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LIF Infant
Member since 3/06 347 total posts
Name: Tara
I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
I don't really post often but I need help. I have an 18 month old and a 3 week old. My newborn will not nap or sleep at night unless he is laying on either me or sometimes my DH. I tried the bouncer, swing, crib, bassinet, belly, side, back, a sleep positioner, etc. I EBF if that matters too. I am beyond exhausted and am slowly reachign my breaking point. I pulled out all my old books from my older son Dr. Karp, Dr. Weiisbluth, The Sleep Lady, etc. nothing is working. They don't really address the issue of a baby not laying down. Does anyone have a child who is or was like this? I am in desperate need of help and advice. TIA
Posted 7/9/08 9:03 AM |
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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
Do you swaddle?
Get the Miracle Blanket - it's a lifesaver!
Posted 7/9/08 9:05 AM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
Posted by teacherwheart
I don't really post often but I need help. I have an 18 month old and a 3 week old. My newborn will not nap or sleep at night unless he is laying on either me or sometimes my DH. I tried the bouncer, swing, crib, bassinet, belly, side, back, a sleep positioner, etc. I EBF if that matters too. I am beyond exhausted and am slowly reachign my breaking point. I pulled out all my old books from my older son Dr. Karp, Dr. Weiisbluth, The Sleep Lady, etc. nothing is working. They don't really address the issue of a baby not laying down. Does anyone have a child who is or was like this? I am in desperate need of help and advice. TIA
He'll grow out of it. My ds was the same way so I feel your pain.
Do you swaddle him really, really tight? That helped us and he sleeps in the swing.
Posted 7/9/08 9:06 AM |
Member since 5/06 2423 total posts
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
I was thinking swaddling too....... if not, maybe some sort of reaction to something in the BM that you may want to ask your doctor?
Posted 7/9/08 9:07 AM |

Member since 8/05 12296 total posts
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
Posted by Diana1215
Do you swaddle?
Get the Miracle Blanket - it's a lifesaver!
This is the only thing that worked for us.
Posted 7/9/08 9:07 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/07 981 total posts
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
I remember going through the same thing at that age. Then out of nowhere he started doing ok in the bassinet. We didn't really change anything. I think its just a phase that some babies go through at the beginning. I know this doesn't help much but keep trying to put you DC down and eventually it might work! Try the swaddle too. It helped us.
In the meantime lots of
Posted 7/9/08 9:10 AM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
just KEEP trying....try try try. Its a phase and it will END.
And I agree, get a miracle blanket, do it TIGHT and dont give up on it for at least 2 weeks.
Posted 7/9/08 9:12 AM |

Member since 10/06 4891 total posts
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
It will end!!!!!!!!!!! Do not worry!
Posted 7/9/08 9:20 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/06 347 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
Thank you ladies. I did try last night the miracle blanket and it didnt work but I just went online and watched the video and I think I did it wrong. I will try it again for a few weeks. I apprecaite your words of encouragement. Just knowing there are other moms out there going through it helps. All my friends have wonderful sleepers so I feel all alone.
Posted 7/9/08 9:29 AM |
Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05 20369 total posts
Name: Jesss, duh.
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
Our first night home with DS was completely sleepless. The next night we swaddled him and he slept so well I had to set an alarm to wake him up for his feedings.
Also, I know he is a newborn. But, I try to limit how much he sleeps/naps in the afternoon/early evening to ensure he is really tired at night.
Posted 7/9/08 9:32 AM |
i run for bacon

Member since 5/05 20584 total posts
Name: julz
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
Swaddling did not work for me. Landon was the same way around that age. I think it may be a phase. Landon is 5.5 weeks old now and he is better at night, but still wont nap during the day.
Posted 7/9/08 9:35 AM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
Is your baby colicky?
Mine would not sleep anywhere else but my arms from the time he was 2.5 weeks to 8 weeks old. Then he was OK if I put him next to me in the boppy seat. It was little steps at a time.
Longest and most exhausting 5.5 weeks!!!!!!
Posted 7/9/08 9:35 AM |
Member since 8/05 3116 total posts
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
Mine were like this as well. I literally wound up falling asleep with them on my chest. I had to do what I had to do. Many a night in the beginning my DH took one on his chest and I took the other and we slept in our recliner.
Hang in does pass. My son's did not like the miracle blanket or swaddle me either.
Posted 7/9/08 9:35 AM |
Happy Little Girl

Member since 5/05 3830 total posts
Name: Thia (Cynthia)
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
For the time being, you may also want to try a Moby Wrap . It really helped me a lot when my DS was little. He would never nap in the beginning unless he was being held.
Posted 7/9/08 9:43 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
My DS was like that for a while too - it was terrible! And, swaddling never worked for him - he broke out of it in about two seconds...even in the hospital! Anyway, on a friend's recc we tried the carseat (on the stroller frame) at around 3-4 wks - it wasn't great but he did sleep a little better. Around 6 wks we put the sleep positioner in his bassinett and he would finally sleep a bit in that. But, in all honesty - he was a terrible sleeper until now (10mos)! I hope that isn't the case in your house! Good luck
Message edited 7/9/2008 10:27:18 AM.
Posted 7/9/08 10:25 AM |
love my boys!
Member since 4/06 5648 total posts
Name: Nicki
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
perhaps a sling might help you---that way you are 'holding' the baby and the baby feels close to you, but you have your hands free to eat or be with your older child. It will get better!
Posted 7/9/08 10:41 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
I noticed that my son napped for hours on me but would wake after 20 minutes if he was sleeping on his back.
What solved it for me was letting him sleep on his belly.
It's not for everyone - feel free to insert the SIDS disclaimers here. But that's what worked for both of my kids.
Posted 7/9/08 10:43 AM |
family is all that matters

Member since 6/06 6513 total posts
Name: browneyes
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
mine is like this!
we bought an incline wedge at BRU that has a fake heartbeat since he only wanted to sleep at night on our chests. we've been using that and it seems to be working!
Posted 7/9/08 10:44 AM |
Member since 8/05 4987 total posts
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
swaddling + swing worked for us. it does get better though!
Posted 7/9/08 10:45 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 3/06 347 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: I'm going to lose it! Please help my 3 week old will not sleep?
Thank you everyone I tried the miracle blanket last night and he slept in the bassinet for 3 hours at a time. I dont want to jinx myslef but I am so excited!!! Thanks for all your help.
Posted 7/10/08 9:25 AM |