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low/normal fluid levels?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

623 total posts


low/normal fluid levels?

anyone have what is considered low/normal fluid levels --- during my sono last week my fluid level was measuring approx. 9cm - which was considered to the low/normal side..... so i was sent to labor and delivery and the baby traced fine and the tests came back that i did not rupture my membranes or was leaking fluid....

i know that when the sono tech was doing the sono they baby wasnt moving and was possibly blocking a pocket or two of fluid - so maybe that will explain it..

but im still a nervous wreck waiting for the follow up sono on wednesday afternoon... did anyone else experience any thing like that

maybe i just have low/normal numbers and taht is ok?

Posted 8/27/07 2:11 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Loud is fun!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: low/normal fluid levels?

My sono tech tells me that 10 is could be that the baby was squished to one side and minimizing the numbers. They will check again in your next sono.

Posted 8/27/07 2:55 PM

My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05

13499 total posts


Re: low/normal fluid levels?

I had low fluid around 37 weeks. The sono tech said my levels were "borderline" but never told me the numbers. She sked me for a follow-up sono the following week & my dr. had me do a kick count for the week. She told me to drink a lot of fluids also.

The next week they did the sono & the levels were fine.

I'm sure it'll be okay, don't stress. Chat Icon

Posted 8/27/07 9:32 PM

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