Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
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Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by soontobemommyof2
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by windyweather21
Posted by newlywedT
JennP >>I'm fine with the vaccine being mandatory and yes, providing the trials go well for DS (11) I would definitely have him get it, especially as it's an mRNA vaccine.
Why do you say "especially as it's an mRNA vaccine" ? Why do you like mRNA so much? Whats the advantage of that vs the old method of vaccines?
windyweather21 >>We don’t know 100% about how well the vaccine will work but we do know better ways of how to take care of yourself when you get Covid now.
How are COVID treatments different now than it was last year?
Christine2 >>I think the mRNA vaccines are the future. It is a brilliant way to foster immunity in a much safer vehicle than a live, attenuated virus.
I thought vaccines never use live virus? Don't they always say "the flu shot won't give you the flu because they use dead flu virus"
Its been 30 years since HS bio, so I know nothing about mRNA
Thanks all
They are not just putting people on vents like they were doing last year when they had no clue about this virus. They prescribe certain things like zinc, vitamin d, vitamin c.
Vitamins aren't really "treatment". I've been on all three for years, upping my dose when I got sick didn't really do anything for my symptoms.
To answer the question, if you have a severe case of COVID or underlying issues that could complicate your condition your doctor can authorize the use of a monoclonal antibody infusion which can help to lessen the severity of your illness. I know a few people who received the infusion treatment and it really helped them. I spoke with my dr about it and it was an option that was on the table if my case of COVID got really bad. It must be given before day 10 of symptoms.
When you're sick, most doctors advise rest, hydration, deep breathing exercises, proning and most importantly monitoring your pulse ox throughout the day. Beyond that, there really is no other home treatment that will make a difference. You just have to cross your fingers, let the virus run through you and hope you're one of the lucky ones.
It’s not really about randomly upping doses. It’s a specific protocol u must rigorously follow and it’s more than just zinc, vit D/C. Just like with any other viruses, this kind of treatment (or medicine for that matter) can only lessen symptoms, nothing will ‘cure’ it. It can increase the chances for ur symptoms to be almost nonexistent, or mild, less severe. If u had covid already, which probably at this point and after all this time most of us have had it either symptomatically or asymptomatically (I really believe most people have been asymptomatic), then by theory our B cells will secrete antibodies that "remember" that infection and stand ready in case your body should be exposed again, so u’d have that on ur favor so to speak. I agree with what u said on ur last paragraph about resting, hydrating as much as ur body allows u to, etc. Sometimes we take those things for granted without realizing that’s what the body needs to get better.
I totally hear you and agree. I understand hospital protocols are very different, I meant for home treatment I'm not sure how much of a difference vitamins make in the doses we can safely take on our own. That being said, I do still take my vitamins.. 
Posted 4/12/21 2:58 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Just told hubby he needs to take vitamins as he doesn’t eat as healthy as he should. I don’t take any and never have but eventually I will probably have to as I get older.
Posted 4/12/21 3:29 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by lululu
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by lululu
Posted by Naturalmama
Posted by Sash
Posted by lululu
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
I’m all for it. Vaccines work. I just had a direct exposure with a friend. I’m fine thankfully had multiple negative tests just to be sure. I plan to get my kids vaccinated the moment it becomes available for them. It’s been 13 months. I’m over this and it needs to end. Vaccines work and vaccines are the answer I’m tired of people thinking their interpretations of things are fact, that their opinions are fact and that their Facebook news is fact. Science is science. People need to believe in science, get vaccinated and we all need to get on with our lives. That’s how it will end. Kids congregating in colleges, living together will cause a spread. Kids deserve a normal college experience, living in dorms, going to parties and bars, not sitting in a room on a remote learning platform.
All I know is my own experience. I got covid and it was completely mild. I got the vaccine and I was sicker than I can ever remember being. I will never take it again, and I will probably not allow my children to get it. Sorry that you are "over this" and you think vaccines are the answer. I think living life with certain risks is the answer. You should absolutely get the vaccine for you and your children then but don't force your beliefs on anyone else.
I’ve been hearing that from a lot of people. That the reaction to the vaccine may be a lot worse if you had Covid. I wonder why that is?
I've heard that too. This is just my speculation, but maybe the immune goes into overdrive when it sees the spike protein because it already remembers the virus and attacks. There is no scientific evidence of this, just my thoughts.
Yes - it does make sense logically although I am not sure if it is scientifically proven. i did ask when I was getting the vaccine and they told me that it wouldn't matter.
Everyone should note thou that they are finding that 70% of people are having side effects from J&J - 50% of whom experience AT LEAST mild flu like symptoms with fever, chills, headache, fatigue. So half of the people that take J&J are getting sick.
Every vaccine and every medication that we have available to us comes with the risk of side effects. Generally speaking, most are mild and go away quickly. Rarely are they life threatening.
Everything in life is a game of risk. Do you want to risk getting COVID and possibly be one of the unfortunate people who get extremely ill (possibly even die) OR do you want to risk taking a vaccine with minimal known side effects and an over 90% efficacy rate in transmission and lessening the severity of symptoms? Having recently had moderate COVID and knowing the stress of what every new day could (or did) bring, I want the vaccine so if I ever have to go through this again the odds are even more in my favor. I've had countless vaccines over my 46 years on the planet, I've never had adverse reactions or issues. Given my health history with prior vaccines, I will take my chances with the COVID vaccine.
I feel like the vaccine/COVID argument goes in circles on these boards. At this point I don't really see what there is to say anymore and yet almost every day there ANOTHER vaccine post where for the most part, the SAME argument happens. Nobody is ever saying anything new. Get your vaccine or don't, I don't think anyone at this point really cares what someone else is doing and talking someone to death about why you think YOUR way is the RIGHT way won't change a person's mind.
If you don't want to read the posts, just skip it! I don't think I have ever once said my way is the right way, however you come off as someone that thinks what they are always right and you don't seem very open to a discussion in which others opinions might be valuable. You are condescending even on your best days.
I am sharing my experience from the past couple days. This is very new to me. I clearly couldn't have shared this information before. New information is coming out every day. You act like these vaccines have been around for years and we have tons of data on Covid and the vaccines.
Why are you so defensive and obnoxious? I quoted you because of the comment about side effects and then went on to say something else which wasn't specifically directed towards you.
I don't particularly care if you want to talk about this until you're blue in the face but the fact is, the discussion is getting old on these boards and nothing new is ever discussed. We're all saying the same things over and over again and realistically, I think we ALL know where each of us stands at this point with regards to the vaccine.
If my comments bother you, then take you own advice and skip them.
Actually, to be honest, you are the one who keeps writing the same stuff over and over again! Lululu was sharing her very recent experience from the Johnson and Johnson vaccine which myself and I’m sure others on this board (even those that don’t post) find very helpful! She is actually the only person I know so far that has gotten that vaccine and it’s helpful to know her experience. These vaccines are brand new and to some extent we are part of the experimental phase. Much data on side effects hasn’t been released so it’s really helpful to hear real life experience! Lululu- I’m sorry you went through that and thank you for taking the time to share.
Hofstra26- perhaps you should go back and read some of your recent posts. You are the one saying the same things over and over. What is new that you have added to this discussion?
Posted 4/12/21 12:42 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by itsbabytime
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by lululu
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by lululu
Posted by Naturalmama
Posted by Sash
Posted by lululu
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
I’m all for it. Vaccines work. I just had a direct exposure with a friend. I’m fine thankfully had multiple negative tests just to be sure. I plan to get my kids vaccinated the moment it becomes available for them. It’s been 13 months. I’m over this and it needs to end. Vaccines work and vaccines are the answer I’m tired of people thinking their interpretations of things are fact, that their opinions are fact and that their Facebook news is fact. Science is science. People need to believe in science, get vaccinated and we all need to get on with our lives. That’s how it will end. Kids congregating in colleges, living together will cause a spread. Kids deserve a normal college experience, living in dorms, going to parties and bars, not sitting in a room on a remote learning platform.
All I know is my own experience. I got covid and it was completely mild. I got the vaccine and I was sicker than I can ever remember being. I will never take it again, and I will probably not allow my children to get it. Sorry that you are "over this" and you think vaccines are the answer. I think living life with certain risks is the answer. You should absolutely get the vaccine for you and your children then but don't force your beliefs on anyone else.
I’ve been hearing that from a lot of people. That the reaction to the vaccine may be a lot worse if you had Covid. I wonder why that is?
I've heard that too. This is just my speculation, but maybe the immune goes into overdrive when it sees the spike protein because it already remembers the virus and attacks. There is no scientific evidence of this, just my thoughts.
Yes - it does make sense logically although I am not sure if it is scientifically proven. i did ask when I was getting the vaccine and they told me that it wouldn't matter.
Everyone should note thou that they are finding that 70% of people are having side effects from J&J - 50% of whom experience AT LEAST mild flu like symptoms with fever, chills, headache, fatigue. So half of the people that take J&J are getting sick.
Every vaccine and every medication that we have available to us comes with the risk of side effects. Generally speaking, most are mild and go away quickly. Rarely are they life threatening.
Everything in life is a game of risk. Do you want to risk getting COVID and possibly be one of the unfortunate people who get extremely ill (possibly even die) OR do you want to risk taking a vaccine with minimal known side effects and an over 90% efficacy rate in transmission and lessening the severity of symptoms? Having recently had moderate COVID and knowing the stress of what every new day could (or did) bring, I want the vaccine so if I ever have to go through this again the odds are even more in my favor. I've had countless vaccines over my 46 years on the planet, I've never had adverse reactions or issues. Given my health history with prior vaccines, I will take my chances with the COVID vaccine.
I feel like the vaccine/COVID argument goes in circles on these boards. At this point I don't really see what there is to say anymore and yet almost every day there ANOTHER vaccine post where for the most part, the SAME argument happens. Nobody is ever saying anything new. Get your vaccine or don't, I don't think anyone at this point really cares what someone else is doing and talking someone to death about why you think YOUR way is the RIGHT way won't change a person's mind.
If you don't want to read the posts, just skip it! I don't think I have ever once said my way is the right way, however you come off as someone that thinks what they are always right and you don't seem very open to a discussion in which others opinions might be valuable. You are condescending even on your best days.
I am sharing my experience from the past couple days. This is very new to me. I clearly couldn't have shared this information before. New information is coming out every day. You act like these vaccines have been around for years and we have tons of data on Covid and the vaccines.
Why are you so defensive and obnoxious? I quoted you because of the comment about side effects and then went on to say something else which wasn't specifically directed towards you.
I don't particularly care if you want to talk about this until you're blue in the face but the fact is, the discussion is getting old on these boards and nothing new is ever discussed. We're all saying the same things over and over again and realistically, I think we ALL know where each of us stands at this point with regards to the vaccine.
If my comments bother you, then take you own advice and skip them.
Actually, to be honest, you are the one who keeps writing the same stuff over and over again! Lululu was sharing her very recent experience from the Johnson and Johnson vaccine which myself and I’m sure others on this board (even those that don’t post) find very helpful! She is actually the only person I know so far that has gotten that vaccine and it’s helpful to know her experience. These vaccines are brand new and to some extent we are part of the experimental phase. Much data on side effects hasn’t been released so it’s really helpful to hear real life experience! Lululu- I’m sorry you went through that and thank you for taking the time to share.
Hofstra26- perhaps you should go back and read some of your recent posts. You are the one saying the same things over and over. What is new that you have added to this discussion?
Thank you! I am still not feeling great three days later and my arm is still extremely sore. Now if course I am in a panic because the put the J and J vaccine on pause because of this rare blood clotting disorder which has caused one woman to die.
Posted 4/12/21 12:52 PM |
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Speaking of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine.
Posted 4/12/21 12:54 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
I know - I'm probably going to drop dead. What a mistake.
Posted 4/12/21 2:08 PM |
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by lululu
I know - I'm probably going to drop dead. What a mistake.
Awww I am sure you will be fine. It IS scary though and I think that is why many are reluctant to get the vaccine.
Posted 4/12/21 2:46 PM |
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by lululu
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
I’m all for it. Vaccines work. I just had a direct exposure with a friend. I’m fine thankfully had multiple negative tests just to be sure. I plan to get my kids vaccinated the moment it becomes available for them. It’s been 13 months. I’m over this and it needs to end. Vaccines work and vaccines are the answer I’m tired of people thinking their interpretations of things are fact, that their opinions are fact and that their Facebook news is fact. Science is science. People need to believe in science, get vaccinated and we all need to get on with our lives. That’s how it will end. Kids congregating in colleges, living together will cause a spread. Kids deserve a normal college experience, living in dorms, going to parties and bars, not sitting in a room on a remote learning platform.
All I know is my own experience. I got covid and it was completely mild. I got the vaccine and I was sicker than I can ever remember being. I will never take it again, and I will probably not allow my children to get it. Sorry that you are "over this" and you think vaccines are the answer. I think living life with certain risks is the answer. You should absolutely get the vaccine for you and your children then but don't force your beliefs on anyone else.
Vaccines are the answer to end covid, not “living with risk” I just worked in a hospital through all this and continue to show up every day. When people “risked” it for holidays because it was “worth it” hospital workers suffered and the public suffered. Wave 2, more people tested positive daily than round 1, that should have never been. So yes science is the answer and vaccines will end covid there is no arguing it. And yes people that have had covid and then get the vaccine have reported slightly higher effects. You would likely have a different opinion on this had you been sicker or perhaps lost a parent or spouse due to this. I’ve seen countless families say goodbye by phone and I can’t see it anymore. So if everyone wants access to healthcare, people need to follow science because hospital employees mental health is rock bottom we have extremely high call out rates and staffing shortages since this, creating a gap in high quality care. There is more to this than “living with risk” health care workers won’t be working much longer if it keeps up
Message edited 4/12/2021 2:59:22 PM.
Posted 4/12/21 2:59 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/11 1284 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
Posted by lululu
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
I’m all for it. Vaccines work. I just had a direct exposure with a friend. I’m fine thankfully had multiple negative tests just to be sure. I plan to get my kids vaccinated the moment it becomes available for them. It’s been 13 months. I’m over this and it needs to end. Vaccines work and vaccines are the answer I’m tired of people thinking their interpretations of things are fact, that their opinions are fact and that their Facebook news is fact. Science is science. People need to believe in science, get vaccinated and we all need to get on with our lives. That’s how it will end. Kids congregating in colleges, living together will cause a spread. Kids deserve a normal college experience, living in dorms, going to parties and bars, not sitting in a room on a remote learning platform.
All I know is my own experience. I got covid and it was completely mild. I got the vaccine and I was sicker than I can ever remember being. I will never take it again, and I will probably not allow my children to get it. Sorry that you are "over this" and you think vaccines are the answer. I think living life with certain risks is the answer. You should absolutely get the vaccine for you and your children then but don't force your beliefs on anyone else.
Vaccines are the answer to end covid, not “living with risk” I just worked in a hospital through all this and continue to show up every day. When people “risked” it for holidays because it was “worth it” hospital workers suffered and the public suffered. Wave 2, more people tested positive daily than round 1, that should have never been. So yes science is the answer and vaccines will end covid there is no arguing it. And yes people that have had covid and then get the vaccine have reported slightly higher effects. You would likely have a different opinion on this had you been sicker or perhaps lost a parent or spouse due to this. I’ve seen countless families say goodbye by phone and I can’t see it anymore. So if everyone wants access to healthcare, people need to follow science because hospital employees mental health is rock bottom we have extremely high call out rates and staffing shortages since this, creating a gap in high quality care. There is more to this than “living with risk” health care workers won’t be working much longer if it keeps up
First, thank you for all you have done. I feel like everyone has forgotten what hospitals were like this time last year.
In your opinion is your hospital better than it was this time last year? Better than the holiday spike? From what I’ve heard from my friends it’s night and day and they are seeing more people walking out of the hospital who they thought wouldn’t make it based on pre existing conditions and age. They say they aren’t overwhelmed anymore.
Posted 4/12/21 3:10 PM |
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by LittleDiva
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
Posted by lululu
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
I’m all for it. Vaccines work. I just had a direct exposure with a friend. I’m fine thankfully had multiple negative tests just to be sure. I plan to get my kids vaccinated the moment it becomes available for them. It’s been 13 months. I’m over this and it needs to end. Vaccines work and vaccines are the answer I’m tired of people thinking their interpretations of things are fact, that their opinions are fact and that their Facebook news is fact. Science is science. People need to believe in science, get vaccinated and we all need to get on with our lives. That’s how it will end. Kids congregating in colleges, living together will cause a spread. Kids deserve a normal college experience, living in dorms, going to parties and bars, not sitting in a room on a remote learning platform.
All I know is my own experience. I got covid and it was completely mild. I got the vaccine and I was sicker than I can ever remember being. I will never take it again, and I will probably not allow my children to get it. Sorry that you are "over this" and you think vaccines are the answer. I think living life with certain risks is the answer. You should absolutely get the vaccine for you and your children then but don't force your beliefs on anyone else.
Vaccines are the answer to end covid, not “living with risk” I just worked in a hospital through all this and continue to show up every day. When people “risked” it for holidays because it was “worth it” hospital workers suffered and the public suffered. Wave 2, more people tested positive daily than round 1, that should have never been. So yes science is the answer and vaccines will end covid there is no arguing it. And yes people that have had covid and then get the vaccine have reported slightly higher effects. You would likely have a different opinion on this had you been sicker or perhaps lost a parent or spouse due to this. I’ve seen countless families say goodbye by phone and I can’t see it anymore. So if everyone wants access to healthcare, people need to follow science because hospital employees mental health is rock bottom we have extremely high call out rates and staffing shortages since this, creating a gap in high quality care. There is more to this than “living with risk” health care workers won’t be working much longer if it keeps up
First, thank you for all you have done. I feel like everyone has forgotten what hospitals were like this time last year.
In your opinion is your hospital better than it was this time last year? Better than the holiday spike? From what I’ve heard from my friends it’s night and day and they are seeing more people walking out of the hospital who they thought wouldn’t make it based on pre existing conditions and age. They say they aren’t overwhelmed anymore.
According to the numbers that come out everyday, they are not overwhelmed.
Posted 4/12/21 3:24 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/11 9141 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by LittleDiva
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
Posted by lululu
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
I’m all for it. Vaccines work. I just had a direct exposure with a friend. I’m fine thankfully had multiple negative tests just to be sure. I plan to get my kids vaccinated the moment it becomes available for them. It’s been 13 months. I’m over this and it needs to end. Vaccines work and vaccines are the answer I’m tired of people thinking their interpretations of things are fact, that their opinions are fact and that their Facebook news is fact. Science is science. People need to believe in science, get vaccinated and we all need to get on with our lives. That’s how it will end. Kids congregating in colleges, living together will cause a spread. Kids deserve a normal college experience, living in dorms, going to parties and bars, not sitting in a room on a remote learning platform.
All I know is my own experience. I got covid and it was completely mild. I got the vaccine and I was sicker than I can ever remember being. I will never take it again, and I will probably not allow my children to get it. Sorry that you are "over this" and you think vaccines are the answer. I think living life with certain risks is the answer. You should absolutely get the vaccine for you and your children then but don't force your beliefs on anyone else.
Vaccines are the answer to end covid, not “living with risk” I just worked in a hospital through all this and continue to show up every day. When people “risked” it for holidays because it was “worth it” hospital workers suffered and the public suffered. Wave 2, more people tested positive daily than round 1, that should have never been. So yes science is the answer and vaccines will end covid there is no arguing it. And yes people that have had covid and then get the vaccine have reported slightly higher effects. You would likely have a different opinion on this had you been sicker or perhaps lost a parent or spouse due to this. I’ve seen countless families say goodbye by phone and I can’t see it anymore. So if everyone wants access to healthcare, people need to follow science because hospital employees mental health is rock bottom we have extremely high call out rates and staffing shortages since this, creating a gap in high quality care. There is more to this than “living with risk” health care workers won’t be working much longer if it keeps up
First, thank you for all you have done. I feel like everyone has forgotten what hospitals were like this time last year.
In your opinion is your hospital better than it was this time last year? Better than the holiday spike? From what I’ve heard from my friends it’s night and day and they are seeing more people walking out of the hospital who they thought wouldn’t make it based on pre existing conditions and age. They say they aren’t overwhelmed anymore.
But for you (the general you) "better" only means the number of covid patients who recover and leave the hospital. Yes, that number is "better" and of course that's a great thing - but you are ignoring what the previous poster mentioned, about the overall, ongoing toll on health care workers and our overall health care system - a system that you want to be there for you, in its very best form, when you need it. Right now, that system and the people that make it work, are still battered from the storm.
Posted 4/12/21 3:26 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/11 1284 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by chilltocam
Posted by LittleDiva
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
Posted by lululu
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
I’m all for it. Vaccines work. I just had a direct exposure with a friend. I’m fine thankfully had multiple negative tests just to be sure. I plan to get my kids vaccinated the moment it becomes available for them. It’s been 13 months. I’m over this and it needs to end. Vaccines work and vaccines are the answer I’m tired of people thinking their interpretations of things are fact, that their opinions are fact and that their Facebook news is fact. Science is science. People need to believe in science, get vaccinated and we all need to get on with our lives. That’s how it will end. Kids congregating in colleges, living together will cause a spread. Kids deserve a normal college experience, living in dorms, going to parties and bars, not sitting in a room on a remote learning platform.
All I know is my own experience. I got covid and it was completely mild. I got the vaccine and I was sicker than I can ever remember being. I will never take it again, and I will probably not allow my children to get it. Sorry that you are "over this" and you think vaccines are the answer. I think living life with certain risks is the answer. You should absolutely get the vaccine for you and your children then but don't force your beliefs on anyone else.
Vaccines are the answer to end covid, not “living with risk” I just worked in a hospital through all this and continue to show up every day. When people “risked” it for holidays because it was “worth it” hospital workers suffered and the public suffered. Wave 2, more people tested positive daily than round 1, that should have never been. So yes science is the answer and vaccines will end covid there is no arguing it. And yes people that have had covid and then get the vaccine have reported slightly higher effects. You would likely have a different opinion on this had you been sicker or perhaps lost a parent or spouse due to this. I’ve seen countless families say goodbye by phone and I can’t see it anymore. So if everyone wants access to healthcare, people need to follow science because hospital employees mental health is rock bottom we have extremely high call out rates and staffing shortages since this, creating a gap in high quality care. There is more to this than “living with risk” health care workers won’t be working much longer if it keeps up
First, thank you for all you have done. I feel like everyone has forgotten what hospitals were like this time last year.
In your opinion is your hospital better than it was this time last year? Better than the holiday spike? From what I’ve heard from my friends it’s night and day and they are seeing more people walking out of the hospital who they thought wouldn’t make it based on pre existing conditions and age. They say they aren’t overwhelmed anymore.
But for you (the general you) "better" only means the number of covid patients who recover and leave the hospital. Yes, that number is "better" and of course that's a great thing - but you are ignoring what the previous poster mentioned, about the overall, ongoing toll on health care workers and our overall health care system - a system that you want to be there for you, in its very best form, when you need it. Right now, that system and the people that make it work, are still battered from the storm.
I’m not in a hospital setting so I just wanted to get that viewpoint. I have been hearing the opposite, and obviously that is only from my people in my circle so I’m not hearing other points of view. It’s just interesting because some who were in the center of this all are like the poster above and all about getting vaccines and others are not for the vaccines, yet they were all working the frontlines.
Posted 4/12/21 4:25 PM |
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by chilltocam
Posted by LittleDiva
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
Posted by lululu
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
I’m all for it. Vaccines work. I just had a direct exposure with a friend. I’m fine thankfully had multiple negative tests just to be sure. I plan to get my kids vaccinated the moment it becomes available for them. It’s been 13 months. I’m over this and it needs to end. Vaccines work and vaccines are the answer I’m tired of people thinking their interpretations of things are fact, that their opinions are fact and that their Facebook news is fact. Science is science. People need to believe in science, get vaccinated and we all need to get on with our lives. That’s how it will end. Kids congregating in colleges, living together will cause a spread. Kids deserve a normal college experience, living in dorms, going to parties and bars, not sitting in a room on a remote learning platform.
All I know is my own experience. I got covid and it was completely mild. I got the vaccine and I was sicker than I can ever remember being. I will never take it again, and I will probably not allow my children to get it. Sorry that you are "over this" and you think vaccines are the answer. I think living life with certain risks is the answer. You should absolutely get the vaccine for you and your children then but don't force your beliefs on anyone else.
Vaccines are the answer to end covid, not “living with risk” I just worked in a hospital through all this and continue to show up every day. When people “risked” it for holidays because it was “worth it” hospital workers suffered and the public suffered. Wave 2, more people tested positive daily than round 1, that should have never been. So yes science is the answer and vaccines will end covid there is no arguing it. And yes people that have had covid and then get the vaccine have reported slightly higher effects. You would likely have a different opinion on this had you been sicker or perhaps lost a parent or spouse due to this. I’ve seen countless families say goodbye by phone and I can’t see it anymore. So if everyone wants access to healthcare, people need to follow science because hospital employees mental health is rock bottom we have extremely high call out rates and staffing shortages since this, creating a gap in high quality care. There is more to this than “living with risk” health care workers won’t be working much longer if it keeps up
First, thank you for all you have done. I feel like everyone has forgotten what hospitals were like this time last year.
In your opinion is your hospital better than it was this time last year? Better than the holiday spike? From what I’ve heard from my friends it’s night and day and they are seeing more people walking out of the hospital who they thought wouldn’t make it based on pre existing conditions and age. They say they aren’t overwhelmed anymore.
But for you (the general you) "better" only means the number of covid patients who recover and leave the hospital. Yes, that number is "better" and of course that's a great thing - but you are ignoring what the previous poster mentioned, about the overall, ongoing toll on health care workers and our overall health care system - a system that you want to be there for you, in its very best form, when you need it. Right now, that system and the people that make it work, are still battered from the storm.
I think everyone appreciates healthcare workers but if less people are being hospitalized and more that are are leaving without dying, what else are we supposed to do?
Posted 4/12/21 4:26 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
Posted by lululu
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
I’m all for it. Vaccines work. I just had a direct exposure with a friend. I’m fine thankfully had multiple negative tests just to be sure. I plan to get my kids vaccinated the moment it becomes available for them. It’s been 13 months. I’m over this and it needs to end. Vaccines work and vaccines are the answer I’m tired of people thinking their interpretations of things are fact, that their opinions are fact and that their Facebook news is fact. Science is science. People need to believe in science, get vaccinated and we all need to get on with our lives. That’s how it will end. Kids congregating in colleges, living together will cause a spread. Kids deserve a normal college experience, living in dorms, going to parties and bars, not sitting in a room on a remote learning platform.
All I know is my own experience. I got covid and it was completely mild. I got the vaccine and I was sicker than I can ever remember being. I will never take it again, and I will probably not allow my children to get it. Sorry that you are "over this" and you think vaccines are the answer. I think living life with certain risks is the answer. You should absolutely get the vaccine for you and your children then but don't force your beliefs on anyone else.
Vaccines are the answer to end covid, not “living with risk” I just worked in a hospital through all this and continue to show up every day. When people “risked” it for holidays because it was “worth it” hospital workers suffered and the public suffered. Wave 2, more people tested positive daily than round 1, that should have never been. So yes science is the answer and vaccines will end covid there is no arguing it. And yes people that have had covid and then get the vaccine have reported slightly higher effects. You would likely have a different opinion on this had you been sicker or perhaps lost a parent or spouse due to this. I’ve seen countless families say goodbye by phone and I can’t see it anymore. So if everyone wants access to healthcare, people need to follow science because hospital employees mental health is rock bottom we have extremely high call out rates and staffing shortages since this, creating a gap in high quality care. There is more to this than “living with risk” health care workers won’t be working much longer if it keeps up
No, actually my opinion on this would be no different if I had lost a loved one or if I had been sicker myself. I have lost loved ones to many things, many prematurely. Although I can not say it for a fact I know how I react to things and I know how I digest and process information and it would not skew my judgement on this.
Posted 4/12/21 4:33 PM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by lululu
I know - I'm probably going to drop dead. What a mistake.
6 people out of 7 million. Don’t buy the casket just yet.
Posted 4/12/21 4:43 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by PhyllisNJoe
Posted by lululu
I know - I'm probably going to drop dead. What a mistake.
6 people out of 7 million. Don’t buy the casket just yet.
Ha! No I am just kidding (hopefully!). It does freak me out because I had such a bad reaction but I am a numbers person so I am not even close to concerned about this.
Posted 4/12/21 4:45 PM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
Posted by lululu
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
I’m all for it. Vaccines work. I just had a direct exposure with a friend. I’m fine thankfully had multiple negative tests just to be sure. I plan to get my kids vaccinated the moment it becomes available for them. It’s been 13 months. I’m over this and it needs to end. Vaccines work and vaccines are the answer I’m tired of people thinking their interpretations of things are fact, that their opinions are fact and that their Facebook news is fact. Science is science. People need to believe in science, get vaccinated and we all need to get on with our lives. That’s how it will end. Kids congregating in colleges, living together will cause a spread. Kids deserve a normal college experience, living in dorms, going to parties and bars, not sitting in a room on a remote learning platform.
All I know is my own experience. I got covid and it was completely mild. I got the vaccine and I was sicker than I can ever remember being. I will never take it again, and I will probably not allow my children to get it. Sorry that you are "over this" and you think vaccines are the answer. I think living life with certain risks is the answer. You should absolutely get the vaccine for you and your children then but don't force your beliefs on anyone else.
Vaccines are the answer to end covid, not “living with risk” I just worked in a hospital through all this and continue to show up every day. When people “risked” it for holidays because it was “worth it” hospital workers suffered and the public suffered. Wave 2, more people tested positive daily than round 1, that should have never been. So yes science is the answer and vaccines will end covid there is no arguing it. And yes people that have had covid and then get the vaccine have reported slightly higher effects. You would likely have a different opinion on this had you been sicker or perhaps lost a parent or spouse due to this. I’ve seen countless families say goodbye by phone and I can’t see it anymore. So if everyone wants access to healthcare, people need to follow science because hospital employees mental health is rock bottom we have extremely high call out rates and staffing shortages since this, creating a gap in high quality care. There is more to this than “living with risk” health care workers won’t be working much longer if it keeps up
Posted 4/12/21 4:46 PM |
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by PhyllisNJoe
Posted by lululu
I know - I'm probably going to drop dead. What a mistake.
6 people out of 7 million. Don’t buy the casket just yet.
Enough to require them to have a pause giving them out. I think that is a concern.
Posted 4/12/21 4:48 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
Posted by lululu
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
I’m all for it. Vaccines work. I just had a direct exposure with a friend. I’m fine thankfully had multiple negative tests just to be sure. I plan to get my kids vaccinated the moment it becomes available for them. It’s been 13 months. I’m over this and it needs to end. Vaccines work and vaccines are the answer I’m tired of people thinking their interpretations of things are fact, that their opinions are fact and that their Facebook news is fact. Science is science. People need to believe in science, get vaccinated and we all need to get on with our lives. That’s how it will end. Kids congregating in colleges, living together will cause a spread. Kids deserve a normal college experience, living in dorms, going to parties and bars, not sitting in a room on a remote learning platform.
All I know is my own experience. I got covid and it was completely mild. I got the vaccine and I was sicker than I can ever remember being. I will never take it again, and I will probably not allow my children to get it. Sorry that you are "over this" and you think vaccines are the answer. I think living life with certain risks is the answer. You should absolutely get the vaccine for you and your children then but don't force your beliefs on anyone else.
Vaccines are the answer to end covid, not “living with risk” I just worked in a hospital through all this and continue to show up every day. When people “risked” it for holidays because it was “worth it” hospital workers suffered and the public suffered. Wave 2, more people tested positive daily than round 1, that should have never been. So yes science is the answer and vaccines will end covid there is no arguing it. And yes people that have had covid and then get the vaccine have reported slightly higher effects. You would likely have a different opinion on this had you been sicker or perhaps lost a parent or spouse due to this. I’ve seen countless families say goodbye by phone and I can’t see it anymore. So if everyone wants access to healthcare, people need to follow science because hospital employees mental health is rock bottom we have extremely high call out rates and staffing shortages since this, creating a gap in high quality care. There is more to this than “living with risk” health care workers won’t be working much longer if it keeps up
Just to clarify - the vaccine will NOT end covid. The vaccine will end the pandemic. There is a distinction. And pandemics, all throughout history, end on their own as well. The vaccine will speed up the end, but it would have ended regardless.
Posted 4/12/21 4:52 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 8/12 742 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
We HAD to know this was coming. I’m not sold on the vax but was all set to get the J&J. Now I can’t. A fortune was put into this, and we will all be forced somehow/someway to get this. After that we will be forced to pay for all of the testing and all of the vaccines that have been “free”. It’s college now , but what next? High school ? Work? Travel?
Posted 4/12/21 4:54 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 8/12 742 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by itsbabytime
Posted by LittleDiva
I’m against it, just curious where others stand. And if those who quickly rolled up their sleeves for themselves are as quick to allow their children to?
1000% for it.
I am so confused by this post and many others on this thread and honestly it scares me for all of our children. The justification I’m hearing is “trust the science.” But what science is there here? The first kids to take these shots were only a few months ago! So the only science is on limited data from a few months? This is a brand new vaccine using medical technology that has never been used in a vaccine before - NO ONE not even science can say this is safe in the long term right now for our kids! They can guess based on science but no doctor or scientist can know for sure because there is not even one child who had this shot even a year ago! How many examples through time have we seen where something is medically approved and promoted and ten years later it’s pulled when it’s discovered that it caused cancer or infertility or autoimmune etc? I can give many examples! Even with vaccines there are examples! Sometimes the danger of a medicine etc isn’t even seen until the next generation! Where someone who took a certain medicine might have a child who is infertile etc. I’m shocked how as a society we will potentially sacrifice the life and health of our children for the sake of “normalcy”. Don’t you find it interesting that the teachers unions go nuts every time there is mention of mandating vaccines for teachers? No public school has mandated vaccines for teachers and they are the ones that could actually have a higher chance of getting seriously ill! They are standing up for themselves but who is standing up for our kids???? How does this make any sense! I don’t know one child who has gotten seriously ill from covid and many more children have had covid and for a longer term than the vaccine. How can we say the benefit to this group of mandatory vaccination outweighs the risk?????
I also want to point out something else that you may or may not be aware of. Pfizer and Moderna are only allowing their vaccines to be distributed in countries that have agreed to allow them to be absolved from liability “not only against civil claims from citizens who suffer serious adverse events after being vaccinated, but also for cases brought due to their own negligence, fraud or malice.” The lawyers will understand the gravity of this. You could only be held liable for such things if it is proved they disseminated the vaccine KNOWING the harm it could cause. A little scary? So even if it is proved down the line that Pfizer knew the vaccine could potentially be harmful down the line and that happens - you can’t even sue them!!!! They have no liability at all!
Most states will never allow mandatory vaccination with an experimental vaccine but unfortunately, New York probably will. Sad that those of us who don’t want to risk the health of our kids would have to move.
Agree. It’s very scary. The people with the follow the science mantra are really getting to me. What science ? This is a brand new vaccine !! We won’t know for years if there are any issues. I’m ready to get my vax but I’m worried for myself too. I had N&J scheduled and. Is it’s been cancelled. I feel like it’s a sign for me to hold off,I’m not allowing my kids to get it at this time.
Posted 4/12/21 5:02 PM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by lululu
Posted by Hofstra26
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
Posted by lululu
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
I’m all for it. Vaccines work. I just had a direct exposure with a friend. I’m fine thankfully had multiple negative tests just to be sure. I plan to get my kids vaccinated the moment it becomes available for them. It’s been 13 months. I’m over this and it needs to end. Vaccines work and vaccines are the answer I’m tired of people thinking their interpretations of things are fact, that their opinions are fact and that their Facebook news is fact. Science is science. People need to believe in science, get vaccinated and we all need to get on with our lives. That’s how it will end. Kids congregating in colleges, living together will cause a spread. Kids deserve a normal college experience, living in dorms, going to parties and bars, not sitting in a room on a remote learning platform.
All I know is my own experience. I got covid and it was completely mild. I got the vaccine and I was sicker than I can ever remember being. I will never take it again, and I will probably not allow my children to get it. Sorry that you are "over this" and you think vaccines are the answer. I think living life with certain risks is the answer. You should absolutely get the vaccine for you and your children then but don't force your beliefs on anyone else.
Vaccines are the answer to end covid, not “living with risk” I just worked in a hospital through all this and continue to show up every day. When people “risked” it for holidays because it was “worth it” hospital workers suffered and the public suffered. Wave 2, more people tested positive daily than round 1, that should have never been. So yes science is the answer and vaccines will end covid there is no arguing it. And yes people that have had covid and then get the vaccine have reported slightly higher effects. You would likely have a different opinion on this had you been sicker or perhaps lost a parent or spouse due to this. I’ve seen countless families say goodbye by phone and I can’t see it anymore. So if everyone wants access to healthcare, people need to follow science because hospital employees mental health is rock bottom we have extremely high call out rates and staffing shortages since this, creating a gap in high quality care. There is more to this than “living with risk” health care workers won’t be working much longer if it keeps up
Just to clarify - the vaccine will NOT end covid. The vaccine will end the pandemic. There is a distinction. And pandemics, all throughout history, end on their own as well. The vaccine will speed up the end, but it would have ended regardless.
I am ALL for speeding up the end of the pandemic and a faster return to normal. The last year has been torture, the faster we can end it the better.
Posted 4/12/21 5:18 PM |
Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7622 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by PhyllisNJoe
Posted by lululu
I know - I'm probably going to drop dead. What a mistake.
6 people out of 7 million. Don’t buy the casket just yet.
Plus correlation does not mean causation. This is out of an abundance of caution. This is literally the regulatory system at work.
You are much more likely to develop blood clots from BCPs than you are from the JnJ vaccine:
Less than 1 in 1 million: JnJ 1 in 3,000: BCPs 1 in 5: hospitalized Covid cases
Posted 4/12/21 5:34 PM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by lululu
Posted by PhyllisNJoe
Posted by lululu
I know - I'm probably going to drop dead. What a mistake.
6 people out of 7 million. Don’t buy the casket just yet.
Ha! No I am just kidding (hopefully!). It does freak me out because I had such a bad reaction but I am a numbers person so I am not even close to concerned about this.
Thank you for taking that lightly - as I intended LOL I took this vaccine too (24 days ago) I’m not concerned either. I’ pay attention to my body in general so if I notice anything out of the ordinary (well, other than my Covid long hauler systems which aren’t terrible thank god) I’ll go to my dr and remind him I had this vaccine so they can check for that specifically.
Message edited 4/12/2021 5:41:36 PM.
Posted 4/12/21 5:40 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/08 3101 total posts
Re: Mandatory Covid Vaccines for Colleges
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
Posted by lululu
Posted by TwinMommyToBoys
I’m all for it. Vaccines work. I just had a direct exposure with a friend. I’m fine thankfully had multiple negative tests just to be sure. I plan to get my kids vaccinated the moment it becomes available for them. It’s been 13 months. I’m over this and it needs to end. Vaccines work and vaccines are the answer I’m tired of people thinking their interpretations of things are fact, that their opinions are fact and that their Facebook news is fact. Science is science. People need to believe in science, get vaccinated and we all need to get on with our lives. That’s how it will end. Kids congregating in colleges, living together will cause a spread. Kids deserve a normal college experience, living in dorms, going to parties and bars, not sitting in a room on a remote learning platform.
All I know is my own experience. I got covid and it was completely mild. I got the vaccine and I was sicker than I can ever remember being. I will never take it again, and I will probably not allow my children to get it. Sorry that you are "over this" and you think vaccines are the answer. I think living life with certain risks is the answer. You should absolutely get the vaccine for you and your children then but don't force your beliefs on anyone else.
Vaccines are the answer to end covid, not “living with risk” I just worked in a hospital through all this and continue to show up every day. When people “risked” it for holidays because it was “worth it” hospital workers suffered and the public suffered. Wave 2, more people tested positive daily than round 1, that should have never been. So yes science is the answer and vaccines will end covid there is no arguing it. And yes people that have had covid and then get the vaccine have reported slightly higher effects. You would likely have a different opinion on this had you been sicker or perhaps lost a parent or spouse due to this. I’ve seen countless families say goodbye by phone and I can’t see it anymore. So if everyone wants access to healthcare, people need to follow science because hospital employees mental health is rock bottom we have extremely high call out rates and staffing shortages since this, creating a gap in high quality care. There is more to this than “living with risk” health care workers won’t be working much longer if it keeps up
TwinMommytoBoys--please keep speaking on this. Your experience, insights, and opinions are so valuable. It must add insult to injury when professionals like you are called to the front lines and then have to witness and endure preventable harm and risk that's often caused by the most ignorant voices in society becoming the most amplified. People should heed your last sentence.
Posted 4/12/21 5:44 PM |
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