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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

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Member since 1/12

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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I think bargain mama meant it's rude to dispose of your dogs waste in someone else's can. That's how I interpreted it. Maybe I'm wrong.

I've had dogs. I've never dumped the waste in a can. I would carry a few old target shopping bags with me and disposed of them later. Never thought to use someone's garbage can.

Message edited 4/20/2014 10:59:35 AM.

Posted 4/20/14 10:58 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Posted by EatingMyVeggies

I think bargain mama meant it's rude to dispose of your dogs waste in someone else's can. That's how I interpreted it. Maybe I'm wrong.

I've had dogs. I've never dumped the waste in a can. I would carry a few old target shopping bags with me and disposed of them later. Never thought to use someone's garbage can.

EXACTLY what my point was.

Not sure how anyone would think this is OKAY the more I think about. It's gross, rude, and just trashy! But again, me me me, I don't care what other people think, I will put my sh*t where I want Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/14 11:32 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Posted by DiamondGirl

Posted by BargainMama

I have to say, the responses on here do not surprise me in the slightest. Just shows that we live in a self absorbed, me me me society.

I don't get this.

Is it self absorbed to think it's okay to throw your dog shitt into someone's else's can or is itself absorbed to not want someone to throw shit in your can? Lol

Again it's isn't a crime but it is just in poor taste IMO you aren't walking your dog 10 miles for hours at a time are you? No then carry an dispose of your own shitt at home


Posted 4/20/14 11:33 AM


Member since 8/06

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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Ehh..I wouldn't do it but I wouldn't make a federal case out of it either. Personally IMO it is a little gross. Although garbage is garbage you never know if someone threw out something accidentally in their trash and needed to retrieve it after you threw out your dogs shit.

Posted 4/20/14 12:48 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/11

97 total posts


Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Garbage cans are not public property. Go into Home Depot and see how much they cost. Someone threw their dogy poop in a bag into my garbagecan and We had to pull it out to throw it away. Another time they threw it on top of our garbage bag liiner and it fell off the top of the hefty garbage bag liner when the garbage men reached in to remove the liner from the garbage can and fell onto the street where we had to deal with someones doggy poop. Garbage cans are private property paid for by the homeower, not the town. If you have a dog, don't make your responsiibility someone elses problem.

Posted 4/20/14 7:57 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I don't understand what's so hard about carrying it home, by I'm also not a dog owner.

Posted 4/20/14 8:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I think it's gross, but wouldn't ruin my day. I'd just never do it. We keep our can in the garage on non pickup days. I know how stinky it can get when I throw my 2 yr old's poop in the garbage can. DH is a contractor so lots of times has some nails or something broken in the can that can tear it. You never know.
When I lived in the city it never bothered me bc the cans stay out all the time. Doesn't get brought into a home. Jmo.

Posted 4/20/14 9:21 PM

3 under 3?!

Member since 5/11

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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Not a dog owner, but it would annoy me a little if someone did it. It would
Drive DH nuts. I'd hold onto it until you get to your own can.

Posted 4/20/14 9:24 PM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Nah, as long as its all sealed up, it would be one with the 4000 diapers in the diaper genie bag in my trash. I'd leave it on that persons porch with a pretty bow next time. Chat Icon

Posted 4/20/14 9:51 PM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

PS, I can't wait til there is a "remember the drama" post a few months from now and we list "the dog shit post" along with icicle lights and all the others that have gone down in history over the years.

Posted 4/20/14 9:54 PM

He is the reason!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Posted by BargainMama

Posted by EatingMyVeggies

I think bargain mama meant it's rude to dispose of your dogs waste in someone else's can. That's how I interpreted it. Maybe I'm wrong.

I've had dogs. I've never dumped the waste in a can. I would carry a few old target shopping bags with me and disposed of them later. Never thought to use someone's garbage can.

EXACTLY what my point was.

Not sure how anyone would think this is OKAY the more I think about. It's gross, rude, and just trashy! But again, me me me, I don't care what other people think, I will put my sh*t where I want Chat Icon Chat Icon

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Posted 4/20/14 10:14 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/11

97 total posts


Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Garbage cans are private property,purchased by the owner and not property of the town. Someone once threw their doggy poop in a plastic bag on the bottom of our garbage can and we always put our garbage in a liner and the bag fell into the street when the garbagemen pulled the liner out of the can. Don't make the homeowner deal with what the dog owner should be responsible for. The garbage cans are there for the homeowner and only the homeowner.

Posted 4/20/14 10:19 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Posted by stonecrest

Garbage cans are private property,purchased by the owner and not property of the town. Someone once threw their doggy poop in a plastic bag on the bottom of our garbage can and we always put our garbage in a liner and the bag fell into the street when the garbagemen pulled the liner out of the can. Don't make the homeowner deal with what the dog owner should be responsible for. The garbage cans are there for the homeowner and only the homeowner.

So.... Do you think garbage cans are private property? Just curious....

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I used to do it when I first had my dog but felt it wasn't right so took it to my can.

Posted 4/20/14 10:25 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/14

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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

eh, not a big deal imo

Posted 4/21/14 12:27 AM

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Member since 7/05

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

If the can is at the curb, then I think it's fine.

If someone walked onto my driveway with it to toss in my garbage can, I'd be pissed.

Posted 4/21/14 9:27 AM

Life is good.

Member since 1/07

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I will tell you why it would bother me.

My garbage men tend to just grab the garbage bags out of our can and toss them in the truck. They don't pick the can up and dump it into the truck. That means your little bag of tied up poop would either end up falling to the bottom of my garbage can and sitting there for God knows how long, OR it will fall outside the can when the garbage men lift the bags out and end up sitting on my lawn.

So yes, it's garbage, but for me because of the way I know our garbage men work, I would be annoyed because I know that little baggie of poop would not end up in the garbage truck.

Message edited 4/21/2014 9:28:40 AM.

Posted 4/21/14 9:27 AM

Baby #2 is here!

Member since 8/07

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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Being that almost no one in my neighborhood cleans up after their dog, I probably would just be happy that someone actually picked up, lol. I do, however, get annoyed with some other garbage that might get thrown in my can because if its recyclable I can get a ticket for it if it's mixed in with the garbage (I'm in NYC).

Posted 4/21/14 9:35 AM

He's coming soon!

Member since 4/10

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

What is this garbage can liner everyone keeps mentioning? Is it like a bag for your outside can that you put all your garbage bags into? That sounds really wasteful to me if that's what it is. Is this to prevent your trash can from getting icky and smelly?

Posted 4/21/14 9:36 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Posted by 2boys4me

What is this garbage can liner everyone keeps mentioning? Is it like a bag for your outside can that you put all your garbage bags into? That sounds really wasteful to me if that's what it is. Is this to prevent your trash can from getting icky and smelly?

A trash bag is called a liner.

Waste maybe if we are being really green but it also makes it easier for the sanitation workers to just grab the liner and go.

Posted 4/21/14 10:03 AM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Posted by WannaBeAMom11

For people to care makes me laugh. Its garbage. I throw the tied up bag in whatever garbage is near.

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Posted 4/21/14 10:39 AM

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Member since 5/05

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I would not be happy if someone did this with dog poop. For other trash it would not bother me at all, but poop smells and I know that our garbage men don't flip the can, rather they just lift the bag so the small poop bag would fall to the bottom of my trash can forcing me to clean it out. No thanks. It cannot be that far from your house to where your dog does its business, don't be lazy and just take it home to your own trash can.

Posted 4/21/14 10:46 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/14

333 total posts


Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Posted by stonecrest

Garbage cans are not public property. Go into Home Depot and see how much they cost. Someone threw their dogy poop in a bag into my garbagecan and We had to pull it out to throw it away. Another time they threw it on top of our garbage bag liiner and it fell off the top of the hefty garbage bag liner when the garbage men reached in to remove the liner from the garbage can and fell onto the street where we had to deal with someones doggy poop. Garbage cans are private property paid for by the homeower, not the town. If you have a dog, don't make your responsiibility someone elses problem.

maybe in NY but down here in Charlotte, we do not pay for our cans, they are provided by the town. either way, I don't see the big deal. I mean, I don't think I would actually do what the OP did but I wouldn't care if someone threw it in my trash can

Posted 4/21/14 10:50 AM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I'm sitting here in awe that things like this bother people. I mean- no one is smearing the lid with it.
I think it's more disgusting to walk around carrying dog shit.

Really, I wish my life was so wonderful that all I could find to get worked up about is someone throwing bagged dog waste into my garbage when it's at the curb.

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Posted 4/21/14 10:51 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/11

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Is it rude? Honest opinions!

I just want to add that it's not necessarily about getting crazy angry or worked up etc. I would definitely not throw my dog's poop into someone else's can bc I think it's rude BUT if someone threw it into my can I wouldn't say anything. I really wouldn't care at all especially bc my own dog's poop is already in there. But I just don't think that's nice to put on someone who doesn't have a dog. I have a few friends that are clean freaks that would like die at the thought of poop in their cans. Those people also generally have no pets at all. I just don't think it's right or nice. That doesn't mean I think it's like the tragedy of the century. In my neighborhood the garbage men flip the whole can into the truck. If they just pulled the bags out like many of you said they do in your neighborhood, then the poop would fall back in and the owner would have to pull the bag out and put it in another bag themself. I just don't think you put that on a stranger bc many would find it gross to handle a leftover hot bag of random dog poop.

Message edited 4/21/2014 11:14:22 AM.

Posted 4/21/14 11:12 AM

I Took The Wrong Road

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Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!

Posted by kahlua716

I'm sitting here in awe that things like this bother people. I mean- no one is smearing the lid with it.
I think it's more disgusting to walk around carrying dog shit.

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That's the price of owning a dog. My PERSONAL property is not yours to utilize.

Posted 4/21/14 11:17 AM
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