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If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

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Party of 5

Member since 4/08

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If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

How were they before that as sleepers? What time did you put them down to bed? Did you do anything you think attributed to them sleeping all night? DD seems to be a pretty good sleeper. She has better days then others, but generally she sleep 9:30/10 - 2:30/3 and then 4 - 7. I semi swaddle her in a blanket with her hands up by her face. This is how she seems most comfortable (she always had her hands up by her face in the womb tooChat Icon ) I'm torn about what to do as far as bed time.......DS was not a great sleeper at all so this is new to me ( in a good way, of course) She is still in the bassinet in our room, she loves sleeping on her belly, but i only do that for naps. At night she sleeps on her side because she has slight case of reflux and doesn't seem happy on her back.

Posted 5/20/10 10:15 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Love these munchkins

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Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

DD started STTN at about 10 weeks. Before that she was an excellent napper. Slept on and off all day. I put her in her crib swaddled from almost right away. I would rock her with the last 1/4 of her bottle in her room until she was drowsy if not sleeping and she went right into the crib. Sometimes I would have to go in a few times to give her the binky but once she fell asleep she rarely woke in the night. I found putting her to bed around 7 or 8 was best. She would sleep till 5 or 6.

Posted 5/20/10 10:18 AM

Party of 5

Member since 4/08

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Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

Posted by BethanyLynn

DD started STTN at about 10 weeks. Before that she was an excellent napper. Slept on and off all day. I put her in her crib swaddled from almost right away. I would rock her with the last 1/4 of her bottle in her room until she was drowsy if not sleeping and she went right into the crib. Sometimes I would have to go in a few times to give her the binky but once she fell asleep she rarely woke in the night. I found putting her to bed around 7 or 8 was best. She would sleep till 5 or 6.

Did you always put her down for the night at that time?

Posted 5/20/10 10:20 AM

Love these munchkins

Member since 10/09

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Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

Posted by MaMaTeenie

Posted by BethanyLynn

DD started STTN at about 10 weeks. Before that she was an excellent napper. Slept on and off all day. I put her in her crib swaddled from almost right away. I would rock her with the last 1/4 of her bottle in her room until she was drowsy if not sleeping and she went right into the crib. Sometimes I would have to go in a few times to give her the binky but once she fell asleep she rarely woke in the night. I found putting her to bed around 7 or 8 was best. She would sleep till 5 or 6.

Did you always put her down for the night at that time?

Yes, once she was sleeping through the night and didnt want the middle of the night feeding. Before that I would let her nap in the swing and hang out with us..the last bottle was probably 11 pm up till about 10 weeks. I would then put her in the crib. Before 10 weeks she would wake at like 3 am for a bottle but that stopped.

Posted 5/20/10 10:24 AM

Party of 5

Member since 4/08

6489 total posts


Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

Posted by BethanyLynn

Posted by MaMaTeenie

Posted by BethanyLynn

DD started STTN at about 10 weeks. Before that she was an excellent napper. Slept on and off all day. I put her in her crib swaddled from almost right away. I would rock her with the last 1/4 of her bottle in her room until she was drowsy if not sleeping and she went right into the crib. Sometimes I would have to go in a few times to give her the binky but once she fell asleep she rarely woke in the night. I found putting her to bed around 7 or 8 was best. She would sleep till 5 or 6.

Did you always put her down for the night at that time?

Yes, once she was sleeping through the night and didnt want the middle of the night feeding. Before that I would let her nap in the swing and hang out with us..the last bottle was probably 11 pm up till about 10 weeks. I would then put her in the crib. Before 10 weeks she would wake at like 3 am for a bottle but that stopped.

Great info! Thanks so much Chat Icon

Posted 5/20/10 10:27 AM

Baby #1 is here!

Member since 11/08

13903 total posts


Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

DD STTN at 8 weeks

Before that she was a great napper, and she would sleep from 7-12 or 1, then sleep till 6 or 7. At 8 weeks she dropped that middle of the night feeding. Even though she was waking then, we did a bedtime "routine" always at 7...made sure it was dark in her room, she would go into the crib, play her cd. Of course I can't attribute her great sleeping habits to what we did, but I think it definitely helped.

Posted 5/20/10 10:29 AM


Member since 7/09

9209 total posts


Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

9 weeks, we are sttn 3 of 7 nights a week. I'm still trying to figure it out.

Last night it was great 10:30pm to 5:30am.

We fed him 6.5oz before bed, he takes 4-5 during the day usually. DH fed him, IDK why but when DH feeds him he'll take more food.

I woke up at 3am to dream feed, pick him up in his sleep, gave him 3oz, put him over my shoulder walked around for 5 min till he burped. He slept till 5:30am.

I'll probably try to keep this up every night for a week and slowly decreasing feedings, until he's 3m. Then stop night feedings. I just feel like he need to eat while he's still "newborn"ish.

I keep him really busy during the day, talk to him, sing to him, we started watching gaba yaba or whatever it is, he sits on my lap and we talk about the characters as we watch, "dance" through the songs, I read him books, we look in the mirror and make faces. I don't let him nap unless he cries for it. I watched Dusten Baby Language DVD and it teaches how to discern the cries, its was so confusing at first, but now I understand him perfectly. If he really needs a nap, he'll cry for it.

He sleeps no more than 7 hours total all day. I think its what keeps him tired enough to stay asleep that first long stretch.

Posted 5/20/10 12:43 PM

sometimes 1+1= 4 <3

Member since 8/09

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the lucky one

Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

DD has been sleeping through the night since she was 4wks old. I put her down at night around the same time. Her last feeding no matter what, is around 11am(I breastfeed). She is feed, burped, rocked, swaddled then placed in her bassinet (she is only 6wks now) to sleep. She sleeps until 7am-ish with no interruptions.

I find white noise helps calm her. So I also have that on the radio in the background until she wakes up. Not sure if that helps her STTN but I'm not testing that yet.

She naps a lot during the day as well. After she eats she is usually up for an hour or so, during which we play. If her naps are running longer than 3hrs, I wake her to feed her. I want her to know day is different than night.

Message edited 5/20/2010 12:54:48 PM.

Posted 5/20/10 12:52 PM

Party of 5

Member since 4/08

6489 total posts


Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

Excellent. Thank you all for sharing.

I tried music and white noise with DS neither made any difference. I still use the music. I always liked it b/c I could bring the cd on trips to make DS feel more t home.

Posted 5/20/10 1:16 PM


Member since 8/09

3846 total posts


Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

Posted by ourvalentinesday

DD has been sleeping through the night since she was 4wks old. I put her down at night around the same time. Her last feeding no matter what, is around 11am(I breastfeed). She is feed, burped, rocked, swaddled then placed in her bassinet (she is only 6wks now) to sleep. She sleeps until 7am-ish with no interruptions.

I find white noise helps calm her. So I also have that on the radio in the background until she wakes up. Not sure if that helps her STTN but I'm not testing that yet.

She naps a lot during the day as well. After she eats she is usually up for an hour or so, during which we play. If her naps are running longer than 3hrs, I wake her to feed her. I want her to know day is different than night.

WOW, DD will be 4 weeks on Monday and she is a terrible sleeper at night, always waking every 2 hours...during the day she naps like a champ,I also try not to let her sleep more than 3hrs during the day. It seems around 10-11 she throws a hissy fit, sometimes for an hour or more, then my DH calms her down and she sleeps, I don't get it...keep on trucking I guessChat Icon

Posted 5/20/10 3:36 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

Message edited 5/22/2010 10:27:03 AM.

Posted 5/20/10 3:50 PM

love my little emmy monster

Member since 8/09

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Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

DD has for some reason always been a good night sleeper. she slept through the night right from the start. we had to wake her up to eat.

she is 5 weeks today - we do our last feeding at 11pm til midnight and DD sleeps until 5-7am (offer 5 oz she drinks a little more than 4). we put her in a swaddle and have the lights basically off.

Posted 5/20/10 5:27 PM

my little loves

Member since 8/08

18453 total posts


Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

at 2 weeks, DS is sleeping 1030-5 and then 530-9ish

we change, feed at 10, swaddle and then put him down awake but groggy. He sleeps 6-6.5 hours consistantly!

i think it has to do with how much FM he is taking. at 8 days, he started taking 4oz. and sleeping 4 hours day and night.

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Posted 5/20/10 5:46 PM

In love with a boy named Luca

Member since 6/09

1799 total posts


Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

DS sttn at 8 weeks and every night since (now 12 weeks). I started offering him an extra "goodnight bottle" around 11pm. Now, he sttn regardless of whether he even drinks it- but I always offer it. We don't swaddle- we use halo blankets and we also use the rain function on dh's alarm clock from bbb for white noise. I am planning on starting him in his own room soon (right now he is in a pnp in our room) and I'm dreading it- I got so used to my sleep back!!

ETA He naps a lot too. I read in a book that if they nap a lot they will sleep well- it's not what u would think (if he is up all day he'll pass out at night) actually babies once they're overtired will produce chemicals to keep them up even longer!

Message edited 5/21/2010 12:34:19 AM.

Posted 5/21/10 12:30 AM

All of My Dreams Came True

Member since 2/09

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Re: If your baby started sleeping thru the night at 6/8/10 weeks

DS sttn at 2 months old. before that he slept pretty much all of the time and woke up every 3-4 hours to eat!

Posted 5/21/10 12:42 AM

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