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IVF meds

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LIF Infant

Member since 5/14

210 total posts


IVF meds

Hey all
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I think it was a while back...
I'm currently starting my 6th (and last) round of IUI with clomid and will be moving on to IVF in Sept. Hubby and I have minimal amount of insurance coverage for IVF related doc visits, but meds are all out of pocket. It's just so much!! Chat Icon
Anyone have any luck with using online IVF medication venues? or have any other ideas?
Our fertility clinic uses Kraupners pharmacy in Brooklyn and the prices are lower than using most other store-front pharmacies, but I honestly don't know how we are going to swing this!

Posted 8/9/18 11:41 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09

13591 total posts


Re: IVF meds

I think Freedom pharmacy or something like that online had lower cash prices, and would list rebates available.

Posted 8/9/18 3:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/12

3656 total posts


IVF meds

I used freedom pharmacy. You can call around to different places and get price quotes. Some ladies order from overseas and save a lot of money so maybe something to look into. Also ask your RE about any left over donated meds.

Posted 8/9/18 10:06 PM

My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


Re: IVF meds

Definitely mention it to your RE and the nurse. If they can help, they will. They overordered (on purpose) for my cycle just in case I needed more or would need to cycle again. I was covered under my insurance for one round of IVF. Lucky it worked. I had a ton of leftover meds from my cycle and donated them all to my RE. The nurse couldn’t believe how much I had (we were unexplained IF and my body really responded to the meds so much I almost had OHSS). She said the donations would go to good use.

Posted 8/9/18 10:37 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/14

210 total posts


IVF meds

Thank you so much, ladies! I will definitely ask my RE about any donated medications that may be available.....and will also look into Freedom pharmacy. Thank you!

Posted 8/10/18 10:20 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/14

98 total posts


IVF meds

I have some Menopur that expired in March, not sure how you feel about expired meds, but it's yours if youd like it. PM Me

Posted 8/12/18 5:23 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/14

210 total posts


Re: IVF meds

Posted by beneathmywing

I have some Menopur that expired in March, not sure how you feel about expired meds, but it's yours if youd like it. PM Me

Thank you so much - that is very kind of you to offer!! I haven't started the process yet and don't know what meds I will need, but I will def keep that offer in mind. Thank you, again!

Posted 8/14/18 9:07 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/14

98 total posts


Re: IVF meds

Ok message me when you know!

Posted 8/14/18 2:51 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/18

4 total posts


IVF meds

A lot of ladies from my IVF clinic use to buy meds at 1/2 price from overseas. The same meds are cheaper in Europe, so you get the meds for less but you do have to account for 7-10 days shipping instead of next day delivery. It depends on comfortable you are with ordering from overseas, but everyone I’ve spoken to has had good experiences

Message edited 8/24/2018 8:04:15 PM.

Posted 8/24/18 8:03 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/14

210 total posts


Re: IVF meds

Posted by Kangalu

A lot of ladies from my IVF clinic use to buy meds at 1/2 price from overseas. The same meds are cheaper in Europe, so you get the meds for less but you do have to account for 7-10 days shipping instead of next day delivery. It depends on comfortable you are with ordering from overseas, but everyone I’ve spoken to has had good experiences

Thank you for that!

Posted 8/27/18 12:54 PM

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