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Last CPSE meeting before CSE..what is it for?

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Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Last CPSE meeting before CSE..what is it for?

Tommorows our annual CPSE meeting, it is NOT a combined CPSE/CSE meeting leastthats whatthey said when I called.

WHEN would I get a CSE date? Shouldnt it be by now? Or do I need CPSE to reccomend one?

Whats the point of tommorows CPSE? to determine Summer services?

I am trying to see what I need to be prepared for.

Posted 3/11/12 4:13 PM


Member since 2/06

2959 total posts


Re: Last CPSE meeting before CSE..what is it for?

We had our CPSE/CSE combined meeting on Friday. I think they combined it because there's no question DS will qualify & will be classified as special ed.

At the CPSE meeting they determine summer services if any and if the child still qualifies for services for the fall. If not, there's no need to have a CSE meeting. If the child does, then they will set the next meeting (CSE).

Posted 3/12/12 12:28 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Last CPSE meeting before CSE..what is it for?

Posted by BMonster

We had our CPSE/CSE combined meeting on Friday. I think they combined it because there's no question DS will qualify & will be classified as special ed.

At the CPSE meeting they determine summer services if any and if the child still qualifies for services for the fall. If not, there's no need to have a CSE meeting. If the child does, then they will set the next meeting (CSE).

Ok, so I am going into this prepared to fight for continued services then I guess.

UGh , on 2 hours sleep thanks to the Stomach virus hitting our house.

We have always gotten lucky and gotten what we wanted. I hope todays no different.

Thanks For the info!

Posted 3/12/12 9:17 AM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Re: Last CPSE meeting before CSE..what is it for?

We have ours tomorrow. We were told you have your CPSE meeting and if they feel they go to CSE then the CPSE meeting ends and they start the CSE meeting right there and then.

Posted 3/12/12 2:25 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

13973 total posts


Re: Last CPSE meeting before CSE..what is it for?

Ours is combined. They said CPSE is to determine what he will get for Summer 2012 and then the CSE portion is for the 2012-13 school year.

Posted 3/12/12 4:10 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: Last CPSE meeting before CSE..what is it for?

We got ours today! NOT combined! A 20 minute meeting. That's it! They just approved to continued his services as is until the Summer.

Our CSE meeting next month will go over September and services for then.

Posted 3/12/12 10:49 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

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Re: Last CPSE meeting before CSE..what is it for?

Posted by smdl

We got ours today! NOT combined! A 20 minute meeting. That's it! They just approved to continued his services as is until the Summer.

Our CSE meeting next month will go over September and services for then.

That is exactly what we did. The CSE meeting was a long one for us....we went over placement for everything, lunch, gym, art, music, how many aides, busing. It was exhausting lol.

Posted 3/13/12 1:45 PM

My girls!!

Member since 8/06

5843 total posts


Re: Last CPSE meeting before CSE..what is it for?

we had our last CPSE last week, and will have CSE in May... She got summer services and they anticipate full services for K... Good Luck

Posted 3/18/12 9:58 PM

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