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LIF Infant

Member since 8/07 245 total posts
Name: K
migraine sufferers
Does anyone suffer from migraines and is on maxalt mlt?
I read online somewhere that you shouldn't take it while TTC. Does anyone know if there is truth behind that?
I am on day 3 of a migraine and I want to rip my head off my shoulders. They have become so frequent since coming off the pill.
Posted 8/17/11 10:19 AM |
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Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Re: migraine sufferers
I take that. But I am lucky I dont have them very often so I dont think I took it during TTC. I am def not taking anything while I am PG but I have to say as a headache person......I have been almost headache free during my pregnancy.
My Migraines are tied to my estrogen levels and was never able to take BCPs so I was very nervous about how I would be during Pregnancy and so far so good.
Posted 8/17/11 10:41 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 8/07 245 total posts
Name: K
Re: migraine sufferers
Thank you. I hope that when I eventually do get my BFP that my headaches go away.
I never really get nauseous from my migraines but I have been this time. Could it be a pregnancy symptom? I could hope, right?
Posted 8/17/11 12:14 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/06 4357 total posts
Name: jennifer
Re: migraine sufferers
i am doing infertility treatments. i was told shortly before i ovulate and of course after to only use aspirin based products and as far as rescue meds to consult my neuro. if in doubt call your gyno and ask when you can take them or not feel better!
Posted 8/17/11 4:09 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/10 888 total posts
Re: migraine sufferers
I have always gotten bad migraines. Tried a lot of different drugs, including Maxalt. When I was pregnant with #1, I was told I could not take anything other than tylenol. SInce I was on other medication for migraines when I got pregnant, they got nervous and had me get off of them ASAP, while trying to taper them quickly. I have not been taking anything now while ttc because I don't want the same thing to happen. I thought about the medication I took and the possibility of it affecting my baby! Thank goodness, it did not.
Posted 8/17/11 4:33 PM |
* Lovin my baby girl!!! *

Member since 2/09 6243 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: migraine sufferers
I used to take maxalt and frova and whatever else. I didn't like them bc it gave me weird side effects. I rely solely on excedrine migraine and I dunno what I'd do without it. Tylenol does nothing for me so hearing that's all you can take worries me 
Posted 8/17/11 6:41 PM |
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