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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

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LIF Adult

Member since 2/13

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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I am a fairly new dog owner and often walk him in the early morning, before the garbage pickup takes place. He often poops on his walks, which I of course pick up with my baggie and tie it up. Is it rude for me to put the tied poop bag into someone's garbage can so that I don't have to carry it with me the rest of the walk? Again, the garbage pickup has NOT happened yet, so it will get dumped with the pickup that morning. I would never throw the bag into an empty can, stinking it up until the next pickup! I never thought twice about this until this morning. I did this today, and someone across the street saw me do this, gave me a nasty look, and said "that's not your garbage can". Honest opinions!

Posted 4/18/14 4:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I would've said "and it's not yours either".
Friggin' nosey body!

I've done what you do and never thought about it. If the garbage wasn't picked up yet, can't imagine why someone would have an issue with it. I wouldn't care if someone tossed it in my trash. Better then them leaving it in the street.

Message edited 4/18/2014 4:57:00 PM.

Posted 4/18/14 4:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/10

1904 total posts


Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I think before pick up is fine as long as it is bagged up, after it is rude and yuck.

Posted 4/18/14 4:57 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/12

791 total posts


Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I don't know if it's rude but I wouldn't do it. Especially since it's dog poop. I carry my poop and put it in my own garbage.

Posted 4/18/14 4:58 PM

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Petticoated Swashbuckler

Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Not rude at all.

People should mind their own dang business. Sheesh!

Posted 4/18/14 5:01 PM


Member since 1/09

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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Where I live every one's garbage can is a free for all when it comes to throwing away dog droppings. I don't mind, at least they are picking it up and I'm not stepping on a bomb in the dark when I'm walking outside.

Posted 4/18/14 5:07 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I kinda think its gross. I think I would have thought the same as the man but would have minded my own business.

Posted 4/18/14 5:12 PM

And then there were 4

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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I think it's perfectly fine. I've done it before too.

Posted 4/18/14 5:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/09

4166 total posts


Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I don't have a dog. But if I saw someone put their dog poop even in a bag tied up in my garbage can I wouldn't be pleased.

Posted 4/18/14 5:25 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

820 total posts


Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I'm a dog owner. I always carry it home with me if I don't pass a public can on my way home. Even if I knew the trash is going to be emptied, I wouldn't touch someone else's garbage can.

Posted 4/18/14 5:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/11

3170 total posts


Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Honestly, no way. When I had my doggie I would just hold the bag and throw it in my can.

Posted 4/18/14 5:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2961 total posts


Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Its funny DH and I have this argument alot when walking our dogs. I think we should bring it home but he thinks its ok to drop in some elses garbage. I wouldn't be annpoyed if someone used ours, its much better than walking in it.

Posted 4/18/14 5:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/10

1287 total posts


Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Posted by Leb

I don't have a dog. But if I saw someone put their dog poop even in a bag tied up in my garbage can I wouldn't be pleased.

I have to agree with this.

Posted 4/18/14 5:43 PM

My family is complete!

Member since 11/08

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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

i dont get what the big deal is. it's garbage. it's getting thrown out anyway.

Posted 4/18/14 5:49 PM


Member since 6/09

10031 total posts


Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I wouldn't do it (I would feel weird), but I wouldn't say its rude. It's not like you're leaving it on the ground!

Posted 4/18/14 5:49 PM


Member since 12/07

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I see no issue with it.

But, this is Long Island. You know someone will be offended god forbid you sneeze at the end of their driveway.

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I also am a dog owner but he uses our yard and DH cleans up after him. He's also old and blind and I'm sure someone thinks this is gross too.

Posted 4/18/14 5:49 PM

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Posted by IansMommy23

i dont get what the big deal is. it's garbage. it's getting thrown out anyway.

. Quite frankly, if this is what someone is worried about they really need to let a life ! It is garbage, who cares !!!

Posted 4/18/14 6:13 PM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I wouldn't. I am a dog owner and it goes in my own can.

Posted 4/18/14 6:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

7391 total posts


Is it rude? Honest opinions!

For people to care makes me laugh. Its garbage. I throw the tied up bag in whatever garbage is near.

Posted 4/18/14 6:21 PM

Got my miracle

Member since 9/11

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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I always want to but I just end up carrying it the whole walk. I usually have 3 bags by the time I get home lol, I think my dog purposely poops in three installments to piss me off.

Message edited 4/18/2014 6:29:56 PM.

Posted 4/18/14 6:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

3340 total posts


Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I do this. Not rude. Garbage is garbage. Chat Icon

Posted 4/18/14 6:40 PM


Member since 6/09

1459 total posts


Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Posted by HeyJude

I'm a dog owner. I always carry it home with me if I don't pass a public can on my way home. Even if I knew the trash is going to be emptied, I wouldn't touch someone else's garbage can.

Same here.

Posted 4/18/14 6:55 PM


Member since 7/12

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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I do. I hVe often thought about it. But don't care. It's garbage.

Posted 4/18/14 7:01 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

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Momma <3

Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I'm not a dog owner and it would not bother me if someone did this. Better than the person leaving it on my lawn!

Posted 4/18/14 7:04 PM


Member since 4/07

2665 total posts


Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

On 2 occasions i have gotten yelled at by a homeowner for doing this(at 9pm the night before garbage day...). The reason why i do it is because my dog poos in the first 5 minutes of my run and it is not cool to hold it for another hour until i get home.

Posted 4/18/14 7:09 PM
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