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Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

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Member since 5/05

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Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

What formula do you use?

We tried Similac Isomil and it was an unmitigated disaster. She was fussy for 24 hours, and had serious trouble pooping, from just one half BM/half formula bottle...

Posted 1/2/10 7:56 AM
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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

We've been dealing with this since DS was a few weeks old. He's currently on Elecare formula and Axid for the reflux. He's definitely doing better now, but it's killing our wallet!!

Posted 1/2/10 8:20 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

Ugh. With all that I'm hearing about babies who have problems with formula, and the cost, I'm really just tempted to bite the bullet and pump at work for the next 6 months so I don't have to deal with all of this...

Posted 1/2/10 8:23 AM

Oh boys

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

I am having the same problem. The Ped told us to go straight to nutramigen or alimentum. I tried giving her the nutramigen but she completely refused it and made a face. I'm going to try mixing it but I don't have any stored BM and I'm not a good pumper, so I don't know how much have to mix with.

She drank similac advance with no problem except the rash that broke out all around her mouth. Since I know she will drink other stuff than BM, it seems like she just doesn't like the taste of the nutramigen.

Posted 1/2/10 8:25 AM

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

Beth, did you see the post on your other thread by the pediatric dietician?

she replied that if there is a suspected milk protein allergy you should NOT be giving Yael soy b/c that could lead to a soy allergy as well.

I WISH I could remember all of the letters of her SN. she knows her stuff. Chat Icon

I think I am going to switch him to Nutrimagen.

besides, the dietician also said that she would not recommend Similac to anyone b/c none of their products contain the recommended amount of DHA's...all of the other infant formula companies do except for them.


I hope Yael is feeling ok. Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/10 8:45 AM

you rang?

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

I would start with Gentlease, it's a partially hydrolized formula. Give it a little bit, if it doesn't help then I would switch to Nutramigen which is for full milk protein allergies. I would also get her retested again to confirm a milk allergy. To the pp, and to you, most babies will flat out refuse the Nutramigen at first at it tastes (and smells) AWFUL so just be aware of that. So try mixing it first and then gradually increasing the ratio of Nutramigen to either BM or Gentlease until it's 100%. She may do very well on just the Gentlease though, which would also be cheaper for you.

Posted 1/2/10 9:17 AM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

Posted by ruby

I would start with Gentlease, it's a partially hydrolized formula. Give it a little bit, if it doesn't help then I would switch to Nutramigen which is for full milk protein allergies. I would also get her retested again to confirm a milk allergy. To the pp, and to you, most babies will flat out refuse the Nutramigen at first at it tastes (and smells) AWFUL so just be aware of that. So try mixing it first and then gradually increasing the ratio of Nutramigen to either BM or Gentlease until it's 100%. She may do very well on just the Gentlease though, which would also be cheaper for you.

ITA with this.

I also have to say you have to give it time, it took 7-10 days for Christopher to get used to Gentlease and then he was a different baby

Posted 1/2/10 9:24 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

Posted by Ophelia

Beth, did you see the post on your other thread by the pediatric dietician?

she replied that if there is a suspected milk protein allergy you should NOT be giving Yael soy b/c that could lead to a soy allergy as well.

I WISH I could remember all of the letters of her SN. she knows her stuff. Chat Icon

I think I am going to switch him to Nutrimagen.

besides, the dietician also said that she would not recommend Similac to anyone b/c none of their products contain the recommended amount of DHA's...all of the other infant formula companies do except for them.


I hope Yael is feeling ok. Chat Icon

Yeah, I saw that... the reason why I started her on soy formula is because I'm fairly certain she doesn't have any sensitivity to it, when I eat it, and because my other daughter had the same sensitivity to milk when breastfeeding, but did very well on the Similac Isomil.

But Yael's digestive issues are an entirely different beast than what Alex experienced, so I'm avoiding the soy formula as a result of how badly she reacted to it.

So now... the question is whether to keep experimenting with other formula's, or bite the bullet and just nurse her until she's a year so I can avoid all this torture and hassle. And if I keep experimenting, what formula would be best for her sensitive little tummy. I suppose Gentlease, Nutramingen and Alimentum are our best options...

Posted 1/2/10 9:24 AM

you rang?

Member since 6/08

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

Posted by Bxgell2

And if I keep experimenting, what formula would be best for her sensitive little tummy. I suppose Gentlease, Nutramingen and Alimentum are our best options...

Again, I'd start with Gentlease if you do decide to give her formula. If she doesn't have a full-on allergy then no need to go straight to the Nutramigen. It's a wonderful hypoallergenic formula, but also expensive and like I said before, it does taste awful (though of course she'd get used to it eventually). Gentlease is the in-between btwn regular formula and hypoallergenic formula (nutramigen). And if after a week or so she's still having issues, I would take her to a GI specialist and they will probably suggest Nutramigen or if she's super allergic maybe even an AA formula. Good luck!

Posted 1/2/10 9:33 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/09

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

We tried gentalease first for her reflux issues. When is wasn't helping with meds. and had her poop tested and she had blood in her stool. Now DD is on nutramigen. She HATED it at first, we had to wean her onto it, it took about a week. Now she drinks it, but is still testing positive for blood in her stool. We are going to a specialist this week.

FYI my insurance covers the formula because it is medically needed. Most insurance companies will cover it. Someone told me in NY it is required if there is a medical need. Here is a web site that gives info.

Posted 1/2/10 9:39 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

I'm supplementing with formula to try to clear up the traces of blood. The diet is not working by itself. The GI doctor had us try Nutramigen but DS refused to drink it, even mixed with breastmilk. Now we are trying Elecare, which is going a little better. He hasn't had any reactions or problems from it, but will still refuse to drink it sometimes. My insurance covers the Elecare with a letter of medical necessity from the doctor.

Posted 1/2/10 9:52 AM

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

soy Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/10 10:01 AM

My Everything

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

Gentlease I believe is milk based though.

I know it probably sucks but to avoid a fussy, crying baby I would probably pump. Easier said than done I know.

Posted 1/2/10 10:54 AM

Mommy of 3!

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

Alimentum worked great for us!

Posted 1/2/10 11:02 AM

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

Nutramigen covered by insurance. DD also is on Zantac for reflux, which we are currently weaning her from.

Posted 1/2/10 11:42 AM


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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

One of my boys has a milk sensitivity, he is on Isomil. It took him about a week to adjust to it - I would keep trying the Isomil before switching again Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/10 11:52 AM

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

Posted by Bxgell2

And if I keep experimenting, what formula would be best for her sensitive little tummy. I suppose Gentlease, Nutramingen and Alimentum are our best options...

My sister went through similar issues. Her biggest problem was that the damage (as per ped gastro) was so severe that it took 3 full weeks on the Alumentum before the baby saw any relief.

Just something to keep in mind with all the experimenting.

Posted 1/2/10 12:17 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...


We started on NeoSure...then Gentlease, Then Alimentum, and then finally the Elecare.

Message edited 1/2/2010 1:04:00 PM.

Posted 1/2/10 1:03 PM

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

We tried the isomil and it was a disaster as well. We're now on Alimentum which sucks b/c its so $$$..but its helped DS tremendously!

Its a very thin formula from what the PED said so we often need to feed DS more frequently than if he were using a regular formula.

Posted 1/2/10 1:48 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

Posted by monkeybride

Gentlease I believe is milk based though.

I know it probably sucks but to avoid a fussy, crying baby I would probably pump. Easier said than done I know.

Yes, but the milk proteins are broken down, so if the baby has a sensitivity rather than a true allergy, Gentlease will *most likely* work

Posted 1/2/10 1:52 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

Andy was on Neocate, but he has a severe milk allergy.

Posted 1/2/10 2:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

Posted by KateDevine

Posted by monkeybride

Gentlease I believe is milk based though.

I know it probably sucks but to avoid a fussy, crying baby I would probably pump. Easier said than done I know.

Yes, but the milk proteins are broken down, so if the baby has a sensitivity rather than a true allergy, Gentlease will *most likely* work

Well, anytime I eat dairy, she becomes incredibly fussy, her poop turns green, and blood starts appearing in her diapers, so I cut it entirely from my diet, though once in a while it sneaks back in accidentally.

I don't know what to do, I really don't - I don't want to torture her by experimenting with various formula's that may aggravate her tummy. I'm starting to really lean towards just biting the bullet and pumping at work for the next 6 months. I guess I'll make my decision after our GI appt. this week.

Thanks for the replies ladies Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/10 2:28 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

I wouldn't give her anything milk based, including Gentle Ease. Especially, since you notice such a big difference from when you have dairy and when you don't.

Since you are eating soy and have been for the past 6 months, I would go to soy milk or have her tested at the allergist. A lot of peds. and allergist don't recommend it before the age of 1, but to have real answers I would do it.

DD has a milk allergy, not a sensitivity and we had her tested at 5.5 months because we couldn't figure what was wrong with her (she had severe eczema).

What has your ped. said??

Posted 1/2/10 10:47 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Milk allergy/sensitivity Mama's...

Posted by Bxgell2

Posted by KateDevine

Posted by monkeybride

Gentlease I believe is milk based though.

I know it probably sucks but to avoid a fussy, crying baby I would probably pump. Easier said than done I know.

Yes, but the milk proteins are broken down, so if the baby has a sensitivity rather than a true allergy, Gentlease will *most likely* work

Well, anytime I eat dairy, she becomes incredibly fussy, her poop turns green, and blood starts appearing in her diapers, so I cut it entirely from my diet, though once in a while it sneaks back in accidentally.

I don't know what to do, I really don't - I don't want to torture her by experimenting with various formula's that may aggravate her tummy. I'm starting to really lean towards just biting the bullet and pumping at work for the next 6 months. I guess I'll make my decision after our GI appt. this week.

Thanks for the replies ladies Chat Icon

Honestly, if that is her reaction when you have a slip up with dairy, that's sounds like a full allergy and not a sensitivity.
I would go with the Isomil or Elecare/Neocate. You would have to fight with the insurance company but you could get it covered.

Posted 1/2/10 10:51 PM

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