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Mason's mommy!

Member since 12/09 3623 total posts
Name: Jen
Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
DS is going to be 8 weeks tomorrow and is EBF..we didn't introduce the paci till he was 6 weeks-he's not that into it...The brand we have a few of are the avent pacis.
He usually spits them out and maybe uses it once or twice a day..I guess I should be happy about that-but I go back to work in 4 weeks and I'd feel better knowing he could soothe himself more with a paci and less with my boob.
I just gave him a mam paci and he seems to have taken to it a bit more than the avents.
What other ones should I try that won't distract him from breastfeeding?
Posted 3/23/11 1:59 PM |
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Member since 5/09 5283 total posts
Name: Carissa
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
DS liked the Nuk. Still does!
Posted 3/23/11 2:08 PM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
My kids only took the soothies (but were not breastfed).
Posted 3/23/11 2:10 PM |
Where it all began....
Member since 5/05 24065 total posts
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
My two breastfeeders used me as a pacifer
I tried all different kids and they just wouldn't take to them at all.
Posted 3/23/11 2:17 PM |
Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

Member since 3/09 8585 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
Dd only took soothies both while I was bf and after bf.
Posted 3/23/11 2:19 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/09 572 total posts
Name: Denise
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
DD likes the soothies. She never liked any of the others.
Posted 3/23/11 2:23 PM |

Member since 10/06 2938 total posts
Name: me
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
Ds was ebf and was a Soothie baby. He would not take anything else. Dd is a thumb sucker and comfort nurser. I could never get her to take a paci of any kind.
Posted 3/23/11 2:29 PM |
my boys

Member since 2/06 2506 total posts
Name: Wanda (formerly cw0904 on LIW)
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
He loved soothies. Then we switched to nuk with no problems.
Posted 3/23/11 2:33 PM |
Year for change!

Member since 1/09 6017 total posts
Name: Taryn
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
Posted 3/23/11 2:40 PM |
Loving my "CC"

Member since 4/10 1975 total posts
Name: B
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
Nuk. I buy them at Walmart for best price, but Target, and most Supermarkets have them.
They are orthodontic and I feel they are shaped more similarly to the actual female Nipple.
DS was ok with the Soothies, but LOVES the NUK and never got Nipple confusion.
Each baby is different. I suggest trying a different kind but not buying a ton of them.
Good Luck!
Posted 3/23/11 2:45 PM |
Mom of 3 - YIKES! =)

Member since 10/09 6758 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
both my kiddies used NUK and went from breast to bottle to paci and back with no problems!!
They both had a problem with it in the beginning...gravity worked against them unlike boob and bottle...but eventually with practice they got the hang of it...I would often hold it there in the beginning to "stay" haha
Posted 3/23/11 2:51 PM |
Member since 8/05 8377 total posts
Name: Team SEXY BACK
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
What worked for us was MAMs at that age (in the 6 months, not the 0-3 month binkie). When DS started finally taking it, it made other people putting him down to sleep soooooooooooooo much easier!
Posted 3/23/11 2:52 PM |

Member since 12/05 10281 total posts
Name: Kiki
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
My DD used me as a paci but my DS would only use these when not nursing and he still does. Only paci he ever loved.
Posted 3/23/11 2:52 PM |
My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
We've always used the Silicone NUK's. My boys loved them, Taylor doesn't seem to be into binkys hardly at all?
Posted 3/23/11 3:00 PM |
So in love with my little man!
Member since 6/08 5172 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
Tommee Tippee worked for DS.
Posted 3/23/11 4:35 PM |
A new love!

Member since 1/08 5946 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
only took a soothie. tried the nook and tommee tippee and hated them.
Posted 3/23/11 5:04 PM |
Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09 7155 total posts
Name: Sandra
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
If you do end up going with a soothie, get a Wubbanub. It's a doll attached to a soothie and they're amazing! DD can even put the pacifier back in her mouth herself a lot of the time!

Posted 3/23/11 6:15 PM |
He's coming soon!
Member since 4/10 4260 total posts
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
tommee tippee
Posted 3/23/11 7:04 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/09 1647 total posts
Name: Mich
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
Posted by neener1211
My kids only took the soothies (but were not breastfed).
My son also sometimes uses soothies. He has wised up and know he wont get any milk so he spits it out. I breastfeed.
Why are you pushing a pacifier?
Posted 3/23/11 7:09 PM |
Gabriella Aubrey born 3/26!

Member since 5/10 2440 total posts
Name: Tess
Re: Is there a Best pacifier for breastfed babies?
Posted by springsandra
If you do end up going with a soothie, get a Wubbanub. It's a doll attached to a soothie and they're amazing! DD can even put the pacifier back in her mouth herself a lot of the time!
she is so beautiful and adorable!
soothies here too
Posted 3/23/11 7:10 PM |