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Love my baby girl!!!

Member since 3/09 3405 total posts
Name: Jackie
I'm posting this here also because I know a lot of women on here are on Lovenox.
So I had my DD in 2011 and was on Lovenox because of having the MTHFR gene (homozygous c).
Im currently pregnant and went to the dr and she said they now changed their protocol and do not recommend going on Lovenox unless you've had a clot. She is still going to have the high risk dr see me to give their opinion.
Thoughts? Is this the case now? I'm seeing a different dr now and I really like her, but it makes me nervous not being on Lovenox because I had two miscarriages before my DD. I don't know if Lovenox was the reason I carried to term...
Just curious what other girls with homozygous MTHFR are doing.
Posted 10/2/13 7:39 PM |
Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08 19084 total posts
Name: Jib
Re: Lovenox/MTHFR
I was on lovenox and baby aspirin and I have two copies of MTHFR .. however, I also have many other clotting issues, not just MTHFR on it's own. Even so, every doctor will have their own opinion. I feel like it's not an exact science at all, but really an art. You won't get 2 doctors with the same protocol which is what makes things so frustrating!
Posted 10/5/13 12:46 PM |
My boys turned 8

Member since 5/11 2451 total posts
I have 2 copies of MTHFR C677T. I also have PAI-1. These are the worst that you can have. I carried twins that are now 2 without any lovenox. I saw high risk Dr at Winthrop who highly recommended staying away from it.
Posted 10/28/13 8:06 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 12/10 136 total posts
i know diff docs have diff opinions. i saw two high risk docs for opinions one was for lov the other was opposed....i went with kofinas who was for it...i jsut didnt want to take any chances...
Posted 11/4/13 1:54 PM |
Dreams do come true

Member since 2/12 2259 total posts
Re: Lovenox/MTHFR
I saw Kofinas when I was pregnant with DD. He wanted me on Lovenox for one copy. I consulted with 3 MFMs and 2 hematologists after that. No one agreed with him, saying that the 1 copy I had didn't warrant Lovenox. I didn't take Lovenox. DD is 8 1/2 months old.
Posted 11/4/13 8:03 PM |
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