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LIF Adult

Member since 5/09 1072 total posts
Name: x
Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
I'm planning my BFFs shower and need help. She doesnt have any family in NY so i'm going to invite mutual friends and her coworkers (I've seen a few times but am not "friends" with so we may need icebreakers). It will take place at my house, here goes:
1. Did you have a girls only shower? If so did dad show up at the end or not at all?
2. How many weeks pregnant were you at your shower?
3. Any fun games you would suggest?
4. Besides the shower itself was there something special that made your shower memorable.
5. Any other suggestions?
TIA Ladies!
Posted 2/4/10 10:31 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

Member since 9/09 394 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
My in-laws planned my shower. They did a girls only shower and DH showed up at the end to help carry out/bring home all of the lovely gifts. I was 34 weeks pg at my shower. Not sure where they found the games we did, but they were questions about me and DH and our journey together, fav things etc. It was special just because everyone I cared about was there. That made it extra special. Where in NY are you looking to do the shower if you dont mind me asking. I can highly recommend the place we used cause the food was good, and from what I know the pricing was reasonable too.
Posted 2/4/10 10:35 AM |
Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06 13519 total posts
Name: Kerry
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
1. Did you have a girls only shower? If so did dad show up at the end or not at all? Girls only, except my DH was there.
2. How many weeks pregnant were you at your shower? I was around 30-31 weeks.
3. Any fun games you would suggest? I lOVE shower games. One I thought was cute was "Price Is Right". Buy some items and everyone has to guess the price, closest without going over wins. Bingo is always a big hit.
4. Besides the shower itself was there something special that made your shower memorable. Honestly, having all my family & friends there.
5. Any other suggestions?
Posted 2/4/10 10:37 AM |
im a big girl!

Member since 2/07 4536 total posts
Name: Megan
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
1. Did you have a girls only shower? If so did dad show up at the end or not at all? - yes we had a girls only shower thats how we wanted it, dad dropped me off greated guests then left.. came back at the end to pick me up and help load gifts into car and i think had cake
2. How many weeks pregnant were you at your shower? - im pretty sure i was 32 weeks. it was a godo time i was extremelly uncomfortable (due to other reasons so i wished it would have been around 30 weeks) but i was ok with 32
3. Any fun games you would suggest? - i like the timer game my family did... they got a cook timer and while opening gifts they would turn it to whatever amount of time and when it went off whoevers gift i was opening won a prize... kinda kept people on their toes because they needed to know whos gift i was opening and prizes were the mini wine bottles (sutter home in all different flavors).. ALWAYS a hit... because who doesnt love a little wine!
4. Besides the shower itself was there something special that made your shower memorable. - My cousin made my cake ( i love a homemade cake) makes me feel like someone who cared made it. - my Dh made a book shelf in middle school and his mother kept it. so instead of a wishing well my mom had everyone bring a baby book (not ones that you fill in lke a childrens story book ) and there was a sign that said "Baby D-s Libary" and the books were displayed on the book shelf dh made and it will go in dds room when she gets one! that was my most favorite part! so much better then a wishing well
5. Any other suggestions? - just have a good time! im sure everything will be greatly appreciated since her family canot be here!
Posted 2/4/10 10:38 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/09 1072 total posts
Name: x
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
Posted by ldomiano
My in-laws planned my shower. They did a girls only shower and DH showed up at the end to help carry out/bring home all of the lovely gifts. I was 34 weeks pg at my shower. Not sure where they found the games we did, but they were questions about me and DH and our journey together, fav things etc. It was special just because everyone I cared about was there. That made it extra special. Where in NY are you looking to do the shower if you dont mind me asking. I can highly recommend the place we used cause the food was good, and from what I know the pricing was reasonable too.
I live in nassau county in wantagh. I just had a baby so I'm trying to keep my cost down.
Posted 2/5/10 11:31 AM |
best buds!

Member since 5/09 11524 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
Posted by mom2b
I'm planning my BFFs shower and need help. She doesnt have any family in NY so i'm going to invite mutual friends and her coworkers (I've seen a few times but am not "friends" with so we may need icebreakers). It will take place at my house, here goes:
1. Did you have a girls only shower? If so did dad show up at the end or not at all?
2. How many weeks pregnant were you at your shower?
3. Any fun games you would suggest?
4. Besides the shower itself was there something special that made your shower memorable.
5. Any other suggestions?
TIA Ladies!
I was about 37 weeks. Too close for comfort for me, but I made it.
We do the standard bingo, and then we did "my water broke" where you freeze these tiny babies in ice cubes, then you give each guest a cup of water and put one frozen baby ice cube it in and the first say 3 people whose cube melts and the baby is free yells, my water broke adn they win. I like games like those two, where you dont have to stop the party to play and they dont take my effort to participate in.
Posted 2/5/10 11:34 AM |
My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07 13625 total posts
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
My DH was the only guy at my shower :-and he was there the whole time )
As for games etc....
For my BFF's we got a bunch of white onesies in various sizes and put those out along with fabric markers and had everyone decorate a onesie for the baby while we were waiting for the mommy to be to arrive...That was really really fun ( and my BFF actually used the onesies !!!)...We then hung them up on a clothesline behind her "present opening chair" ...It was great to see what everyone came up with
We also did the timer game ( very easy and fun-keeps everyones interest without having them to pay a whole lot of attention like Bingo)
Message edited 2/5/2010 12:25:52 PM.
Posted 2/5/10 12:25 PM |
Loves being Joey & Vinny's mom

Member since 1/09 3771 total posts
Name: Athina
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
1. Did you have a girls only shower? If so did dad show up at the end or not at all?
I planned a few of my friends showers. I'm a planner! lmaoo. We did mostly girl only showers but dads always came at the end to open gifts and dessert.
2. How many weeks pregnant were you at your shower?
I was 32 weeks
3. Any fun games you would suggest?
The "Baby" song game is always a hit. You play a part of popular song that has the would BABY in it and the guests have to figure out the title and the singer. We usually pick 10 songs from different decades (50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s etc.)
4. Besides the shower itself was there something special that made your shower memorable.
I was calling the baby "cupcake" until I knew the sex. So we had cupcakes for dessert and one of the favors was a cupcake keychain. My friend created a Mets themed diaper cake (and she is a yankee fan so it was adorable). Another friend made chocolate treats as add't favors. We also had a dessert table... all my DH's aunts are great bakers and they all brought their signature desserts. It made it all very warm, cozy and personalized.
5. Any other suggestions?
I'm a fan of asking people to not wrap gifts as a nod to the environment. Less paper, less trees, etc. Easier for opening gifts too.
TIA Ladies!
Posted 2/5/10 1:39 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/09 1072 total posts
Name: x
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
Great ideas ladies thank you for your help
Posted 2/6/10 9:36 AM |
Member since 8/06 1730 total posts
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
This site was helpful & I ordered the printable games. We got the best response from Who Knows Mommy/Daddy? & Gift Bingo
Posted 2/6/10 10:23 AM |
Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09 13591 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
1. Did you have a girls only shower? If so did dad show up at the end or not at all?--Girls only. But DH brought me (it wasnt a surprise shower) and stayed to give me a corsage then left until the end.
2. How many weeks pregnant were you at your shower?--I think i was 34 weeks.
3. Any fun games you would suggest? We didnt do games, but at other showers i've been to they've hung baby clothes on a clothes line; filled up baby bottles with m&m's or skittles or other little candies and you have to guess how many; then there was unlabelled baby food jars andyou had to do a blind taste test to guess what the flavor was.
4. Besides the shower itself was there something special that made your shower memorable. I got a lot of hand crocheted blankies from DH's family..they were gorgeous and so special that they were made just for Jack.
Posted 2/6/10 10:30 AM |
So in love with this kid!

Member since 5/06 11197 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
1. Did you have a girls only shower? If so did dad show up at the end or not at all?
yes women olny. Dh came at the end to pick me up and help with gifts
2. How many weeks pregnant were you at your shower? 29wks
3. Any fun games you would suggest? i made up a questionaire abt my pregnancy. top 5 people wth most right answers got $10 gc to starbucks
4. Besides the shower itself was there something special that made your shower memorable. my mom had the most beautiful thmed centerpieces made
Posted 2/6/10 10:38 AM |
The twins are almost 2!

Member since 11/08 2249 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
I had an all women shower. DH showed up at the end to help carry gifts back home and he said hi to everyone.
I was 36 weeks pregnant and ended up having the baby at 37 weeks!
I didnt really have games but we did have baby scratch off tickets and baby raffle tickets, so people won prizes anyway. We had bath and body works stuff for the give aways.
I had a book theme and everyone brought a book that they wrote a message in for DD. I had a dollhouse bookshelf that the books went in to at the shower. See pics in my album.
Posted 2/6/10 10:53 AM |
Im a big boy now

Member since 5/08 2527 total posts
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
1. I had men and women at my shower. DH was there the entire time.
2. I was 32 weeks pregnant.
3. We also played "the price is right". It was such a hit.
I had a baby jungle animals theme so when people walked in they were asked to choose a baby animal wind up toy. Later in the day they did races to see whose animal would win and the winer went home with a prize. It was cute.
We also divided everyone up in groups of 5 and gave them tons of toilet paper. Each team had to dress 1-2 members in baby style clothing. Then DH and I got to judge who did the best job and that team also went home with prizes. This was by far my favorite game.
4. Honestly, just having my friends and family there made it special for me.
Message edited 2/6/2010 11:20:16 AM.
Posted 2/6/10 11:19 AM |
Lucky 7 <3

Member since 9/08 1213 total posts
Name: Ashley
Re: Mommies help me plan a baby shower!
1. Did you have a girls only shower? If so did dad show up at the end or not at all? Mine was an all girls shower expect for DH and my father and grandfather came in the end..
2. How many weeks pregnant were you at your shower?
I think I was about 29 weeks.. I just enetered my 3rd trimester 3. Any fun games you would suggest? I saw a game @ a shower where there were 3 baby bottles and you had 6 volunteers, each paired up so that here were 3 teams.. the baby bottles had wine in them and one girl had to feed the other girl a bottle. The first team who drank it all won!(no preggo's
4. Besides the shower itself was there something special that made your shower memorable.
Everyone being there & that my SIL made my shower.. She did an amazing job & she really helped me alot during my pregnancy.. that's something that I will never forget & I appreciate so much..she's great! 5. Any other suggestions? In lieu of a wishing well present I recieved diapers mainly size one.. That was a really big help.. I also did the same for SIL.. I don't think we had to buy any diapers unitl kids were at least 5 months old...
Posted 2/6/10 12:08 PM |