more I hear about this woman, the more she scares me.

Posted 9/12/08 8:41 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

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Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

She seemed out of her element. I'm surprised how unprepared she was. Did the McCain/Palin campaign team really think Charlie was just going to ask her her favorite moose burger recipe? She needs to do some homework if she wants to convince Americans that she has a clue how our national government works and what the policies are. True, the average voter may not be able to define the Bush Doctrine. However, she is not the average voter. She wants to play with big boys and girls.
The debates are going to be really interesting!

Posted 9/12/08 8:56 AM

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Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Thanks! Yes the Palin-Biden debate should be interesting. He has such a wealth of knowledge, and it doesn't sound as if she does, nor can she cram it in in such a short time.

ITA re: the Bush Doctrine. You would think someone prepped her on that.

Posted 9/12/08 9:05 AM

Where does time go?

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Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Prefacing this with the fact that I am a democrat and I am not impartial, but I was shocked with how poorly she did.

She stumbled and didn't seem quite comfortable at all unless she was being like a bulldog and forceful and at times there was no reason for that.

I thought that Charles Gibson was tough and fair.


--NOT knowing the Bush Doctrine

--misstating that there have been other VPs in history that haven't met with heads of state prior to being VP (that wasn't true)

Wondering how this will all be handled?

Posted 9/12/08 9:48 AM

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Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

The interview segment last night was focused on foreign policy. They are showing other segments on energy, the environment and other domestic issues on GMA today and ABC news tonight. There will also be a longer look at the interview on 20/20.

But her interview last night was a mess. I'm sorry - but partisanship aside - she failed. If a democrat gave an interview like that I would say that he/she was a mess as well.

I have posted on this in other threads - but the rundown

She didnt know what the Bush Doctrine was - which is the DEFINING piece of post 9/11 foreign policy in the Bush administration - go into ANY poli sci class - heck, any high school govt class and students are expected to know this. I was shocked at how badly she fumbled the answer.

She actually endorsed Obama's preferred policy of strategic strikes in Pakistan to get at Bin Laden - with or without the permission of the Pakistan govt. McCain has called Obama's policy "naive." Palin didnt specifically say "I agree with Obama" but her answer, which admittedly was hard to pin down, took Obama's position.

She said that the US would not question Israel if they sent bombers to Iran.

She said she was repeating Lincoln when she spoke about US forces in Iraq being on a plan from God. Sarah - that is WRONG. You didnt cite Lincoln - and saying that your words are a repeat of Lincoln's is a stretch that defies understanding.

She said Georgia and Ukraine should be in NATO. . . so if Russia invades them, we would provide a response (military/economic sanctions, etc). when Gibson asked "would we go to war with Russia?" she answered, "Perhaps."

I dont have a huge problem with her NATO understanding - though I dont think it's wise to threaten war with Russia right now - but the other answers - her point about proximity to Russia "You can see it from parts of Alaska" left me Chat Icon Chat Icon and Chat Icon

But I think it's important to also see how she does in the other interview segments.

Posted 9/12/08 10:05 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

article dh sent me from the AP

he watched the interview, I didn't...but at one point he came running into our room to tell me what an asss she looked like for not knowing the Bush Doctrine.

seriously, if you want people to think you know something...LEARN it. I mean,'s not something maybe you felt you need to know as Govenor of "the great state of Alaska" but when you get the call to become VP..PICK UP A BOOK!!!! GET ON THE INTERNET...

how did NO ONE in her circle FILL HER IN on important stuff like this??

it just goes to show what they wanted her for...the conservative vote. Nothing more...and it's sad and insulting.

this comment makes me want to spit on her. Chat Icon
"I want you to not lose sight of the fact that energy is a foundation of national security."

why is that? oh, b/c we are fighting OIL RICH COUNTRIES.

Posted 9/12/08 10:11 AM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

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Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Yikes, I didn't see it but it sounds bad. I hope she does better on the other issues!

Posted 9/12/08 10:22 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Posted by Tilde

Yikes, I didn't see it but it sounds bad. I hope she does better on the other issues!

I urge you to watch it watch it and then be HONEST about how what she is saying makes you feel....forget republican or democrat and just watch HER...the PERSON. Chat Icon

et for better link

Message edited 9/12/2008 10:30:58 AM.

Posted 9/12/08 10:25 AM

A new love!

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Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

For anyone that missed it, you can see it on the ABC News site.

I was SHOCKED that she could not answer the Bush Doctrine question. Quite frankly, I thought she seemed very defensive, bordering on combative. The McCain camp has to prepare her a lot better for the debates and any other interviews they send her out to do.

I don't think this was a game ender, and I do think that no matter what, some people will say that Gibson was too hard on her, but it wasn't a good start.

I have never missed Tim Russert more since he passed than I did watching this interview. One can only imagine how he would deal with her.

Posted 9/12/08 10:25 AM

you rang?

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Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Posted by Cpt2007

I have never missed Tim Russert more since he passed than I did watching this interview. One can only imagine how he would deal with her.

Ditto, I was looking forward to him and his candidate interviews this year more than ever. He's greatly missed. Chat Icon

Posted 9/12/08 10:32 AM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Posted by Ophelia

Posted by Tilde

Yikes, I didn't see it but it sounds bad. I hope she does better on the other issues!

I urge you to watch it watch it and then be HONEST about how what she is saying makes you feel....forget republican or democrat and just watch HER...the PERSON. Chat Icon

et for better link

I will definitely watch it but right now it is blocked because it contains:

Hate sites which contain material that ridicule on basis of race, color, sex, national orientation, or sexual orientation.
Sex sites of an adult oriented or pornographic nature
Criminal behavior

Chat Icon I can never see ANYTHING here but I will watch at home and give an honest opinion.

Posted 9/12/08 10:32 AM

A new love!

Member since 1/08

5946 total posts


Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Posted by Tilde

I will definitely watch it but right now it is blocked because it contains:

Hate sites which contain material that ridicule on basis of race, color, sex, national orientation, or sexual orientation.
Sex sites of an adult oriented or pornographic nature
Criminal behavior

Chat Icon I can never see ANYTHING here but I will watch at home and give an honest opinion.

They really block ABC news?? Is that agency-wide for you or just your group? Can you get to sites like the Federal Times or other non-gov't federal employee sites??

Posted 9/12/08 10:46 AM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Thanks for the link! I'll watch it later--I really should try to do some yardwork now while DS is sleeping.

From what everyone is saying she really flopped last night. It's sounding like choosing her was very much a political move on McCain's part, I thought so before, but even more so now.

I really hope she knows more about the economy, health care, etc. than she does about foreign policy. I wouldn't expect her to be at the level of Joe Biden, but come on, she needs to know what the Bush Doctrine is! Hell, I could give a general summary of the Bush Doctrine with no prepping or research.

If this pair is elected, all I can say is I wish McCain a healthy four years.

Posted 9/12/08 10:57 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

I haven't watched the interview but will do so later (thanks for the link!).

I'm glad that the potential VP of the US and I will be looking up and learning more about the Bush doctrine at the same time.Chat Icon Chat Icon I wouldn't underestimate her boning up for the debates. Let's hope she provides more than sound bites & shows some substance.

If anyone hasn't watched it yet, netflix Jesus Camp. You'll see where her voting bloc is coming from. The reality is, if not this year, within another decade when these kids are eligible to vote, the Christian fundamentalists will be the ones voting presidents in.

Posted 9/12/08 11:05 AM

you rang?

Member since 6/08

5573 total posts


Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Posted by nrthshgrl

If anyone hasn't watched it yet, netflix Jesus Camp. You'll see where her voting bloc is coming from. The reality is, if not this year, within another decade when these kids are eligible to vote, the Christian fundamentalists will be the ones voting presidents in.

I've seen's frightening.

Posted 9/12/08 11:07 AM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Posted by nrthshgrl

If anyone hasn't watched it yet, netflix Jesus Camp. You'll see where her voting bloc is coming from. The reality is, if not this year, within another decade when these kids are eligible to vote, the Christian fundamentalists will be the ones voting presidents in.

Ugh - that documentary...

Chat Icon

Posted 9/12/08 11:08 AM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Posted by Cpt2007

Posted by Tilde

I will definitely watch it but right now it is blocked because it contains:

Hate sites which contain material that ridicule on basis of race, color, sex, national orientation, or sexual orientation.
Sex sites of an adult oriented or pornographic nature
Criminal behavior

Chat Icon I can never see ANYTHING here but I will watch at home and give an honest opinion.

They really block ABC news?? Is that agency-wide for you or just your group? Can you get to sites like the Federal Times or other non-gov't federal employee sites??

I can actually get to the first page but it blocks whatever the actual video is in. I can get to those employee sites too.

But don't worry - full access to facebook and myspace. Chat Icon

Posted 9/12/08 11:35 AM

A new love!

Member since 1/08

5946 total posts


Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Posted by Tilde

I can actually get to the first page but it blocks whatever the actual video is in. I can get to those employee sites too.

But don't worry - full access to facebook and myspace. Chat Icon

Chat Icon

Posted 9/12/08 11:38 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

I am disappointed that none of the tickets staunch supporters have commented on it yet. alas.

Posted 9/12/08 11:40 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/07

296 total posts


Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

it was a complete disaster. she seemed completely confused the entire time.

Posted 9/12/08 11:46 AM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Posted by Ophelia

I am disappointed that none of the tickets staunch supporters have commented on it yet. alas.

meaning on LIF or IRL?

Posted 9/12/08 11:48 AM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

8879 total posts


Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Posted by Ophelia

I am disappointed that none of the tickets staunch supporters have commented on it yet. alas.

Yeah, I was wondering where they all are today myself.

Posted 9/12/08 11:51 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Posted by Tilde

Posted by Ophelia

I am disappointed that none of the tickets staunch supporters have commented on it yet. alas.

meaning on LIF or IRL?

LIF life, not LIFE LIFE Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/12/08 11:52 AM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

Posted by Ophelia

Posted by Tilde

Posted by Ophelia

I am disappointed that none of the tickets staunch supporters have commented on it yet. alas.

meaning on LIF or IRL?

LIF life, not LIFE LIFE Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon ah i see - I would love to hear the other side of this too!

Posted 9/12/08 11:53 AM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Sarah Palin's Interview

I see one is online, but not posting here!

OMG, OMG I just read the excerpts from the interview. She not only couldn't answer the questions, she couldn't string sentences together very well either. Lots of meandering and digressing, it didn't seem like she could stay on topic at all. I know politicians digress and evade often, but this was something different.

Wow. All I can say.

Posted 9/12/08 12:10 PM
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