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Kid's that are starting school in the fall?

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Member since 11/05

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does it matter

Re: Kid's that are starting school in the fall?

Posted by PatsBrat

Michelle, I have this list of questions that you can ask to elicit detailed responses from kids about what happens at school. I used to give it to my kindergarten parents at the beginning of the school year. I'm going to scan or retype it for you. I think it will help!!Chat Icon

Can I have it too pleaseChat Icon

Posted 5/19/10 9:42 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

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Ms. Brat

Re: Kid's that are starting school in the fall?

Of course!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 5/19/10 10:09 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

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Re: Kid's that are starting school in the fall?

me too!!

Posted 5/19/10 10:47 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

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Ms. Brat

Re: Kid's that are starting school in the fall?

Okay, here's the list! The first time you ask these questions you might be met with blank stares, but if you make them part of your routine (2 or 3 a day) soon conversation will abound!Chat Icon

Asking real questions to get real answers.
1. What was something nice a friend said to or did for you today?
2. What did you do in (math, reading, spelling, science etc)
3. Did your teacher read to you today? What was the book about? Did you enjoy it? What was your favorite part?
4. Who did you play with today?
5. Did you write today? What did you write about?
6. What was your favorite part of the day?
7. What was the best thing that happened to you today?
8. What was the worst thing that happened to you today?
9. How can you make tomorrow a better day than today?
10. Who did you sit next to at lunch? What did you talk about?

Posted 5/19/10 3:05 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/10

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Eclaire Lover

Re: Kid's that are starting school in the fall?

You'll be suprised at how independant your little one's will become. My DC has taken to the whole experience of school like an ace. DC loves the bus routine they have (takes the bus to aftercare) and their her own money to spend in the cafeteria if they aren't feeling the lunch Mommy packed. It takes awhile for them to disclose everything that's happened during their days (mostly due to overstimulation and they just don't remember it all) but little by little, they'll open up to stuff that seemed important to their busy day (like the fact that a boy in class gave someone the finger, someone lost a tooth, etc.). Of course you get the basics of what they learned as they try to impress you with their newfound knowledge.

Embrace the educational experience. I don't think I've felt so much pride as when my DC graduated preschool or when I went to their Social Studies Fair at school and saw their little projects. It made such an impact about how far they've come and the milestones they've achieved. I no longer look at DC like a baby; but as a developing individual with ideas, knowledge and endless horizons.

Posted 5/19/10 4:13 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: Kid's that are starting school in the fall?

Thanks for that list. We had screening yesterday and 3 seconds after they left I asked what they had them do and they both gave me blank stares and said I don't know.

After some needeling I sorta found out what happened, but even then Joey said he only knows how to spell his name at home not at school so he wouldn't spell it for them.

Posted 5/20/10 11:08 AM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: Kid's that are starting school in the fall?

Posted by JennasMom

Mine is not taking the bus, it is easier for me to drop her off at school and then go to work. I AM however freaking out over the after care scenario. She is so tiny and there are so many kidsChat Icon

I am with you. I know Bella can definitely hold her own Chat Icon BUT the thought of her with 6th graders is crazy to me...what a big age difference.

Posted 5/21/10 4:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: Kid's that are starting school in the fall?

I never took a bus to school until high school so it blows my mind that my son will be on a bus to kindergarten next year! BUT, the great thing about our district is they divide the schools by age, so he will go to a school that is only grade K and 1 for the next two years, so he will only have the little kids on his bus with him in the am and pm.Chat Icon

Posted 5/23/10 3:32 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Kid's that are starting school in the fall?

I'm freaking out big time with school and the bus because DS had food allergies.

The school sems to have a good system to keep him safe. We me with the nurse and the principal and they went over everything with us.

it bothers me though that i can't meet with the teacher until maybe after school starts because the principal can't force her/him to come in during the summer. I can try talking to them on the phone right before school starts but I'd rather sit down and talk in person.

The bus also freaks me out because his meds won't go on the bus with him and I'm scared he'd have a reaction on the bus and help won't get there in time. I may end up driving him instead but i'd hae for him to miss that experience of going on the bus because he talks bout it all the time.

Posted 5/24/10 9:51 AM
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