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If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

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I might steal your diamonds

Member since 2/06

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

Nope - I'd just close the bedroom door!

Posted 7/28/06 10:16 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

I try to keep it presentable but I know the one time I don't is when we'll have unexpected guests. Life just seems to work out that way.

Posted 7/28/06 10:17 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

This week I wouldn't be embarrassed because last Sunday I spent hours tackling the clutter (a few months worth Chat Icon ) and the place is in pretty good shape, but if you dropped by any time between the month of June and last Sunday, yes definitely!

Posted 7/28/06 10:19 AM

I miss you grandma

Member since 8/05

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

OMG, i'd be so embarrassed. I know i have to clean my bathroom and my dh has a habit of taking off his clothes and just leaving them where ever he is. It's so frustrating. I'd have to close my bedroom door though because sometimes we leave stuff from the night before around....if you know what I mean. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/06 10:21 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

Right now its HORRIBLE! We're having so much work done to it, that nothing is in its place - I'd be mortified!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/06 10:23 AM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

Not really I try to always keep it clean.

The only thing that kills me is the dog hair. Rudy has been shedding SO BAD that it looks like tumbleweeds. We vacuum and sweep every night and by the morning its a mess again.

Posted 7/28/06 10:26 AM

Waste not, want not

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Lois Mom Mommy Mama Ma

Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

I wouldn't be too embarrassed b/c the house is mostly neat, but I wouldn't be thrilled either because I like to clean everything before people come over.

I did ask DH to clean the bathroom today before he went to play golf. One of his friends was picking him up, and just in case he needed to use the bathroom, I wanted it to be clean. Sometimes his friends don't even come in the house, so it's just me being neurotic.

If DH didn't clean the bathroom, then I'd be embarrassed!

Posted 7/28/06 10:26 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

i am slightly OCD when it comes to having a clean house. I even get upset (although I try not to let it out!) when FH moves the ottoman out of place and doesnt move it back.....

I have to make my bed everyday and before i leave the house i have to have everything in it's place. I hate coming home to a messy house.

We just moved so I am still unpacking, but I try to keep everything as neat as possible.

So I guess my longwinded answer is - it is very rare that i would be embarrassed if someone just dropped by.

Posted 7/28/06 10:26 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

Yes but mostly because the baby's toys are literally EVERYWHERE right now. You can't take a step in my house right now without hearing a squeak, jingle, rattle, or a llullabye! Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/06 10:30 AM


Member since 11/05

9202 total posts


Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

Being an anal clean freak, my house is always ready for company! It's super clean and neat all the time....

Posted 7/28/06 10:30 AM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

Ummmm...embarrassed!!!!Chat Icon We have $hit everywhere, especially with renovations starting!

Posted 7/28/06 10:31 AM


Member since 1/06

2012 total posts


Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

Posted by lululu

i am slightly OCD when it comes to having a clean house. I even get upset (although I try not to let it out!) when FH moves the ottoman out of place and doesnt move it back.....

I have to make my bed everyday and before i leave the house i have to have everything in it's place. I hate coming home to a messy house.


This is me too. I drive DH a lil crazy also, but hes learning to adapt to it! lol

My biggest fear is for someone to come home w/ me and our place to be a mess ( My mom always used to stress this when we were growing up and drilled into our heads the house should always be clean not only when you are expecting guests)

So our place is always very neat. We're in a apt now so its not so hard to keep it clean, when we move into our house I want it to be the same way though.

Posted 7/28/06 10:33 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

Nope.. my husband runs a tight ship.. Chat Icon Chat Icon I'm a neat person, but he's very meticulous when it comes to cleaning, so the house pretty much stays nice and neat.. good thing...

Posted 7/28/06 10:35 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

Posted by RobeyMuse

No I would not be embarassed. DH is a neat freak and from living with him, I have learned to keep our house ready for anybody to drop over.

My DH is the same way, and I tell people they can drop by anytime. Some of our friends you have to call so they have time to clean. I never have to worry about that because my DH makes sure everything is in its place at all times.

Posted 7/28/06 10:38 AM


Member since 1/06

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

My downstairs is always semi-clean but mainly because we don't have too much furniture yet!

Our bedrooms however, are another story!!!!!!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/06 10:41 AM

<3 <3 <3 <3

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

Posted by amarto

I tyr to keep my main rooms clean at all times in case someone stops by- my kitchen, living room and bathroom. As far as my bedroom and officeChat Icon forget it!

Same here. All the rooms are pretty company ready with the exception our our bedroom and master bath. But then I usually like to keep those rooms private anyway, nobody is going in them.

Posted 7/28/06 10:41 AM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

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The Mystical Azzhorse! ™

Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/06 10:43 AM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

My house is lived in. Chat Icon Right now I have about 20 blocks on the floor b/c my toddler was showing my baby how to build a "great big tower". It's all good. Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/06 10:59 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/06

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

Although I didn't make the bed this morning, everything else is "visitor ready" - Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/06 11:02 AM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

17988 total posts


Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

It is in desperate need of a vacuum but otherwise it's okay. Not the best but I know DH cleaned up a bit before he left.

Posted 7/28/06 11:04 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

I'd be a little embarassed. It's not c omplete disaster, but it's not clean either. But anyone who knows me well, knows that I hate cleaning and I do it when I must.

Posted 7/28/06 11:05 AM

Love my baby boy!

Member since 9/05

1151 total posts


Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit


I have 2 shedding Chocolate Labs and a white kitchen floor.

I have to sweep/swiffer every 5 seconds!!

Posted 7/28/06 11:06 AM


Member since 6/05

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Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

Posted by lululu

i am slightly OCD when it comes to having a clean house. I even get upset (although I try not to let it out!) when FH moves the ottoman out of place and doesnt move it back.....

I have to make my bed everyday and before i leave the house i have to have everything in it's place. I hate coming home to a messy house.


Posted 7/28/06 11:06 AM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

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Gerty ®

Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

I hate surprise visits!! I am never ready, I tend to let crap clutter on the kitchen table and then clean it up on the weekend.

Posted 7/28/06 11:09 AM


Member since 9/05

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Re: If someone came into your house RIGHT now to visit

My house looks good today - my cleaner was there yesterday. I am pretty fussy and everything is in it's place any day or any time.

Posted 7/28/06 11:14 AM
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