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Member since 5/05 3753 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Moms of older kids. Come in and be honest with me....
Please, Jack threw a 45 minute (i kid you not) temper tantrum b/c his pancakes were on the wrong plate. Meanwhile, it was the plate he asked for.
For some reason I'm going through a lot more wine these days
Posted 4/1/09 11:22 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 15167 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: Moms of older kids. Come in and be honest with me....
I always said that who ever invented the term terrible 2's didn't wait to see what the 3's are like!!
Posted 4/1/09 11:48 PM |
Where does time go?
Member since 12/05 9747 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Moms of older kids. Come in and be honest with me....
Posted by lorimarie
Please, Jack threw a 45 minute (i kid you not) temper tantrum b/c his pancakes were on the wrong plate. Meanwhile, it was the plate he asked for.
For some reason I'm going through a lot more wine these days
Wine definitely helps...
the best is when they can't do something, whine incessantly about it, and then FLIP out when you help them do it...
I just tell Bella, tell me when you are done freaking out for no reason and I will leave her where she lays...that's been helping...sometimes.
Posted 4/2/09 12:08 AM |
My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08 9702 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: Moms of older kids. Come in and be honest with me....
Horrible 3's for my 2 older girls
Posted 4/2/09 3:04 AM |
Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08 8346 total posts
Name: Kristie
Re: Moms of older kids. Come in and be honest with me....
3's are worse than the 2's. But there's a bright side, the little personality is now coming out more and more and it's like you have a new little buddy and you can enjoy more things together. Their attention span also gets longer so you should be able to venture out into new things too. It's a fun and exciting time, you just have to deal with the temper tantrums and rants, but it's all well worth it!
Posted 4/2/09 4:45 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Moms of older kids. Come in and be honest with me....
Posted by mommy2bella
oh the over and over questioning drives me BANANAS...
Have you guys ever seen this?
Louis CK's "Why?"
Posted 4/2/09 6:25 AM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Moms of older kids. Come in and be honest with me....
3 is great!!! I am loving it. Asking loads of questions, always having to think of answers to "why", listening to the silly stories from schol that make no sense at all. IMO it keeps getting better! Bring it on! I promise, you will enjoy it! I am sure that Noah and his friends at shcool talk all kinds of bollocks all day long, and lucky me, I get to hear it in the evening, its HYSTERICAL!!!
I think its more about the personality of the kid rather than the actual age of 3, if you have a kid who is prone to tantrums, well they are still going to throw tantrums....if you have an easygoing kid, well, its still going to be easygoing. Not all kids are the same, so everyones experience is going to be different!
Message edited 4/2/2009 6:36:49 AM.
Posted 4/2/09 6:34 AM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Moms of older kids. Come in and be honest with me....
Posted by mommy2bella
3's are harder and easier.
Easier because they know how to express their needs and wants and are almost completely self-sufficient (toilet training, dressing, feeding themselves, telling you what they like, want to eat, etc)...
Harder because they know how to express their needs and wants and are almost completely self-sufficient.
Honestly, at just over 3 and a half I am shocked about the almost teenager-like behavior. Eye-rolling, specific stomping (not just for flat-out tantrums), manipulation, etc. I cringe to think about the future...
BUT, hanging out with Bella now is like hanging out with a friend. We giggle and laugh at things together, sings songs together and I feel like she just gets life that much more. And she is just so freaking lovable and still thinks I am awesome 
Any age is going to be challenging I think because I have never been there before with a daughter...but I love it
ITA, word for word and its the same with Julia and myself!
Posted 4/2/09 7:29 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1535 total posts
Name: Kimberly
Re: Moms of older kids. Come in and be honest with me....
Posted by beachgirl
The 3's are hard but you know what they are SO much fun too. I feel like DD is my buddy now - we go to lunch together, she tells me 100 times a day that she loves me and I am the best mommy ever, we have conversations about things, we sing to john mayer songs in the car, we laugh so much and yes there are days that I want to run away from her as she is acting out but overall as tough as they are I wouldnt change this age for anything
Itotally agree with this. As they are harder with attitude and DD wanting to make all the decisions, she is my buddy and I can have a conversation with her. She definately more fun now..
Posted 4/2/09 8:12 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/05 633 total posts
Re: Moms of older kids. Come in and be honest with me....
I think it definitely depends on the child. My dd has always been an easy-going kid, very verbal etc etc but when she hit 3, My God, it was very very difficult. In fact, I used to say "I don't get what people mean by the terrible two's"!! She will be 4 in July and is so dramatic about every little thing. But she is so cool to hang out with and to watch this independant little person growing before my eyes. I have to laugh at her amazing manipulation skills!
Now my DS who has always been a spitfire (colic, fiery temper etc) has been a miserable 2. He's 2 1/2 and his tantrums are out of control. I am hoping by the time he turns 3, he will calm down a bit, especially since his verbal skills are increasing at lightening speed these days.
Posted 4/2/09 8:13 AM |
Hello Summer!

Member since 5/08 5916 total posts
Name: Hill
Re: Moms of older kids. Come in and be honest with me....
Posted by an9elic
3's? the 3's were a piece of cake........
::twitch:: ::twitch::
they were um, kinda like this-
And she is NOT exaggerating.
Im only in month 3 of the 3's.. Im counting down the days till 4
Posted 4/2/09 8:17 AM |
I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06 8041 total posts
Name: D
Re: Moms of older kids. Come in and be honest with me....
Not there yet Rach but my mom ALWAYS says to me.....after having three girls, whoever came up with the term "terrible 2's" never had a 3 year old
I'm SO dreading this.
and <---wine to get through this
Posted 4/2/09 8:39 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3118 total posts
Re: Moms of older kids. Come in and be honest with me....
Oh God, 3 has been a nightmare... actualy he just turned 3, but it started a few months before, gradually. The demanding, the incessant whining, the power struggles, I'm surprised I don't drink more. Here's an example of the DRAMA that constantly unfolds at our house:
DS has a habit of guzzling a whole cup of water the minute he sits down to dinner, therefore filling him up and then he doesn't wanna eat. So DH asked him twice to save the rest of the water for the meal, and finally took the cup out of reach.
First came the dramatic leaning forward and groaning/straining to get the cup: "I.... can't.... reach... it!!!! It's TOO, TOO far away!"
When that didn't work, he moved on to leaning dramatically to the left and the right, looking at the floor on both sides of his chair: "Oh where, oh where is my water? Oh where, oh where can it be?"
Finally he resorted to the Guilt Trip: "(Sob) Mommy and Daddy have something to drink and I have.... NOTHING!!!!"
This kind of scene plays itself out multiple time a day around here.
On a side note, for all you moms of kids who are speech delayed, FYI--- my DS had a significant expressive delay. He did not say a single word, even mama or dada, until he was 18 months, and needed lots of speech therapy. But when they start, WATCH OUT, they catch up quickly and employ the same old tricks as everyone else, lol!!!!!
Posted 4/2/09 8:42 AM |
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